CJUS 500 Discussion 2
Topic: Police Subculture Thread: Discuss the 2 roles of police officers: the public servant and the crime fighter. Utilize current research to explain why some people may believe police subculture is…
Topic: Police Subculture Thread: Discuss the 2 roles of police officers: the public servant and the crime fighter. Utilize current research to explain why some people may believe police subculture is…
Topic: Your Role as a Practitioner-Academic Thread: Choose at least 1 peer-reviewed article and at least 1 other scholarly source that relates to your passion in criminal justice (police, courts, or…
CJUS 530 Case Study 2 Liberty University CJUS 530 Case Study Critique 2: Officer Bill of Rights You are required to write critiques of 2 case studies in the course…
CJUS 530 Case Study 1 Liberty University CJUS 530 Case Study Critique 1: Stress and Conflicts You are required to write critiques of 2 case studies in the course based…
For the final assignment in this course, you are to write a Literature Analysis paper that builds upon the research in one of the fields that we have studied. This…
During this course, you will compose an original 10–12-page Literature Analysis on a current topic or trend in criminal justice. In preparation for the Literature Analysis, you will submit your…
The juvenile justice system covers a number of categories of children: delinquent, undisciplined, dependent, neglected, abused, and status offender. As a result, the law has sought to adapt the rights,…
Those charged with sentencing embrace a number of philosophies to satisfy the seemingly conflicting goals of retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and restoration. The means to accomplish those tasks have traditionally…
The mission of policing was described by the author as covering 6 key areas: (1) enforcing the law, (2) apprehending offenders, (3) preventing crime, (4) predicting crime, (5) preserving the…
Regardless of the philosophical approach one embraces with regard to the criminal justice system (due process vs. crime control, consensus or conflict model, or individual rights vs. public order), the…
CJUS 550 Test 3 Liberty University CJUS 550 Quiz 3 Set 1 In 2013, California Governor Jerry Brown announced that he would stop new admissions to the state’s Division of…
CJUS 550 Test 2 Liberty University CJUS 550 Quiz 2 Set 1 Female prisoners form homosexual relationships to compensate for the loss of other affectional relationships outside prison. CAPRA and…
CJUS 550 Test 1 Liberty University CJUS 550 Quiz 1 Set 1 Which factor contributed to a dramatic increase in crime in the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s? The…
Summarize and briefly discuss the “Seven Stages for Making Disciples” as outlined in the Thompson & Ritzman text. Respond to the following statement taken from the text, specifically discussing how…
Liberty WRSP 420 Discussion 4 Answers In A. W. Tozer’s book The Purpose of Man, chapter 13 on page 167, the author states, “According to the Bible, a local church exists…
Liberty WRSP 420 Discussion 3 Answers In chapter 8 of A. W. Tozer’s book The Purpose of Man, the author states, “Real worship, among other things, is a feeling in the…
Liberty WRSP 420 Discussion 2 Answers In John chapter 4, we find the familiar passage where Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. In verses 19-20, she states,…
Liberty WRSP 420 Discussion 1 Answers In the book The Great Commission to Worship, the authors make the following statements: “A Great Commission Worshipper is a person totally and equally committed…
WRSP 420 Quiz Final Exam According to Tozer, It is entirely possible to have an experience with God and yet not have a saving experience with God. According to John…
Liberty WRSP 420 Quizzes Quiz 1 The Greek word “proskuneo” is translated in the New Testament as A worshiper must submit to God’s truth or he cannot worship God. The…
What is the approximate population of the Pacific Realm? What does the acronym EEZ stand for? Which of the following is not one of the four major cities of the…
What is the approximate number of legal immigrants who arrived in Australia annually throughout the early 1990s? What agricultural activity is usually found closest to the large metropolitan areas? The…
Which of the following statements about Japan is false? Which country is the best example of an elongated state territorial configuration? Angkor Wat is located in which country? Which of…
More than 80 percent of Muslims consider themselves: What is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia? Which of the following is the name for the land between the…
Which of the following regions is not located in Argentina? People of Dutch ancestry in South Africa are called: What Brazilian State is the most populous, with more than 20…
Liberty CJUS 340 Development Proposal Answers This is a 2-part assignment involving a research question and proposal development. You will develop your own development proposal based on interests or topical…
Liberty GOVT 302 Schaeffer Worksheet Answers Watch the videos by Dr. Francis Schaeffer about the Reformation. Answer the following questions based on Dr. Francis Schaeffer’s message. “Answer the questions fully,…
Liberty GOVT 302 Discussion 2 Answers Topic: Comparing Hobbes and Locke on the State of Nature Analyze the concept of the state of nature by first reviewing the material on Thomas…
Liberty GOVT 302 Discussion 1 Answers Topic: Comparing Reformation Theologians Review the textbook readings, presentations, and lectures notes reflecting on the positions of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Richard Hooker. Construct…
1) What is human capital, and how is it different from strictly the quantity of workers available for work? Name three ways to increase a nation’s human capital. Is an…