PLST 340 Quiz Discovery

PLST 340 Quiz: Discovery Dorothy’s lawyer wants to learn more about her husband Ed’s online dating activity, given that it has contributed to the emotional distress she has suffered during…

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PLST 340 Quiz Marriage

PLST 340 Quiz: Marriage, Parenthood, and Dissolution Geri and Rob are 25 years old and live in a state that recognizes and permits common law marriages. However, they wanted to…

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PLST 340 Quiz 2

PLST 340 Quiz 2 PLST 340 Quiz: Discovery, Child Custody, and Child Support Under federal law, primary responsibility for enforcing child support obligations rests with the state’s Laura is separated…

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PLST 340 Quiz 1

PLST 340 Quiz 1 Bonnie and John were unable to have children of their own because Bonnie did not produce eggs. They decided to enter a surrogacy agreement with Amy…

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ECON 214 Quiz GDP

ECON 214 Quiz: Gross Domestic Product To evaluate the change in average living standards over time, it is best to use: When John buys new tires for his car it…

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ECON 214 Quiz Unemployment

ECON 214 Quiz: Unemployment If the relevant population is 268 million people and the number of people in the labor force is 148 million, the number of people NOT in…

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PSYC 420 Quiz Colonialists and Neutral Parties

PSYC 420 Quiz Colonialists and Neutral Parties Which of the following is a Colonialist position? Which model tries to claim foreign land under their flag, as mentioned in the text?…

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NBST 520 Reflective Paper

NBST 520 Reflective Paper Assignment The student will review the video submitted in the Video Report Assignment in which they described the Paul they understood at the time, and then…

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HSMF 603 Case Study

HSMF 603 Case Study: Final Assignment The student will write a 9–12-page paper in current APA format that details a clinical analysis to support a conflicted couple. The paper must…

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HSMF 603 Book Critique

HSMF 603 Book Critique Assignment The student will write a 5–7-page book critique of Deal’s book, Dating and the Single Parent, in current APA format that focuses on dating and single parenting…

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HSMF 601 Quiz Psychoanalytic

HSMF 601 Quiz: Psychoanalytic and Cognitive-Behavioral Models of Family Therapy Psychoanalytic family therapy consists of four basic techniques: listening, empathy, interpretation, and The essence of psychoanalytic treatment is uncovering _…

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HSMF 601 Family Observation

HSMF 601 Family Observation Paper Assignment Students will conduct a family observation. The student can do this in person, or the student may view a family sitcom and observe the…

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HSMF 601 Family Genogram

HSMF 601 Family Genogram Project Assignment The student will use the GenoPro software and the textbooks to prepare a family genogram based on novel, film, or biography. The student will…

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HSMF 601 Ethical Analysis

HSMF 601 Ethical Analysis Paper Assignment Students will complete a paper analyzing the ethical dimension of family therapy. This paper should be three pages of content, with a cover page…

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RSCH 201 Quiz 6

Steps in the Creative Arts process are super important. Based on your readings, what sequence of steps are most necessary for Creative Arts research? Which research methods best describe those…

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RSCH 201 Quiz 5

The humanities is broadly based and can include many different disciplines. What do you find is most important to consider when working with a Humanities project? Unstructured, emergent and flexible…

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RSCH 201 Quiz 4

Theoretical sampling is a sample of what? What do cross-sectional surveys assume? An example of survey research is: Longitudinal survey design gathers what type of data? What is the difference…

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RSCH 201 Quiz 3

Ethical research is of the utmost importance. Hence the existence of the IRB. Why is the IRB so necessary? (select all that apply). Beneficence is an ethical research principle meaning:…

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RSCH 201 Quiz 2

Praxis, often concerned with practical application, and is BEST defined by which phrase? A Practical Explanation involves: Theories are NOT: A good way to think about subject theory is: Good…

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RSCH 201 Quiz 1

Primary sources are important because it is the____ published account. A volume of a Scholarly Journal represents: After the idea has been formed you then do which: Which of these…

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THEO 313 Quiz 8

THEO 313 Quiz 8 Second Coming of Christ Eschatological truths provide incentive for holy living, diligent service, and hope for the future. While Christ’s second coming is a definite event…

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THEO 313 Quiz 7

THEO 313 Quiz 7 Christ’s Ascension and Present Work The event of the ascension is an announcement: the annunciation of Christ’s final and perfect glorification and of the inauguration of…

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THEO 313 Quiz 6

THEO 313 Quiz 6 Christ’s Resurrection The minimal facts approach employed by Dr. Habermas establishes Jesus’ resurrection as a historical reality. In the video, Dr. Campbell emphasizes the theological significance…

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THEO 313 Quiz 5

THEO 313 Quiz 5 Christ’s Death One of the key OT passages that serves as the lens for understanding atonement through details of the Day of Atonement is __. One…

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THEO 313 Quiz 4

THEO 313 Quiz 4 Christ’s Human Nature Select the verse from the Gospels that describes how Jesus matured as a human. Matthew (1:22-23) connects Jesus’ birth to the prophecy in…

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THEO 313 Quiz 3

THEO 313 Quiz 3 Divine Nature of Christ Deuteronomy 6:4 affirms monotheism. One way the OT reveals the preexistent Christ is through the appearances of the __ of Yahweh (e….

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THEO 313 Quiz 2

THEO 313 Quiz 2 Person of Christ: Deity Simply stated, “The doctrine of the Trinity teaches that the one true God eternally exists as the Father, the Son, and the…

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THEO 313 Quiz 1

THEO 313 Quiz 1 Introducing the Person and Work of Christ Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1. All four canonical Gospel’s present Jesus Christ’ preexistence, birth, earthly…

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EDUC 664 Quizzes All

Updated! EDUC 664 Quiz 1 Quiz: Government Financing of Higher Education Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3. Benefits of state expenditures to higher education include the following:…

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LIFC 303 Quiz 4

Investors who earn larger returns because they borrow part of the money needed to buy a particular stock are using which of the following techniques? Earnings per share equals the…

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