HSER 270 Ethical Dilemma
HSER 270 Ethical Dilemma Paper The paper must align with the following guidelines: Describe the ethical dilemma. Describe the scenario in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste. Define…
HSER 270 Ethical Dilemma Paper The paper must align with the following guidelines: Describe the ethical dilemma. Describe the scenario in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste. Define…
LIFC 302 Research Paper Topic: Premarital Education For this paper, the student will choose a subject from the list provided and write a 5-6-page paper (not including the title page,…
LIFC 201 Research Paper: Biblical Worldview of Life Coaching Assignment The student will write a 750–1,000-word paper in current APA format reflecting an in-depth examination where he/she will construct a…
LIFC 201 Presentation Assignment Liberty University Based on his/her own research findings, the student will create a 10–15-slide PowerPoint presentation in which the student will discuss the ethical guidelines and…
EDUC 562 Journal Critique *Includes 2 critiques The candidate will evaluate and critique 1 research article from a professional journal. The journal can be from any discipline that addresses a…
EDUC 664 Brief Papers *Includes 2 papers The candidate will write a 1,000–1,200-word research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on designated topics related to economics and finance in…
EDUC 665 Quiz 8 Modern Student Engagement Which of the following does the author not discuss as a primary type of social media to consider in Student Affairs practice? In…
EDUC 665 Quiz 7 Research-driven Student Support Models “a planned activity with individuals or student groups that is theoretical based and has as its intention the promotion of personal development…
EDUC 665 Quiz 6 Cross-functional Student Support Partnerships Epistemologically-focused models, by definition, consider the: (note: internet research is allowed) Which of the following is a reason given in the text…
EDUC 665 Quiz 5 Student Affairs Models According to the author, student’s do not detect the subtleties in various student affairs approaches, and instead see the entire campus as a:…
EDUC 665 Quiz 4 Student Engagement Why does student retention require a multi-disciplinary theoretical approach? Student Services Tinto’s interactionalist model based on an acculturation- assimilation perspective is most accurately summarized…
EDUC 665 Quiz 3 Diversity, Inclusion, and the Campus Environment Which of the following is not a benefit of increased student diversity? Multicultural competence is espoused as a transformational framework…
EDUC 665 Quiz 2 Theoretical Frameworks for Student Support According to the author, Student Affairs theories must evolve to accommodate: Developmental theories commonly describe development as occurring along a path…
EDUC 665 Quiz 1 Support Service Foundations According to the author, American Higher Education institutions aim to “invoke a sense of continuity and heritage” in order to: 1945-1970 is referred…
CHHI 300 Quiz: World Christianity II Many European missionaries died from disease. According to the line agreed to by Spain and Portugal, Spain received control of most of the Americas…
CHHI 300 Quiz: American Church History II and World Christianity I Japan has always fully embraced Christianity. The event that brought Pentecostalism to prominence was the Azusa Street Revival. [This…
CHHI 300 Quiz: American Church History I Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5. After the American Revolution, the __________________ in America changed their name to the Episcopal…
CHHI 300 Quiz: Pre-Reformers, Reformation I & II, and European History Which issue prompted Luther to write the 95 Theses? [This is a multiple answer question: choose all answers that…
CHHI 300 Quiz: Medieval Christianity The ________________ is the name given to the Catholic Latin Bible during the Medieval Period. The low point in the papacy was during the __________….
CHHI 300 Quiz: Early Church History The largest part of early creeds focused on _______________________. _______________ was the first emperor to persecute Christians. All of the following are partial reasons…
BUSI 502 Servant Leadership Journal Assignment Each student will compose a journal by answering weekly assigned questions from the reading. Even though this assignment is due at the end of…
BUSI 502 Biblical Integration Project Assignment Each student will submit his/her 750-word paper on the topic prompt. The paper requires citations in current APA format from all required course readings,…
BUSI 502 Leadership Research Paper Assignment This is an individual assignment. Each student will interview a servant leader of a large organization (NOTE: for the purpose of diversity, leaders from…
BUSI 502 Quiz 3 Leading like Jesus in Business Effective planning is essential using the S.M.A.R.T. model: Splagchnizomai (splahgkh-NEED-zum-eye) means: What is the key to successful relationships? What is the…
BUSI 502 Quiz 2 Servant Leadership Overview Servant leaders are: Servant leaders: Biblical collaboration embodies the following except: In statements throughout the bible, the apostle Paul was authentic, purposeful, and…
BUSI 502 Quiz 1 Understanding Servant Leadership The inverted traditional hierarchy pyramid (implementation/servant role) is effective for the: What are two constructs of servant leadership? Conscious leaders are selfless. What…
APOL 220 Quiz: Engaging in Late Modernism Which cultural challenge turns inward and calls a person to be true to their self? By saying they are against one particular doctrine…
APOL 220 Quiz: Dealing with Defeaters According to the beliefs of expressive individualism, human flourishing occurs when we follow our heart. Buddhism is a prime example of this take in…
APOL 220 Quiz: Making a Case The worship of a crucified and resurrected Messiah was scandalous within the first-century world and calls for an explanation. Which of the following inquiries…
APOL 220 Quiz: Cruciform Humility and the Holistic Approach Oftentimes people have to want to believe before they will listen to reasons why they should believe, since it is human…