RLGN 489 Theological Terms
RLGN 489 Theological Terms Assignment This assignment allows for the development of a biblical theology and rationale for ministry through defining key theological terms. Students will construct a biblical theology…
RLGN 489 Theological Terms Assignment This assignment allows for the development of a biblical theology and rationale for ministry through defining key theological terms. Students will construct a biblical theology…
RLGN 489 Leadership Development Assignment The second part of this portfolio will include a leadership development plan. The student will develop a guide that constructs a biblical foundation of leadership,…
RLGN 489 Biblical Theology Assignment This assignment allows for the development of a biblical theology and rationale for ministry through the application of key theological terms. Students will construct a…
BUSI 354 Quiz 4- Module 9: Long-term Investment Decisions (Part I) The first step in the capital budgeting decision process model is to Which of the following is NOT one…
BUSI 354 Quiz 1 – Module 3: Pricing Decisions and Cost Management The three major influences on pricing decisions are: The strategy in which companies systematically evaluate all aspects of…
RLGN 325 Final Liberty University Our job is not to invent new meaning, but to apply the meaning that has been inscribed in the biblical text. In what Scripture passage…
RLGN 325 Midterm Liberty University The term “historical-cultural context” involves all of the following, except: According to the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary, the original manuscripts of the the Old Testament…
CJUS 520 Quiz 4 Motivation is a value that is rooted from ethnic culture in which is manifested in our behavior. Listed below are all psychological job requirements that are…
CJUS 520 Quiz 1 What three elements make up an organization? is a process of integrating, coordinating and utilizing group members to achieve organization objectives. Due Process requirements constrain the…
The Midterm Exam will cover the Learn material for Module 1: Week 1 — Module 4: Week 4. The Midterm Exam will be open-book/open-notes, contains 2 essay questions, and has…
HIEU 425 Writing Assignment *Includes 2 writing assignments The student will write two 5–7-page research-based paper in current Turabian format that focuses on the topic for the Module: Week in…
HIEU 425 Quiz 8 Liberty University The famous Russian retreat before Napoleon’s invasion weakened the Grand Army by forcing him to drop of units to guard his supply and communication…
HIEU 425 Quiz 7 Liberty University As a part of Napoleon’s economic strategy, he sought to make France economically self- sufficient to a significant degree. Napoleon’s policies regarding labor included:…
HIEU 425 Quiz 6 Liberty University The term guerrilla (Spanish for “little war”) comes from the uprising of the Spanish people. Napoleon’s most favored tactic in a set-piece battle was:…
HIEU 425 Quiz 5 Liberty University Which of the following characterized Napoleon’s Consulate as a system of government? One of the key factors in General Bonaparte’s first victorious campaign in…
BIBl 104 Quiz The Gospels According to early church tradition, Mark was a close disciple of James, the brother of Jesus. So, he heard James tell and retell the stories…
BIBL 104 Quiz Paul’s Letters One of Paul’s principal achievements was that he wrote thirteen books of the New Testament, which are a primary source of theological information Paul wanted…
CJUS 500 Discussions 1,2,3,4 Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must…
GOVT 346 Citation Quizzes *Includes 5 citation quizzes The student will complete five quizzes about The Bluebook rules. These quizzes will cover the Learn materials from the corresponding modules. Each quiz will…
EDUC 850 Quiz: How to Locate and Identify Scholarly Sources When searching for scholarly sources, which of the following items should you look for? According to the American Psychological Association…
PACO 509 Discussions The student will narrate movement through a process for growing in favor with God and others. This is accomplished via Discussions which require the student to noticeably/meaningfully…
PACO 509 Practical Book Reviews Includes 2 book reviews for: The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg The More of Less by Joshua Becker The student will write…
EDCO 747 Article Critique Assignments *Includes 2 article critiques The candidate will read and critique an article based on the information provided in chapter 5 and the appendices of the…
EDCO 747 Field Notes Interviews Assignment The candidate will practice collecting data in the field through conducting two interviews with individuals who have earned a doctorate degree in the field…
EDCO 747 Five Approaches Table Assignment The candidate will complete a chart that will allow him or her to define, explain, and discuss five major qualitative research methods.
EDCO 747 Research Plan Overview Assignments *Includes 3 research plans Throughout the course, the candidate will build a preliminary research plan that will be submitted in three different stages (weeks…
CCOU 301 Discussion Boards Includes 2 discussions There are 2 Discussions to be completed in this course. The student is required to post 1 thread of at least 250 words….
GOVT 404 Quiz Mutual Assent to Contract The Electronics Barn publishes an advertisement in the local newspaper. This week’s advertisement includes an advertisement for a television for just $115. The…
GOVT 404 Quiz Contract Defenses Assent-Based Defenses Richard owns a 30-acre parcel of real property valued at $200,000. Richard suffers from a mental health condition that sometimes impairs his volitional…
GOVT 404 Quiz Bases for Enforcing Promises Banker promises to Customer that the Bank will make a loan to the Customer’s son if the Customer promises that the Customer will…