GOVT 345 Quiz 8

GOVT 345 Quiz 8 Liberty University GOVT 345 Quiz 8: Critical Legal Theory According to critical legal theory, the authorities tell a cohesive, determinate tale that they then impose on…

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GOVT 345 Quiz 7

GOVT 345 Quiz 7 Liberty University GOVT 345 Quiz Obedience and Punishment Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7. Retribution is one clear theory of punishment that is…

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GOVT 345 Quiz 6

GOVT 345 Quiz 6 Liberty University GOVT 345 Quiz 6: Justice and Rights Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6. Pareto optimality has been reached if and when…

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PSYC 351 Test 3 Quiz 3

PSYC 351 Test 3 Liberty University PSYC 351 Quiz 3 Counseling Minority Populations, Arab Americans, and Gender Issues According to Bradley, and Lipford-Sanders, 2003, a _________ ________ ____________ are key…

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PSYC 351 Test 2 Quiz 2

PSYC 351 Test 2 Liberty University ‘Varied educational exposure may not be a strong enough stimulus to prompt a racist to change his attitude.’ This is NOT a criticism of…

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PSYC 351 Test 1 Quiz 1

PSYC 351 Test 1 Liberty University PSYC 351 Quiz Introduction to Multicultural Diversity and Multicultural Counseling No single therapeutic counseling approach is equally effective across all populations. Both counselor and…

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SOWK 250 Quiz 8

SOWK 250 Quiz 8 Liberty University An important part of our vocabulary should be the word “No” even though we hesitate to say it. _____________ to integrating self-care in our…

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SOWK 250 Quiz 7

SOWK 250 Quiz 7 Liberty University Wellbeing is “not” influenced by _____________ Work place and professional self-care includes: Finding a mentor through your workplace or through professional networks is not essential…

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SOWK 250 Quiz 6

SOWK 250 Quiz 6 Liberty University Effective self-care strategies are: To alter self-defeating behaviors and attitudes many clinicians today have moved from a psychodynamic approach to: Smullens recommends finding specific…

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SOWK 250 Quiz 5

SOWK 250 Quiz 5 Liberty University The function of the supervisor that includes the task of helping individuals engage in the organization is which function? Safety at work is _________…

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SOWK 250 Quiz 4

SOWK 250 Quiz 4 Liberty University We must come to appreciate the fine line between ________ that build empathy and _______, the ability to adapt despite threatening circumstances and those…

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SOWK 250 Quiz 3

SOWK 250 Quiz 3 Liberty University Which of the following is not a step in the 10 steps of transformative learning? One of our challenges is to make sure that…

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SOWK 250 Quiz 2

SOWK 250 Quiz 2 Liberty University Module 2: Week 2 Balance is important because it not only takes care of our bodies and those around us but also brings awareness…

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SOWK 250 Quiz 1

SOWK 250 Quiz 1 Liberty University Module 1: Week 1 According to the author, when reading the Handbook, what questions should you ask during each entry? Self-care goals need to…

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SOWK 260 Exam 4

SOWK 260 Exam 4 Liberty University Identify a perceptual factor that most likely causes alcoholics to relapse. In the context of triggers that invoke cravings among recovering alcoholics, which of…

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SOWK 260 Exam 3

SOWK 260 Exam 3 Liberty University In the context of converting programs, _____ tactics are those where teachers emphasize the dangers of drug use to young people. The “primary” goal…

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SOWK 260 Exam 2

SOWK 260 Exam 2 Liberty University Which of the following affect-shame binds results in rage? Which of the following is a characteristic of supportive parents? Which of the following is…

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SOWK 260 Exam 1

SOWK 260 Exam 1 Liberty University In 1957, which of the following criteria was used by the American Medical Association in declaring alcoholism as a disease? When an individual requires…

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SOWK 135 Quiz 7

SOWK 135 Quiz 7 Liberty University True or False: Chanphen’s goal is to bring people to Jesus, not to bring Jesus to people. What do Heather and her husband initially…

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SOWK 135 Quiz 6

SOWK 135 Quiz 6 Liberty University According to the PowerPoint presentation, social workers for refugees/immigrants are involved in all of the following except… Aurora’s mother noticed a sense of compassion in…

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SOWK 135 Quiz 5

SOWK 135 Quiz 5 Liberty University Which characteristic does not describe Mr. Smith? All of the following are effects of Myria’s Christianity except… Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy is a theoretical approach that…

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SOWK 135 Quiz 4

SOWK 135 Quiz 4 Liberty University In the video, Denise explained that as a private practice therapist, she worked with Ilene decided to try this new approach with JoAnn. How…

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SOWK 135 Quiz 3

SOWK 135 Quiz 3 Liberty University Kate sees her work with couples—and individuals as well—as a(n) ______________. In the video, Mark Shadoan speaks about social work as a private practice…

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SOWK 135 Quiz 2

SOWK 135 Quiz 2 Liberty University True or False: According to Elke Cox in the video, one would need a master’s degree in social work to work with the homeless…

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SOWK 135 Quiz 1

SOWK 135 Quiz 1 Liberty University According to Garland, social work as a calling includes the following: True or False: According to J. J. Cole, adoptive families vary in their…

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BIOL 102 Quiz 8

BIOL 102 Quiz 8 BIOL 102 Quiz: Endocrine and Reproductive Systems Which of the following is characteristic of hypothyroidism? Which hormone establishes and maintains normal metabolism? Injections of growth hormone…

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BIOL 102 Quiz 7

BIOL 102 Quiz 7 BIOL 102 Quiz: Nervous and Sensory Systems The disorder associated with a loss of dopamine producing cells is ____. Which motor region processes learned motor skill…

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BIOL 102 Quiz 6

BIOL 102 Quiz 6 BIOL 102 Quiz 6 Digestive and Urinary Systems  The saliva component that begins the breakdown of carbohydrates is ____. What is found within a small intestinal…

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BIOL 102 Quiz 5

BIOL 102 Quiz 5 BIOL 102 Quiz 5 Immune and Respiratory Systems Which portion of the lymphatic system is the site where T lymphocytes develop? Mast cells are important in…

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BIOL 102 Quiz 4

BIOL 102 Quiz 4 BIOL 102 Quiz 4 Heart, Blood, and Circulatory System Covers the Learn material from Module 4: Week 4. The contraction of the right ventricle moves ____….

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