BUSI 240 Quiz 2

BUSI 240 Quiz 2 Liberty University Set 1 In organizational settings, empathy If John takes credit for work done on time, but blames his coworkers for his delays, his attitude…

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BUSI 240 Quiz 1

BUSI 240 Quiz 1 Liberty University Set 1 Which of the following is true according to the systematic research anchor? People who are self-motivated, organized, and can work effectively with…

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EDUC 205 Quiz 1

EDUC 205 Quiz 1 Liberty University Set 1 Thorndike’s Law of Exercise has two parts: When observers are more likely to attend to models who demonstrate behaviors that help observers…

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EDUC 205 Quiz 2

EDUC 205 Quiz 2 Liberty University Set 1 Learning material for the second or subsequent time after it previously had been learned is referred to as: Tulving postulated that forgetting…

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EDUC 205 Quiz 3

EDUC 205 Quiz 3 Liberty University Set 1 Knowledge that is derived from previously acquired knowledge and not directly from environmental interactions is what perspective of Constructivism? Which of the…

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EDUC 205 Quiz 4

EDUC 205 Quiz 4 Liberty University Set 1 All of the following are effects of learning goals on motivation EXCEPT: Which of the following is NOT a pretask in the…

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EDUC 205 Final

EDUC 205 Final Liberty University Were a central feature of purposive behaviorism. Edwin Guthrie’s learning principles were based on the key behaviors of: F. Skinner’s influence is commonly applied to:…

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MATH 201 Project 4

MATH 201 Project 4 Liberty University When performing a hypothesis test, you must make an assumption in order to perform it. Assume that the hypothesis you are testing (the null…

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MATH 201 Project 3

MATH 201 Project 3 Liberty University Visit Google Stock Price History.  First, set the date range to be May 1, 2017 to May 1, 2018.  Next, click the link on…

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MATH 201 Project 2

MATH 201 Project 2 Liberty University Instructions: For this assignment, you will use the Project 2 Excel Spreadsheet (located under the instruction file) to answer the questions below. In each…

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MATH 201 Project 1

Math 201 Project 1 Liberty University Based on Larson & Farber: section 2.1 Use the Project 1 Data Set to create the graphs and tables in Questions 1–4 and to…

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HIUS 222 Discussion 1

HIUS 222 Discussion 1 Liberty University Topic: 1877 Railroad Strike One of the objectives in history, as a Christian, is to draw conclusions based on the known evidence as opposed…

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ECO 350 Test 1

ECO 350 Test 1 Strayer University Leonard Read used the production of ______ to explain the work of the invisible hand in the market. Free exchange of goods and services…

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ECO 550 Midterm Part 1

ECO 550 Midterm Part I Strayer University Possible goals of Not-For-Profit (NFP) enterprises include all of the following EXCEPT: Which of the following will increase (V0), the shareholder wealth maximization…

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ECO 550 Midterm Part 2

ECO 550 Midterm Part 2 Strayer University Time-series forecasting models: The forecasting technique which attempts to forecast short-run changes and makes use of economic indicators known as leading, coincident or…

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ECO 350 Test 2

ECO 350 Test 2 Strayer University In defending Say’s law, who argued that “Men err in their productions” and “there is no deficiency of demand”? Milton Friedman argued that “the high…

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ECO 550 Final Exam Part I

ECO 550 Final Exam Part 1 Strayer University Break-even analysis usually assumes all of the following except: The short-run cost function is: George Webb Restaurant collects on the average $5…

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ECO 550 Final Exam Part II

ECO 550 Final Exam Part 2 Strayer University If one-time gains from defection are always less than the discounted present value of an infinite time stream of cooperative payoffs at…

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HIUS 222 Discussion 2

HIUS 222 Discussion 2 Liberty University Topic: Jackie Robinson In American history, unfortunately both Christians and non-Christians have often supported discrimination against other groups. An example is the treatment of…

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HIUS 222 Book Review

HIUS 222 Book Review Liberty University You will write a book review of An American Soldier in World War I. In the Book Review, you must identify the authors’ thesis…

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HIUS 222 Video Review 2

HIUS 222 Video Review 2 Liberty University You will select 1 video of at least 30 minutes or a series of videos that, combined, are at least 30 minutes from…

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HIUS 222 Video Review 1

HIUS 222 Video Review 1 Liberty University You will select 1 video of at least 30 minutes or a series of videos that, combined, are at least 30 minutes from…

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HIUS 222 Historical Case Study Quiz

HIUS 222 Historical Case Study Quiz How many people were killed in the Great Strike of 1877? What role did the federal government play in the Great Strike of 1877?…

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CJUS 324 Discussion 2

CJUS 324 Discussion 2 Liberty University In Chapter 4 of Scott & Steinberg’s text, the spotlight is on the rehabilitative model and its collapse paving the way for complex reforms….

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CJUS 324 Discussion 1

CJUS 324 Discussion 1 Liberty University In Chapter 3 of Scott and Steinberg’s text, you learn about general regulatory approaches to children in American law. In this Discussion Board Forum,…

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BMAL 500 Quiz 6

BMAL 500 Quiz 6 Liberty University Set 1 Which of the following statements about organizational socialization is false? Which of the following is not one of the common denominators of…

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BMAL 500 Quiz 5

BMAL 500 Quiz 5 Liberty University Set 1 Daniel has been promoted three times. As he moves up in the organization, he will increasingly need ______ power is the basis…

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BMAL 500 Quiz 4

BMAL 500 Quiz 4 Liberty University Set 1 A person in the ______ role will encourage all group members to participate. In a self-managed team Prosocial behaviors are Mary is…

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BMAL 500 Quiz 3

BMAL 500 Quiz 3 Liberty University Set 1 The goal of the job characteristics model is to ______ is not a content theory of motivation. People who have a high…

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BMAL 500 Quiz 2

BMAL 500 Quiz 2 Liberty University Set 1 The ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking…

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