Since God is the standard of excellence, it is imperative that we pursue God’s standard, striving to please and honor God, instead of pursuing excellence with a competitive attitude.
In order to ensure we are most productive over the long haul, we must set aside regular times for rest, relaxation, and reflection.
Select the thesis (or central goal) of the book, Excellence: The Character of God and the Pursuit of Scholarly Virtue.
Many biblical imperatives urge believers to become holy and righteous.
The grounds of all true excellence is ________.
While we as finite humans cannot emulate God’s incommunicable attributes, we are called to and must strive to emulate His communicable attributes.
Romans 6:1–11 teaches that spiritual union with Christ involves the believers are dead to sin (union with Christ in his death) and alive to God (united with Christ in his resurrection).
One response to God’s excellence is praise. At least one other proper response is to seek to imitate God’s excellence.
The inward compulsion to pursue truth is evidenced in the Christian scholar’s writing and teaching.
The skill or ability to engage in persuasive written or oral discourse.
God built rest into the very fabric of the ancient Israelite culture by example and by commands.
The Christian scholar’s interest does not simply lie in exploring a topic academically; it is driven by a quest for God’s truth.
A calling to a specific vocation is primarily a mystical experience and has little to do with how God created and gifted us.
According to Dr. Köstenberger analysis of 2 Peter 1:3–11, which of the following is not one of the important points that arise from this passage?
According to Rom 6:1–14, biblical spirituality can be attained apart from practical obedience.
Every human has potential to achieve excellence as a result of being God’s image bearer.
This relational virtue enables the scholar to truly learn through submission to the evidence and correction by the insights of others.
The Christian scholar must engage in a wholehearted pursuit of truth while depending on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Which term does not convey the semantic domain of the Greek word aretē?
What is the key for lasting significance for the Christian scholar?
Fulfilling our God-given responsibility with excellence includes everything we are and do with the exception of scholarship.
A genuinely spiritual scholar will be active in exploring new opportunities for research and teaching in order to build up the body of Christ and advance God’s kingdom.
It is imperative that the Christian scholar engage the unbelieving world with the truth of the Gospel.
In Ephesians 5:1, the apostle Paul implores believers to be imitators of God as beloved children.
More than mere knowledge, this virtue is grounded on the fear of God and entails discernment, prudence, and sanctified common sense.
Select the divine attribute that most closely related to God’s excellence.
Prayerful dependence on the Holy Spirit will result in the following:
If the Christian scholar is convinced that truth is on his side, then he must attempt to win the argument even if it means attacking the opponent’s character.
One implication of being God’s image bearer is that we must rule over the earth as God’s representatives with excellence.
New Testament spirituality consists of withdrawal from world in pursuit of an inward-focused spirituality.
Peter assumes the presence of saving faith (2 Pet 1:1) that constitutes the foundation on which he commands believers to add a series of virtues (2 Pet 1:5).
A biblical understanding of spirituality consists of two foundational aspects. One is that spirituality is “union with Christ and abiding in Christ.” Select the second aspect from the list below.
The Christian scholar must be sensitive to the cultural climate and embrace the secular dichotomy between faith and scholarship.
This virtue keeps the Christian scholar from lashing out or attacking someone’s character because of disagreement.
The teaching within the Gospel of John clearly indicates that abiding in Christ is the necessary condition for fruitfulness and answered prayer.
The pursuit of holiness in the world of scholarship can be conceived as excellence in pursuit of truth on mission for God in the world.
Diligence is the quality of sticking with a task, keeping on track, and determination to persevere.
In regard to the spiritual disciplines, two aspects of believers’ relationship with God that are repeatedly stressed in Scripture include the following:
The Christian scholar has to realize that his or her involvement in the local church is simply not a priority, that is, must give way to one’s scholarly pursuits.
This virtue indicates one’s genuineness and authenticity of character.
This relational virtue is the quality of giving others the benefit of the doubt and allowing them the opportunity to make their own case while at the same time holding firmly to one’s own theological position.
What is the primary reason for pursuing excellence?
Sticking with a task with a resolute determination to carry through to completion in spite of obstacles.
Piety can make up for or substitute for an honest appraisal of the evidence, careful research, and logical argumentation.
The Apostle Peter’s emphasis in 2 Peter 1:3–11 makes it clear that growth in the various Christian virtues is essential.
While being created in God’s image may imply intelligence, will, morality, or emotions; being God’s image-bearer primarily refers to God’s having given humanity the responsibility to rule on earth as God’s representatives.
A significant reason for pursuing excellence is due to having been created in God’s image.
In the OT book of Leviticus in particular, holiness involved being separated from other nations, the surrounding world, and belonging exclusively to God.
While the NT builds on the OT concept of holiness, being holy for a NT believer is optional.
According to the biblical teaching, spirituality consists of the indwelling and activity of the Holy Spirit in the believer.
Set 2
At its heart, New Testament spirituality consists of active engagement with the world in community and in the power of the Spirit as believers embark on their mission for God.
For the evangelical Christian scholar, scholarship is focused on the triune God who has revealed himself in the written texts of the canon Scripture.
New Testament spirituality consists of withdrawal from world in pursuit of an inward-focused spirituality.
The skill or ability to engage in persuasive written or oral discourse.
The Christian scholar has to realize that his or her involvement in the local church is simply not a priority, that is, must give way to one’s scholarly pursuits.
A basic core component of the Greek term aretē
is that of eminence or excellence.
“Excellence should describe our lives in their totality and encompass every area of our lives, no matter how large or small.”
The Christian scholar must engage in a wholehearted pursuit of truth while depending on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
God built rest into the very fabric of the ancient Israelite culture by example and by commands.
The teaching within the Gospel of John clearly indicates that abiding in Christ is the necessary condition for fruitfulness and answered prayer.
This virtue is antithetical to the idea that the scholar is self-sufficient and produces his work in isolation from others.
This relational virtue is the quality of giving others the benefit of the doubt and allowing them the opportunity to make their own case while at the same time holding firmly to one’s own theological position.
A significant reason for pursuing excellence is due to having been created in God’s image.
This relational virtue enables the scholar to truly learn through submission to the evidence and correction by the insights of others.
If the Christian scholar is convinced that truth is on his side, then he must attempt to win the argument even if it means attacking the opponent’s character.
According to the biblical teaching, spirituality consists of the indwelling and activity of the Holy Spirit in the believer.
What is the primary reason for pursuing excellence?
What is the key for lasting significance for the Christian scholar?
Every human has potential to achieve excellence as a result of being God’s image bearer.
Select the thesis (or central goal) of the book, Excellence: The Character of God and the Pursuit of Scholarly Virtue.
According to Dr. Köstenberger analysis of 2 Peter 1:3–11, which of the following is not one of the important points that arise from this passage?
While the NT builds on the OT concept of holiness, being holy for a NT believer is optional.
Sticking with a task with a resolute determination to carry through to completion in spite of obstacles.
One way to increase excellence in our work is to imitate God in His _.
Select the divine attribute that most closely related to God’s excellence.
Peter assumes the presence of saving faith (2 Pet 1:1) that constitutes the foundation on which he commands believers to add a series of virtues (2 Pet 1:5).
Piety can make up for or substitute for an honest appraisal of the evidence, careful research, and logical argumentation.
Love dictates that a spiritual scholar will not engage in ad hominem attacks toward an opponent.
Prayerful dependence on the Holy Spirit will result in the following:
The Apostle Peter’s emphasis in 2 Peter 1:3–11 makes it clear that growth in the various Christian virtues is essential.
This virtue keeps the Christian scholar from lashing out or attacking someone’s character because of disagreement.
Which one of the following is not an important principle for overcoming sexual temptation?
In order to ensure we are most productive over the long haul, we must set aside regular times for rest, relaxation, and reflection.
God excels in all His communicable attributes (love, holiness, mercy, justice, goodness, etc.) to a perfect degree. Therefore, humans have the ability to excel in these attributes to a perfect degree as well.
This virtue enables the Christian scholar to communicate ideas in an engaging manner and deep level.
Fulfilling our God-given responsibility with excellence includes everything we are and do with the exception of scholarship.
More than mere knowledge, this virtue is grounded on the fear of God and entails discernment, prudence, and sanctified common sense.
Romans 6:1–11 teaches that spiritual union with Christ involves the believers are dead to sin (union with Christ in his death) and alive to God (united with Christ in his resurrection).
A biblical understanding of spirituality consists of two foundational aspects. One is that spirituality is “union with Christ and abiding in Christ.” Select the second aspect from the list below.
Which term does not convey the semantic domain of the Greek word aretē?
Since God is the standard of excellence, it is imperative that we pursue God’s standard, striving to please and honor God, instead of pursuing excellence with a competitive attitude.
In the OT book of Leviticus in particular, holiness involved being separated from other nations, the surrounding world, and belonging exclusively to God.
The pursuit of holiness in the world of scholarship can be conceived as excellence in pursuit of truth on mission for God in the world.
Diligence is the quality of sticking with a task, keeping on track, and determination to persevere.
In Ephesians 5:1, the apostle Paul implores believers to be imitators of God as beloved children.
Many biblical imperatives urge believers to become holy and righteous.
In 1 Thess 4:3, 7–8, Paul links sanctification and holiness with sexual purity, thus extending the root meaning of holiness (as being set apart) into the moral sphere.
A genuinely spiritual scholar will be active in exploring new opportunities for research and teaching in order to build up the body of Christ and advance God’s kingdom.
The Christian scholar must be sensitive to the cultural climate and embrace the secular dichotomy between faith and scholarship.
While being created in God’s image may imply intelligence, will, morality, or emotions; being God’s image-bearer primarily refers to God’s having given humanity the responsibility to rule on earth as God’s representatives.