JURI 510 Quiz Common Law

JURI 510 Quiz 3 Common Law and the Islamic Legal Tradition Prior to the development of the writs there was no common law, no way to state a case or…

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JURI 510 Quiz Talmudic

JUR 510 Quiz 2 Talmudic and Civil Law Some economists, relying on survey information, claim that the civil law is inefficient compare to what type of law? Talmudic law is…

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APOL 610 Research Proposal

Research Paper: Proposal Assignment The student will write a proposal that includes the title page, thesis statement, outline, and working bibliography of at least 5 sources.

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APOL 610 Research Paper

Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment The student will write a 10–12-page research-based paper in current Turabian format that critiques a specific critical approach to the resurrection (such as a single a…

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APOL 610 Reading Summary

Reading Summary Assignment The student must read 250 pages from The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiogrphical Approach. The student will write a 5–7-page critical summary paper of the reading in…

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OBST 640 God of the OT

 God of the OT Paper: Final Assignment The student will write a 10–12-page research-based paper in current Turabian format that focuses on the God of the Old Testament being the…

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OBST 640 Attributes of God

Attributes of God Paper Assignment The student will write a 5-page research-based paper in current Turabian format that focuses on the primary characteristics of God found in both the Old…

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OBST 640 Discussions

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided topic. Each thread must be 400–500 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge….

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JURI 580 Quiz 4 Ethical Delivery

JURI 580 Quiz 4 Ethical Delivery of Legal Services The no-additional-compensation rule prohibits partners who are withdrawing from a law firm from receiving additional compensation for services rendered in winding…

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JURI 580 Quiz 3 Limits

JURI 580 Quiz 3 Limits on Zealous Representation Because Lawyers function in an adversarial system, there are no rules that limit zealous advocacy on behalf of a client. Rule 11…

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JURI 580 Quiz 2 Confidentiality

JURI 580 Quiz 2 Confidentiality/Conflicts of Interest Lawyers may use cloud computing, e-mail or other electronic forms of data collection and storage. Rule 1.7(a) prohibits concurrent conflicts of interest. Attorney…

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JURI 580 Quiz 1 Introduction

JURI 580 Quiz 1 Introduction to Professional Responsibility Which of the following are required of a lawyer who enters into a business transaction with a client? Which of the following…

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CHHI 525 Quiz Liberalism

CHHI 525 Quiz: Liberalism and the Evangelical Expansion Germany in 1680–1789 was a single, unified state. Phanariots were from where? Which of the following is associated with the principle “the…

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CHHI 525 Quiz Reformation

CHHI 525 Quiz: The Reformation and Counter-Reformation John Hus was The Conciliar Movement sought to end conflicts between European monarchs by calling for political assemblies. Which of the following was…

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NBST 520 Quiz Prison

NBST 520 Quiz: The Prison and Pastoral Epistles Which Pauline letter was likely written in an effort to secure the release of a runaway slave? According to the presentations, the…

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NBST 520 Quiz Romans

NBST 520 Quiz: Romans, Corinthians, Galatians According to Elwell, theologians describe the two different understandings of the gospel manifest in the Corinthian letters as Paul deals with head coverings in…

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NBST 520 Quiz Pauls Life

NBST 520 Quiz: Paul’s Life and Thought According to Elwell, Paul was imprisoned some two years in Caesarea while Jewish authorities sought to extradite him back to Jerusalem to stand…

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NBST 520 Quiz Early Church

NBST 520 Quiz The Early Church in Acts In the story of the Ethiopian eunuch, in Acts 8, from what Old Testament book was he reading? Which of the following…

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CHHI 520 Quiz Tenth Century

CHHI 520 Quiz: Tenth to Fifteenth Century Regarding the relationship of faith and reason, Anselm asserted, ______. In Pope Urban II’s speech at Clermont in 1095, ______. Innocent III was…

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CHHI 520 Quiz Fifth Century

CHHI 520 Quiz: Fifth to Ninth Century In the fifth century, ______ encouraged the increasing prominence of the Roman papacy. At the Council of Orange in 529, ______. The strategies…

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CHHI 520 Quiz Third and Fourth Century

CHHI 520 Quiz: Third and Fourth Century Ephraem the Syrian expressed his theology through ______. In the fourth century, ______ evangelized Ethiopia. Irenaeus was a disciple of ______. According to…

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JURI 510 Essay Civil

JURI 510 Civil and Islamic Legal Tradition Essay The student will write 5–6 page research essays in current Bluebook format that focuses on legal systems. Each research essay assignment must…

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EDUC 840 Quiz Traditional Model

EDUC 840 Quiz: Traditional Model vs. School Choice & The Disruptive Innovation Theory The 21st century education system looks different today because: According to Dr. Wimberley, what is the goal…

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EDUC 840 Quiz Right Equipment

EDUC 840 Quiz: Right Equipment & Wrong Decisions Categories of credible class size policy reduction studies include: Proponents of class size reduction argue that having fewer students in a classroom…

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EDUC 840 Quiz Digital

EDUC 840 Quiz: Digital Decision Making & Student Centric Learning According to Dr. Wimberley, traditional systems of schooling are centered around: According to Dr. Wimberley, what two things must happen…

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EDUC 840 Quiz Models

EDUC 840 Quiz: Models of Education, School Experiences, and Disruptive Innovation The 21st century education system looks different today because: According to Dr. Wimberley, what is the goal of education?…

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EDUC 703 Quiz Terms

EDUC 703 Quiz Terms & Early Western Philosophy Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1. Match the description to its corresponding term. Match the description to its corresponding…

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EDUC 703 Quiz Atlantic World

EDUC 703 Quiz Atlantic World Which culture was most isolated in the fteenth-century Atlantic world? The Niger River Valley had Islamic universities in the fteenth century. Which one of the…

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EDUC 703 Quiz American Colonies

EDUC 703 Quiz American Colonies & Revolution Match the description to the term that best represents it. What doctrine is credited with having planted a seed that mass education should…

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EDUC 703 Quiz Common Schools

EDUC 703 Quiz Common Schools & Civil War Which movement was not a precursor to the common school movement led by Horace Mann? Which was not a provision of the…

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