CJUS 400 Discussion 4
Topic: Athletes and Crime What situations can you think of where an amateur or professional athlete was charged with a crime, or in your opinion should have been charged with a…
Topic: Athletes and Crime What situations can you think of where an amateur or professional athlete was charged with a crime, or in your opinion should have been charged with a…
Topic: Fetal Homicide Discuss the following questions concerning the state of fetal homicide law. While some discussion of abortion is natural in this assignment, be sure that you answer the questions…
Topic: Criminal Conspiracy Some conspiracy statutes require evidence of an overt act by one of the co-conspirators. Discuss the following. Why is there a need for this requirement? In what type…
Topic: Constitutional Limitations As noted in the textbook readings for this module/week, there are many Constitutional limitations on criminal law. One such limitation is the prohibition of ex post facto laws….
Topic: An Affirmative Defense of Duress Thesis statement: As an affirmative defense in life and death situations, duress is stronger than necessity because duress involves a direct and high-risk of harm…
Liberty GEOG 200 Quiz 2 Answers Which of the following American States is the likeliest place for the further development of ethanol and other biofuel production? Which of the following…
Liberty GEOG Quiz 1 Answers East Asia, South Asia, and Europe are considered the three major world population concentrations because they are areas with the: Persistently frozen ground is known…
CJUS 320 Final Exam Liberty University Which of the following statements suggests prevalence of reasoned staff‐inmate culture in a prison? Which prison gang is also known as the Texas Mexican…
CJUS 320 Midterm Liberty University Which is NOT one of the three most important reasons for effective jail classification systems? During the 1900s, prisoners served set amounts of time in…
Liberty CJUS 310 Quiz 3 Answers Set 1 In Breed v. Jones, the Supreme Court ruled that juveniles are protected against double jeopardy. One of the most important alternatives chosen…
CJUS 310 Quiz 2 Research indicates that drinking with an adult present is a significant precursor of substance abuse and delinquency. The _______________________ technique developed by Scott Henggeler directs attention…
Liberty CJUS 310 Quiz 1 Answers Set 1 While teen smoking and drinking rates are currently low, their use of heroin and crack cocaine is higher than in the past….
Liberty CJUS 310 Research Paper Topic Set 1: Reasons Why Juveniles Join Gangs Topic Set 2: Marijuana Abuse and Juvenile Delinquency Research Paper Instructions: For this assignment, the student will discuss a…
Liberty CJUS 360 Exam 2 Answers A computer database containing images of bullets and cartridge cases recovered from crime scenes or test fired from seized firearms is known by the…
Liberty CJUS 360 Exam 1 Answers Which of the following can be determined by a Forensic Anthropologist examining skeletal remains? All of the following are examples of evidence which could…
Liberty CJUS 361 Final Exam Answers No photos that have had enhancements will be excepted into court as evidence? In crime scene measurements a difference of a 1⁄4 inch makes…
Liberty CJUS 361 Quiz 4 Answers The documentation of individual items begins with _____________? What are the three primary types of perishable evidence? When photographing evidence several photos should be…
HIEU 202 Test 7 Which of the following is NOT true of the conditions leading to World War II? When Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland in 1936 Which of…
HIEU 202 Test 4 HIEU 202 Quiz 4 Economy, Society, and Nation Realism and naturalism were two important movements in art and literature in the mid-nineteenth century. A parallel development…
HIEU 202 Test 1 The first industry to grow at unprecedented rates was Which of the following was NOT a factor contributing to Britain’s early and successful industrialization? They had…
Liberty Reading Comprehension 1 When this work first appeared and was so extraordinarily carried on amongst us in the winter, others round about us seemed not to know what to…
Topic: Media Bias In this forum, you will debate which of the major new outlets in the U.S. is the most biased and why. First, identify a popular news story….
Topic: New Media Consider the current and near-future impact of mobile computing devices, such as Apple’s iPad and Amazon’s Kindle, and how we will consume media content. Then, respond to…
BIBL 364 Discussion 3 Liberty University Topic: Paul Did Paul die when he was stoned in Lystra? What is the evidence for each position, yes and no? Paul’s testimony in…
BIBL 364 Discussion 2 Liberty University Topic: Early Believers What is the significance of Stephen’s dying vision of Jesus as Son of Man, standing at the right hand of the Father?…
BIBL 364 Discussion 1 Liberty University Topic: Resurrection of Christ The bodily resurrection of Jesus is central to the sermons throughout Acts. Why is this so? Why is the physical resurrection…
Liberty BIBL 425 Essay Answers Romans and the Christian Worldview Rationale: The apostle Paul authored Romans toward the end of his third missionary journey, about A.D. 57. He addressed this…
Liberty SOCI 201 Article Review Article used for this purchase: Hertog, E., & Iwasawa, M. (2011). Marriage, abortion, or unwed motherhood? how women evaluate alternative solutions to premarital pregnancies in japan…
Liberty SOCI 201 Annotated Bibliography and Research Paper Topic: Legality of abortion Instructions: The annotated bibliography will help to ensure that you use concrete evidence for your research paper. In…
Liberty SOCI 201 Discussion Board 4 Answers Topic: Divorce is a common occurrence that you should have already read about. The book gives many reasons as to why the familial…