PSYC 565 Quiz 2

PSYC 565 Quiz 2

  1. People with long-term addictions to cocaine or amphetamines:
  2. Suppose a child whines continuously until his parents give him a cookie. The cessation of the child’s whining would be _____ of the parents’ behavior of giving the cookie.
  3. Taylor needs help moving into her new apartment. She asks her friend Drew to help. Drew decides to help Taylor since he might need help from her someday. This is an example of:
  4. Which statement is TRUE regarding the orbitofrontal cortex?
  5. Cocaine and amphetamines work by:
  6. If a pigeon is allowed to peck at a switch in order to receive food whenever it chooses, this is an example of which type of paradigm?
  7. Gail is trying to stop biting her nails. Whenever she gets the urge to bite her nails, she forces herself to count to 100 before giving in to her urge. This is an example of:
  8. A man would be considered to have a pathological addiction to alcohol if he:
  9. A rat with a dorsal striatum lesion would have trouble learning to:
  10. Parents who decide to use punishment on a misbehaving child should:
  11. Skinner’s method of studying learning is known as a:
  12. Which statement demonstrates the free-operant paradigm?
  13. If a business owner continues for years to hire people who have Harvard degrees, never realizing that he would have done better if he had hired a brilliant summa cum laude from a local university who he didn’t bother to interview, what is the business owner exhibiting?
  14. The theory stating that the probability of a response will increase or decrease depending on the outcome that follows is:
  15. The set of all stimuli that have the same consequence as the training stimulus is called the:
  16. Errorless discrimination learning does have some significant drawbacks. While it produces _____ and _____ learning of discriminations, later studies have shown that it is rigid and inflexible.
  17. Training in which presentation of two stimuli together as a compound results in a later tendency to generalize what is known about one of these stimuli to the other is known as:
  18. Which statement is TRUE of stereotypes?
  19. is a tendency to ignore information that conflicts with prior belief and focuses on information that is consistent with that belief.
  20. In a _____ representation, stimuli are represented by overlapping sets of nodes or stimulus elements.
  21. Which model(s) can account for generalization?
  22. Uma studied hard for her calculus test and found that she learned some study habits that could help her study for her physics test and other tests in the future. This is an example of:
  23. In a single-layer network using a discrete-component representation, negative patterning:
  24. Which statement is FALSE regarding the primary sensory cortices?
  25. Providing highly detailed yet false memories is known as:
  26. The phenomenon of transfer-appropriate processing effect suggests that:
  27. People who have extraordinary memory abilities:
  28. According to the phenomenon of transfer-appropriate processing, if Brandon encodes a list of words by thinking about whether they rhyme with other words, he will recall the list BEST if the test requires him to recognize words that _____ the words he learned.
  29. Functional amnesia may be associated with:
  30. What did Davachi et al. find when they used fMRI to examine brain activity during a levels-of-processing task?
  31. According to Endel Tulving, which type of memory stores specific autobiographical events?
  32. The frontal cortex:
  33. The hippocampus:
  34. Which theory states that the medial temporal lobe structures are needed initially for encoding and retrieval, but their role diminishes over time?
  35. Mere exposure to visual details on coins:
  36. Severe memory impairment is referred to as:
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  1. PSYC 565 Quiz 2
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