PSYC 676 Quiz 1

PSYC 676 Quiz 1

PSYC 676 Quiz Researching the Brain

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. Apraxia is the inability to:
  2. The brain and spinal cord together make up the _____ nervous system.
  3. The scientist who discovers how a unitary perception is made from multiple streams of sensory information will have solved the:
  4. Although all of the individuals listed made contributions to our knowledge of the lateralization of language functions in the brain, _____ is generally credited with the MOST important findings.
  5. The folds or bumps characteristic of the cerebral cortex are called:
  6. With respect to the “mind–brain” problem, followers of Wallace and Darwin would MOST likely consider themselves to be
  7. Which of the following supported a cardiac hypothesis of behavior?
  8. Materialism is the philosophical position that all behavior can be explained by the:
  9. The cortical area MOST closely associated with speech comprehension is the _____ lobe.
  10. Darwin’s principle that all animals’ nervous systems evolved from that of a common ancestor predicted that:
  11. Communication between cerebral hemispheres occurs via the:
  12. If a person believes that brain function is only the source of some behaviors, it is accurate to refer to that person as a:
  13. Tay-Sachs disease is inherited through a _____ gene and Huntington’s disease is inherited through a _____ gene.
  14. I left footprints over 3 million years ago. I was found by R. A. Dart. He named me:
  15. The anatomical structures of rat or monkey brains:
  16. The encephalization quotient relates a mammalian species’:
  17. The study of nonhuman species is NOT useful in ______.
  18. The larger frontal lobes in primates have come to be associated with:
  19. Relative to animals with poor vision, animals that have high-acuity color vision and good depth perception would be expected to have:
  20. Phenotypic plasticity accounts for:
  21. The average weight of the human brain is between _____ ml.
  22. According to Mendelian genetics theory experience _____, but it appears that through epigenetic mechanisms it
  23. Which of the following is MOST ancient?
  24. Phenotypic plasticity is due in part to:
  25. The MOST recent stage of hominid evolution has involved the:
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  1. PSYC 676 Quiz 1 2024