PRTH 173 Quiz Old Testament Prophets

PRTH 173 Quiz Old Testament Prophets

  1. Only a small percentage of Old Testament prophecy deals with events that are still future to us.
  2. The books of prophecy use many figures of speech to make a point.
  3. The prophets addressed the nation of Israel concerning:
  4. The prophets paint a dark picture and offer little hope to God’s people.
  5. In many cases, the final outcome of a prophecy is dependent on the response of people to a prophetic word.
  6. The Old Testament prophets spoke of events that had not yet happened. When the When interpreting prophecy, it is more important to understand the theological principles than it is to try to understand a future time schedule of events.
  7. The books of prophecy are often anthologies (collections) of messages that the prophets delivered. They are often not in chronological or thematic order.
  8. Some genres of English literature are similar to the genre of prophetic literature.
  9. The prophets will slide back and forth between events that will happen in their lifetime, and events that will in the life of Christ, and events that are still in the future.
  10. When interpreting prophecy, it is more important to understand the theological principles than it is to try to understand a future time schedule of events.
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