GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Persuasive Brief to Court – Final
GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Persuasive Brief to Court – Final To: Junior Attorney From: Senior Attorney RE: Jeffrey Bing Matter As we are getting ready for the Jeffrey Bing…
GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Persuasive Brief to Court – Final To: Junior Attorney From: Senior Attorney RE: Jeffrey Bing Matter As we are getting ready for the Jeffrey Bing…
GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Legal Memorandum – Final Client Matter Project: Legal Memorandum – Final Instructions To: Junior Attorney From: Senior Attorney RE: Jeffrey Bing Matter Prepare a Legal…
GOVT 346 Case Brief Liberty University Thoroughly read the provided judicial opinion and prepare a 1–2-page Case Brief. The Case Brief must be written in current Bluebook format. The following…
GOVT 346 Discussion 3 Liberty University Thread: Address how and in what ways legal research and writing should glorify God. Support your answer with the following: 1 scriptural example with proper…
GOVT 346 Discussion 2 Liberty University Thread: According to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, a lawyer/advocate “zealously asserts the client’s position under the rules of the adversary system” (Preamble §…
GOVT 346 Discussion 1 Liberty University Thread: In what ways do you expect legal writing and research to equip you in your future studies as a law student or legal professional?…
EDCE 505 Quiz 5 Liberty University Set 1 Which of these solution-focused therapy techniques involves asking clients to describe times in their lives when they were able to solve their…
EDCE 505 Quiz 4 Liberty University Set 1 The core of choice theory/reality therapy consists of: Like cognitive therapy, strengths-based CBT is empirically based. According to feminist therapists, an intrapsychic…
EDCE 505 Quiz 3 Liberty University Set 1 A teenage girl is angry with her parents and cuts on her arm. In Gestalt terms, she is most likely engaging in:…
GOVT 280 Discussion 2 Liberty University Contrary to his employer’s instructions not to let anyone drive the truck, or even ride in it, a truck driver allows a thirteen-year-old to…
GOVT 280 Discussion 1 Liberty University Marilyn negligently runs over Lucinda, breaking her leg. While Lucinda is learning to walk on crutches, she slips, falls and breaks her arm. Is…
GOVT 215 Identifying Argument in Case Read the Brown v. Board of Education case located in the Module/Week 7 Reading & Study folder. Write a 2–3-paragraph response identifying the categorical…
GOVT 215 Discussion 2 Liberty University Address how and in what ways students of logic and legal reasoning should glorify God with their minds. For your replies, give a scriptural…
GOVT 215 Discussion 1 Liberty University In what ways do you expect logic and legal reasoning to equip you in your future studies as a law student or legal professional?…
EDCE 505 Quiz 2 Liberty University Set 1 Adlerian therapists strive to establish and maintain an egalitarian therapeutic alliance and a person-to-person relationship with their clients. The premise of Adlerian…
EDCE 505 Quiz 1 Liberty University Set 1 The only setting in which one might be forced to manage multiple roles is in community mental health centers. Rudolf Dreikurs is…
PSYC 365 Quiz 7 Liberty University Theorists have offered a number of suggestions regarding how teachers might help students develop better summaries of classroom subject matter. Which one of the…
PSYC 365 Quiz 6 Liberty University Which one of the following statements best illustrates a neo-Piagetian approach to cognitive development? Four-year-old Becky is playing with blocks, stacking them one on…
PSYC 365 Quiz 5 Liberty University Memory theorists believe that people encode information in long-term memory in a number of different ways. They also believe that: Only one of the…
PSYC 365 Quiz 4 Liberty University Which one of the following pairs illustrates two different levels of processing? When psychologists refer to a dual-store model of memory, they are referring…
PSYC 365 Quiz 3 Liberty University Which one of the following best illustrates cognitive modeling? Listed below are four reasons why students might not want to take their schoolwork seriously…
PSYC 365 Quiz 2 Liberty University Gina became ill after eating turkey on Thanksgiving and was unable to look at turkey without feeling ill for two months. However, during that…
PSYC 365 Quiz 1 Liberty University Which one of the following statements provides the most credible explanation for the fact that human beings seem to surpass all other animal species…
PSYC 380 Exam 3 Liberty University Set 1 When faced with moral dilemmas involving killing one person to save five others, . Which system is most likely to be active…
PSYC 380 Exam 2 Liberty University Set 1 As a human, Glen is really good at detecting motion. This is because of his . are chemicals that release energy when…
PSYC 380 Exam 1 Liberty University Set 1 Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and freely flow across a cell membrane. The two basic kinds of cells in the nervous system are ….
BUSI 561 Quiz 4 Liberty University Lakeside Property. Ronnie agreed to act as the agent of Sue in finding a piece of lakeside property for her at a good price…
BUSI 561 Quiz 3 Liberty University Four Paws Protection. Congress set up a new agency to more closely regulate testing of personal and cosmetic products on animals. Legislation was passed…
BUSI 561 Quiz 2 Liberty University Which of the following must a plaintiff prove to win a recovery in a negligence case? Which of the following must a plaintiff prove…
BUSI 561 Quiz 1 Liberty University Which of the following is a term used to refer to laws that are contained in one convenient location? Crimes committed under criminal laws…