PSYC 676 Quiz 5

PSYC 676 Quiz 5

PSYC 676 Quiz Typical Brain Development and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5.

  1. The concept that sparing of function follows infant brain lesions is known as the:
  2. Which of the following would appear earliest in the developmental sequence?
  3. Dendrite growth differs from axonal growth in that:
  4. The number of synapses in the human cerebral cortex is approximately:
  5. Early damage to the medial temporal area is MOST likely to be noticed in:
  6. Some cortical areas are myelinated as early as age:
  7. Kolb and colleagues demonstrated that tactile stimulation following lesions of the frontal cortex resulted in which of the following?
  8. The main changes in the visual system following monocular deprivation in kittens are seen at the level of the:
  9. In humans, synaptic density is greatest at about age:
  10. A study of Romanian orphans showed that infants adopted at 18 months or older tended to have IQs that were _____ points lower than average.
  11. According to Epstein, the human brain exhibits several growth spurts. The last of these occurs at about age:
  12. Migrating neuroblasts are guided by:
  13. CSF is made by the:
  14. Stimulants may be effective for some cases of learning-disabled children because the cerebral activation increases:
  15. Because reading is central to success in school _____ is central to the study of neurodevelopmental disorders.
  16. The MOST likely cause(s) of cerebral palsy is(are):
  17. By adolescence, _____ percent to _____ percent of hyperactive children have begun to have problems with the law.
  18. A less severe form of autism is termed:
  19. The dictionary-like store of words in the brain is referred to as:
  20. The Geschwind–Galaburda hypothesis proposes to account for all EXCEPT which of the following?
  21. The male-to-female ratio in autism is about:
  22. The MOST typical cause of hydrocephalus is:
  23. Reading by sounding out the phonemes is termed _____ reading.
  24. Developmentally dyslexic individuals do particularly poorly on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children test of:
  25. Impairments seen in children with autism in learning various motor skills and conditioned responses may be related MOST closely to abnormalities in the _____ of these individuals.
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