HSC 511 Group Leading Proposal
HSC 511 Group Leading Proposal Assignment The student will develop a meeting proposal that describes the group context and setting and outlines a plan for the session. The proposal must…
HSC 511 Group Leading Proposal Assignment The student will develop a meeting proposal that describes the group context and setting and outlines a plan for the session. The proposal must…
HIUS 420 Quiz Midterm As the expiration date of the one-year enlistments of the Confederate soldiers approached in the late winter and early spring of 1862, the Confederate government responded…
OTCL 505 Quiz: Background to the Alphabet Which archaeological age spans the years 1200-586 BCE and roughly corresponds with the rise of biblical Israel? The _______________ principle of writing uses…
HSMF 620 Integrative Final Project Assignment Each student will complete a final project of at least 10 pages that will integrate all knowledge gained from the course. The project will…
HSMF 620 Analysis Paper Assignments *Includes 2 papers Each student is required to complete 2 separate analysis papers on the selected topics. Each paper must be 3–5 pages and must…
CJUS 700 Quiz: Current State of Criminological Week 8 Anomie is more likely to occur in societies that: Social disorganization and social organization are measured on a continuum; with social…
CJUS 700 Quiz: Developmental & Integrated Theories Week 7 According to the age-crime curve, crime: Integration is a way to increase the number of criminological theories. Institutions such as military…
CJUS 700 Quiz: Social Reaction, Social Conflict, & Critical Theories Week 6 According to consensus theorists, the role of the state is to: is a feminist school of thought that…
CJUS 700 Quiz Social Control and Learning Theories Week 5 Which of the following social bonds is necessary for internal control to develop? According to Walter Miller’s focal concerns theory,…
CJUS 700 Quiz: Social Structure and Strain Theory Week 4 According to Merton, the cultural imbalance in America explains why there are higher crime rates. Durkheim’s primary influence on sociology…
CJUS 700 Quiz Positivist School of Criminology Week 3 The adolescent limited part of Terrie Moffitt’s developmental theory explains the crime curve. Biosocial theories support an interaction between biological and…
CJUS700 Quiz: Classical School of Criminology Week 2 Routine activity theory suggests that decreases in crime are due to: General deterrence aims to reduce crime among: Deterrence-based theories believe humans…
CJUS 700 Quiz: Theory, Crime, and Theology Week 1 Warren Court legal protections have a substantial effect on the crime rate. The behavior of criminal law explanation of crime suggests…
GLST 200 Quiz: The Global Christian Movement Module 8: Week 8 One type of mission agency is one that does “service missions.” Which of the following BEST describes service missions?…
GLST 200 Quiz: Cross-Cultural Church Planting Module 7: Week 7 Interdependence can be described as: According to Jones, the following practice(s) has(have) proven to be fruitful in ministry: A significant…
GLST 200 Quiz: The Gospel and Human Needs Module 6: Week 6 The term “rice Christian” refers to someone who becomes a Christian to assure himself and/or his family of…
GLST 200 Quiz: Culture and Worldview Module 5: Week 5 Hesselgrave notes three cultures that must be considered for effective missionary communication. Which of the following is NOT one of…
GLST 200 Quiz 4: The History of Missions Module 4: Week 4 What best describes the purpose of Wyclie Translators? A burden for missions in countries such as Brazil, China,…
GLST 200 Quiz 3: The Missionary Call Which of the following methods did Robert de Nobili use to reach the Hindu people? Columban, Patrick, and Boniface were missionaries in what…
GLST 200 Quiz: The Kingdom of God and the Gentiles Module 2: Week 2 Which is NOT one of the three standard positions on the uniqueness of Christ and the…
At the end of the book of Jonah, we see that Jonah finally repents of his ethnocentrism. Hawthorne mentions three great displays by which God made his name known. Which…
Research supports that specific therapy techniques accounts for only ______% of the outcomes in therapy. (pg 102) According to Jost and Jost (2009), there are at least _______ major approaches…
Which of the following are components of a good training program for lay counselors, according to the text? In addition to aspirational ideals, codes of ethics also include what are…
EDUC 643 Policy vs. Worldview Paper The candidate will submit a 3–5-page paper that critically discusses a contemporary educational policy issue in which the case for or against the policy…
EDUC 643 Quiz 2 What lies ahead A state department of education is The purpose of a formative evaluation is to The major values of the Common School movement were…
EDUC 643 Quiz 1 Where does the money go? Business cycles Ideological conflicts are often marked by The Baby Boom Generation When a principal evaluates teachers, the power mechanism that…
Grossman talks about a series of stages that people go through when they take a life. This includes all of the following except According to our text, loss as a…
A blast injury may effect the functional integrity of the brain, but it seldom effects the structural integrity of the brain. Which of the following is NOT true in regards…
MILT 675 Quiz 2: Treatment and Therapy Modules 3, 4: Weeks 3, 4 EMDR consists of how many phases PTSD is associated with all of the following problems in interpersonal…
MILT 675 Quiz 1: Introduction to Military Mental Health Modules 1, 2 : Weeks 1, 2 Deployment challenges include all but which of the following? Which of the following is…