EDUC 350 Autobiography and Research

EDUC 350 Autobiography and Research Synthesis Assignment Write a 4–5-page paper in current APA format that focuses on influences on the your life that led you to become a teacher,…

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EDUC 350 Crisis Management

EDUC 350 Crisis Management and School Safety Assignment Safety comes before learning can even begin to take place. With this in mind, every school has a School Safety Plan or…

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PACO 603 Premarital Curriculum Final PPT

PACO 603 Premarital Curriculum Project Final Draft Powerpoint For this assignment, each student will develop a working premarital curriculum. It must be designed and presented as a PowerPoint presentation. This…

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PACO 603 Discussion

PACO 603 Discussion Boards *includes 4 discussions Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum….

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CHHI 510 Quiz Essay The Persecuted Church

CHHI 510 Quiz w/ Essay: The Persecuted Church Which of the following is not part of the collection of early Christian writings known as the “Apostolic Fathers?” Which of the…

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CHHI 510 Quiz Persecuted Church to the Reformation

CHHI 510 Quiz: The Persecuted Church to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation Constantine became emperor in the West after his victory at The Council of Ephesus (431) addressed the heretical teachings…

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CHHI 510 Quiz First Century

CHHI 510 Quiz: First Century to the Present Calvinism was taken to Scotland by The Council of Nicaea I rejected The Council of Nicaea II confirmed Patrick was a British-born…

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CHPL 500 Quiz 3 Constitution and Pluralism

CHPL 500 Quiz 3: Constitution and Pluralism I watched the required videos I did the required reading Who said, “if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice,…

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CHPL 500 Quiz Chaplain Foundations

CHPL 500 Quiz: Chaplain Foundations I did the required reading I watched the required videos The Union Army chaplains were overwhelmingly ________. Confederate Congress initially authorized the appointment of chaplains…

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CHPL 500 Quiz 1 Chaplain Historical Roots

CHPL 500 Quiz 1: Chaplain Historical Roots I did the required reading I watched the required videos Who was responsible for the Just War Theory, allowing Christians to serve ethically…

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HSMF 603 Final

PREPARE/ENRICH is based on When assessing a couple with PREPARE/ENRICH, it is essential to review background information for similarities and differences and note any potential issues. According to PREPARE/ENRICH the…

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CEFS 546 Quiz Factitious, Somatic

CEFS 546 Quiz: Factitious, Somatic, Physical, Neurocognitive, Dissociative, and V or Z Codes Which of the following may be protective against Alzheimer’s disease? Nina has illness anxiety disorder. She notices…

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CEFS 546 Quiz Disorders Often First Seen

CEFS 546 Quiz: Disorders Often First Seen in Childhood or Adolescence Paranoid personality disorder differs from paranoid schizophrenia in that Which of the following does the text identify as a…

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CEFS 546 Quiz Anxiety

CEFS 546 Quiz: Anxiety, Trauma- Stress-Related, Obsessive- Compulsive Disorders Which of the following scientific methods uses random assignment? A common focus of most effective psychological treatments for the anxiety disorders…

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CEFS 546 Quiz Addictive Disorders

CEFS 546 Quiz: Addictive Disorders, Schizophrenia Spectrum, Psychotic Disorders All of the following are characteristics of Electro Convulsive Therapy EXCEPT Kyle is a 55 year old male from Maine who…

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CEFS 601 Quiz Structural

CEFS 601 Quiz: Structural, Strategic, Milan Systemic, and Behavioral/Cognitive Modules Making an effort to create greater psychological distance between enmeshed family members involves Family coalitions Diffused boundaries are Structuralists claim…

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CEFS 601 Quiz Family Systems

CEFS 601 Quiz: Family Systems and Structures; Gender, Culture, Ethnicity Behavior is best understood by examining its interactional context, according to: One goal of gender-sensitive family therapy is to: Today,…

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CEFS 601 Quiz Psychodynamic

CEFS 601 Quiz: Psychodynamic, Transgenerational, and Experiential Models Which of the following is not considered by the authors to have set the stage for family therapy? Managed care programs have…

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CEFS 601 Quiz Postmodernism

CEFS 601 Quiz: Postmodernism, Social Constructivism, Psychoeducational Family Therapy Hudson and O’Hanlon, using brief marital therapy, help couples recognize that Postmodern therapists are apt to be The “miracle question” allows…

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CEFS 601 Family Genogram

CEFS 601 Family Genogram Project Assignment The student will use the GenoPro software and the McGoldrick et al. (2017) textbook to prepare a family genogram of at least 3 generations…

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HIEU 322 Quiz Rome Early Christians

HIEU 322 Quiz Rome and Early Christians This tutor of Nero was once exiled by Claudius, and was the most noted literary figure of the mid-first century A.D. He was…

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HIEU 322 Quiz Early Roman Empire

HIEU 322 Quiz Early Roman Empire Which of the following is true about Emperor Claudius? This Roman Caesar succeeded Tiberius, and reigned from 37 to 41 A.D. He was lazy,…

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HIEU 322 Quiz 3 Fall of the Republic

HIEU 322 Quiz: The Fall of the Republic Module 3: Week 3 Which of the following is true concerning the consulate of Pompey and Crassus? This 67 B.C. law placed…

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HIEU 322 Quiz 2 Punic Wars

What was the Ebro Treaty of 226 B.C.? Beginning in the 3 rd century B.C., the Romans were heavily influenced by this group of people, whose poetry, drama, history, rhetoric,…

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HIEU 322 Quiz Rise of the Roman

HIEU 322 Quiz The Rise of the Roman Republic Existing Roman law was codified in the mid-5th century by the Decemviral Commission, and set up on bronze tablets in the…

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GOVT 328 Discussion 3

Review the congressional ratings provided by Americans for Democratic Action (a liberal interest group) and the American Conservative Union (a conservative interest group) located in the Discussion Thread: Interest Group…

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GOVT 328 Discussion 2

Outline the factors that influence a person’s partisanship. Based on the Read items for this Module: Week, what do you believe are the 3 most important influences on someone’s partisanship?…

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GOVT 328 Discussion 1

Based on the Read items for this Module: Week, compare and contrast the function of interest groups and political parties. How did political parties and interest groups influence the most…

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GOVT 328 Research Paper Final

GOVT 328 Final Submission Research Paper Assignment The student will write a 5–7-page research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on an in-depth study of a faith-based interest group…

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GOVT 328 Thesis and Outline

GOVT 328 Thesis and Outline Assignment The student will write a thesis and create an outline in preparation for the Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment. The thesis and outline must…

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