SOCI 200 Current Event Paper

This purchase includes two previously written current event papers. You can use this as a reference. Scored A+

For this paper, you are to write a paper of at least 750 words that relates to 1 of the sociological theories reviewed in this course: symbolic interactionism, class conflict theory, or functional analysis. Any citations used must adhere to current APA format.


Complete the following for the Current Event Paper:

  • Locate a current event article (6 months or less) that addresses a social problem of your choice. The article can be from a local newspaper or through an online search such as Yahoo, Google CNN, etc. The article selected cannot to be a research article.
  • In the first half of the paper, you are to summarize the main points of the event discussed in the article from the sociological perspectives reviewed in the textbook (approximately 375 words).
  • In the second half of the paper, you are to analyze the main points of the event using 1 of the 3 main sociological theories reviewed in the course (approximately 375 words).


This paper must include a cover page in current APA format.


This assignment will be submitted through SafeAssign in order to check for plagiarism and the validity of work. Refer to the grading rubric for specific grading criteria. Word count is to be noted on this assignment.

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  1. soci-200-current-event-paper
  2. soci-200-current-event-paper-2