PSYC 317 Quiz 2

PSYC 317 Quiz 2

  1. The ABC method of crisis management is a three-stage process involving
  2. Clients are most likely to follow through with a plan if they have thought of the coping behaviors and actions for themselves.
  3. Clients should be encouraged to develop their own support systems rather than turn to mental health workers.
  4. In part C of the ABC model, clients are encouraged to seek alternative ideas, and set new coping strategies to deal with the crisis at hand.
  5. When a counselor tells a client that his or her feelings are normal and suggests that others would feel the same way under the same conditions, he is giving a/an
  6. Suicide may seem like a viable plan to the client seeking a way to end their psychic pain.
  7. The most important way to begin the coping phase of crisis intervention is
  8. Crisis workers are not expected to be knowledgeable about the laws affecting their clients in crisis.
  9. At the end of a crisis intervention interview, the counselor should
  10. Cognitive restructuring is a tool to let clients know that they have choices in situations and behaviors.
  11. Going to bed, smoking pot, and avoiding friends are coping strategies.
  12. Clients may be encouraged to watch movies to continue their therapy.
  13. When a client says that they are about to strike a child, an effective intervention would be for the counselor to
  14. The possibility that a person thinking about suicide will kill himself or herself is quite low.
  15. No single instrument can accurately predict suicide risk without significant amount of error.
  16. Reframing can be an effective tool to help low- and middle-risk suicidal teenage clients.
  17. Monitoring of suicidality is not necessary if a client previously at risk no longer presents at risk.
  18. The Mental Status Exam assesses a person’s state of mind under which of the following domains?
  19. An individual who is at risk of harming others may
  20. One of the founding fathers of modern suicidology is
  21. Which is not a typical sign of a suicidal person?
  22. According to Kessler et al., what percentage of persons who are “lifetime suicide ideators” will at some point make a plan for suicide?
  23. Hospitalization is never an effective treatment for high-risk suicidal clients.
  24. Which is never a factor in assessing suicide risk?
  25. The most common methods of nonsuicidal self-injury do not include
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