PLCY 700 Journal Article Review

The most important channel for academic research is the peer-reviewed journal article. In a peer-reviewed journal article, a scholar will: 1) propose a research question; 2) demonstrate the importance of…

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EDUC 703 Philosopher Analysis

EDUC 703 Philosopher Analysis:W.E.B. DuBois EDUC 703 Pre-Writing Scaffold Philosopher Analysis Assignment and Historical Topic Analysis Assignment. This assignment contributes to the scaffolding of these two upcoming course projects. (CLO:…

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EDUC 703 Pre-Writing Scaffold

EDUC 703 Pre-Writing Scaffold EDUC 703 Philosopher Analysis:W.E.B. DuBois The Pre-Writing Scaffold Assignment will summarize and analyze six peer-reviewed journal articles. The articles are to be on topics related to…

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LIFC 601 Book Review

LIFC 601 4-MAT Book Review Assignments The student will complete two 4-MAT book reviews with one over the Dunlop text and the other one over the Arloski text. The 4-MAT…

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LIFC 601 Midterm

LIFC 601 Midterm The meaning of Integrated Wellness involves an understanding of: Eating can become a problem when: A common reason people overeat is because there is so much abundance…

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PSYC 255 Synthesis Research Paper

The student will write a research-based paper that includes a personal reflection of what he or she has learned in the course as well as a critique of the course…

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CRIS 606 Quiz Bereavement

CRIS 606 Quiz: Bereavement, Military/Personal Trauma, and Community Disasters Grief after a significant loss is often comingled with assigning blame for a loss to oneself, which is usually called Bullying…

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CRIS 606 Quiz Crisis Care

CRIS 606 Quiz: Crisis Care, Development, Death, Disability, and Danger A crisis worker who resents their parents because he was sent to boarding school, and now gives advice to clients…

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BUSI 530 Quiz Financial Analysis

BUSI 530 Quiz: Financial Analysis and Planning According to the MM dividend irrelevance proposition, since investors do not need dividends to convert their shares to cash, they will not pay…

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BUSI 530 Quiz Risk and Financing

BUSI 530 Quiz: Risk and Financing Although several stock indexes are available to inform investors of market changes, the Dow Jones Industrial Average: “Dow up 14. Story at 6:00.” This…

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EVAN 401 Discipleship Manual Outline

EVAN 401 Discipleship Manual Outline Assignment The student will outline a plan for discipling a new believer that includes topics, sessions, timelines, resources, and evaluations. Each part of the plan…

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EVAN 401 Peer Review

EVAN 401 Peer Review Assignment The student will write a 2-3 page double-spaced Peer Review of a chapter from The Mission of an Evangelist textbook that is not a workshop or video. The…

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EVAN 401 Biblical Standard

EVAN 401 Biblical Standard of Evangelism Assignment The student will develop a ten-part document, 400-800 words total, affirming what they believe to be the essentials for the work of an…

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EVAN 401 Discussion

EVAN 401 Discussions The student is required to create a thread answering the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must be 400 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition…

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EVAN 401 Quiz 3

John Wesley is an example of an evangelist with a prison ministry. Billy Graham lists revival as well as evangelism as a goal of his crusades. Evangelism and revival are…

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EVAN 401 Quiz 2

Witnessing leads to godliness because the evangelist must live out the Gospel message he or she shares. In order to be humble, Billy Graham has avoided boldness in his ministry….

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EVAN 401 Quiz 1

Billy Graham was saved at an evangelistic crusade. Billy Graham believes in the “inerrancy” of the Bible but not its “infallibility.” Which team member arrived early in Los Angeles to…

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UNIV 104 Final

Running a “mood meter” is one way to develop emotional intelligence. An entrepreneur is someone who: Transferable skills are the kinds of abilities that help people thrive in any job…

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UNIV 104 Midterm

Which of the following is an effective review tool? Skipping a question (for now) can be a useful test taking strategy. To get the most out of your day, don’t…

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APOL 630 Letter to Friend

APOL 630 Letter to a Friend Assignment The student will write a letter to a non-theist friend (real or hypothetical) of at least 900 words, laying out a version of…

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APOL 630 Book Critique

APOL 630 Book Critique Assignment The student will write a critical assessment of at least 900 words in current Turabian format on Baggett’s and Walls’s (Chapter 8 of God and Cosmos)…

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CLED 450 Personal Ministry Plan

CLED 450 Personal Ministry Plan Assignment The student will write a 1200–1500-word paper in current Turabian format that focuses on a personal ministry plan that specifically seeks to avoid the…

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CLED 450 Interview Assignment

CLED 450 Interview Assignment The student will write a 1000–1200-word paper in current Turabian format that focuses on a general summary of an interview with a person in full-time ministry….

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CLED 450 Biblical Decision-Making

CLED 450 Biblical Decision-Making Model Assignment The student will write an 800–1000-word paper in current Turabian format that focuses on a biblical model for decision making. The paper must include…

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CLED 450 Discussion

CLED 450 Discussions The student will participate in 4 Discussions. Each consists of a thread with at least 300 words, and at least 2 replies, each with at least 150…

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CLED 450 Quiz 3

CLED 450 Quiz: Truths About Managing People Covers the Learn material from Module 8: Week. According to Robbins (Truth #49), which one of the following options is not one of…

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CLED 450 Quiz 2

CLED 450 Quiz: Truths About Hiring and Motivation Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6. According to Finzel (Ch.5), “_____ are like that. They take the fun out…

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CLED 450 Quiz 1

CLED 450 Quiz: Dangerous Calling Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3. Peter’s counsel to “humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God” was directed to whom? Which…

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HSMF 611 Essay Quiz Crisis Intervention

HSMF 611 Essay Quiz Crisis Intervention & Mandated Reporting For this assignment, you will research mandated reporting laws and guidelines, you will use the crisis intervention resources from module six,…

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HSMF 611 Essay Quiz Child-Centered Play

HSMF 611 Essay Quiz: Child-Centered Play Therapy (module 4, 80 points). For this assignment you will use various skills and strategies you have learned from the Child-Centered Play Therapy Workbook. This assignment has…

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