PSYC 651 Quiz Module 2

PSYC 651 Quiz: Performance Management Process

Covers the Textbook material from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. Knowledge is having the information to do the job and having experience at the job.
  2. Results criteria fall into the following categories: quality, quantity, cost-effectiveness, and timeliness.
  3. leads people to believe that others share the same beliefs and attitudes as themselves.
  4. Key accountabilities are the yardstick used to evaluate how well an employee has achieved each objective.
  5. Self-serving bias refers to the degree to which participants in job analysis differ in how carefully they attend to the job analysis rating at hand.
  6. It is very important that the components of a performance management system all be related to one another.
  7. The two main steps in the prerequisites phase of performance management are:
  8. Which of the following are primarily the responsibilities of the employee in terms of performance execution?
  9. __________ are clusters of measurable KSAs.
  10. leads people to believe that others behave similarly to themselves and hence lead people to think about themselves instead of people in general when reporting KSAs for their jobs.
  11. Performance execution is linked to _____________ and _____________.
  12. Self-ratings of performance are important because they do all of the following EXCEPT:
  13. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
  14. O*NET is:
  15. results from the use of automatic versus controlled processing of information, leading to differences in how carefully people attend to the job analysis rating task at hand.
  16. Which of the following are primarily the responsibilities of the supervisor in terms of performance execution?
  17. A job description includes a summary of:
  18. During the performance planning component, the supervisor and employee meet to discuss and agree upon:
  19. “KSA” in the text refers to what?
  20. Job descriptions are a key prerequisite for any performance management system because:
  21. During the collection of information from individuals for the purpose of conducting a work analysis, why might different people in the same position and same job duties rate certain knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) as more important than other KSAs?
  22. People tend to attribute success to themselves and failure to external causes (i.e., factors outside of their control). This tendency is called:
  23. A Web-based training program, designed to reduce rater bias, does all of the following EXCEPT:
  24. In the performance planning stage, the term “results” refers to what?
  25. The prerequisites to the implementation of a performance management system are:
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