CCOU 304 Discussions
CCOU 304 Discussion Board Forums Liberty Discussion 2, 3, 4, and 5 are included Discussion board are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in…
CCOU 304 Discussion Board Forums Liberty Discussion 2, 3, 4, and 5 are included Discussion board are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in…
GOVT 480 Discussion Board 6 Liberty Questions: Investigative journalist Steve Emerson has documented the existence of jihad in America. Brian Jenkins found that 46 publicly recorded attacks or attempted attacks…
GOVT 480 Discussion Board 5 Liberty Questions: Hezbollah provided a model for the formation of an international umbrella of terrorist organizations. Some view it as being the “A” team while…
GOVT 480 Discussion Board 4 Liberty Questions: This week’s readings discussed the birth of modern day Israel. Discuss some of the historical circumstances surrounding the animosity and violence in the…
GOVT 480 Discussion Board 3 Liberty Questions: What is the current threat to the United States from either a biological or chemical weapon and why? What should the United States…
GOVT 480 Discussion Board 2 Liberty Questions: What do you believe the role of the media is in the “War on Terror?” Why? Do you believe that the terrorism and…
GOVT 480 Discussion Board 1 Liberty Research 2 or more of the following individuals: (A simple Google is enough, but do not rely on Wikipedia as a source.) Juma al…
SOWK 300 Exam 2 Liberty University Set 1 Openness to experience is one of the Big Five personality traits. Which of the following is descriptive of this trait? Vaillant (2002)…
SOWK 300 Exam 1 Liberty University Set 1 When Jack eats a dozen cookies and gets sick, his parents laugh and say, “I guess you will learn”. Which type of…
SOWK 300 Self-Ethnography Research Analysis Research The student will conduct at least 5 interviews and/or research activities in preparation for his/her Self-Ethnography Research Analysis – Final Submission. The date of…
EDUC 810 Quiz 4 Mixed Methods and Evaluation Research What type of design is characterized by collecting quantitative and qualitative data, analyzing them separately, and comparing the results of see…
EDUC 810 Quiz 3 Quantitative versus Qualitative Methods of Inquiry Qualitative and quantitative research are alike in that both – True or False: A researcher conducting a quantitative study can…
EDUC 810 Quiz 2 Purpose Statements and Questions The following question is characteristic of what research method? “Can perceived proficiency in English and time spent abroad predict Thai English teachers’…
EDUC 810 Quiz 1 Literature Review and Theory “An interrelated set of constructs formed into propositions or hypotheses that specify the relationships among variables” is the definition of – What…
CCOU 304 Exam 1 Liberty University This might be outdated. CCOU 304 Quiz 1 More quizzes here. Set 1 True or False: People in pain have the power of…
CCOU 304 Exam 2 Liberty University This might be outdated. CCOU 304 Quiz 2 More quizzes here. Set 1 True or false: It is helpful to consider even ordinary…
CCOU 304 Exam 3 Liberty University This might be outdated. CCOU 304 Quiz 3 More quizzes here. Set 1 True or false: Couples counseling is recommended for domestic abuse…
CCOU 304 Exam 4 Liberty University This might be outdated. CCOU 304 Quiz 4 More quizzes here. Set 1 What should be the greatest focus of a parent, for…
THEO 650 Discussion 4 Liberty In the chapter “Crime and Punishment” (429-443 in McQuilken and Copan), various alternatives to prison are presented, and a short section deals with “Christian Responsibility…
THEO 650 Discussion 3 Liberty David Platt discusses modern slavery and the sex trade in Chapter five of Counter Culture. Post an initial thread that considers his biblical arguments against slavery and human trafficking. Your post should discuss the scriptures he uses to defend human dignity and equality. Platt gives serious consideration to the fact…
THEO 650 Discussion 2 Liberty Post an initial thread discussing, the problems with evolutionary ethics. Which of the problems McQuilken and Copan mention in Ch 11 are most important—that is which is the most…
THEO 650 Discussion 1 Liberty Post a thread discussing the difference between obedience to the law, that is, to the will of God, and “salvation by works”. Your thread must…
THEO 650 Book Critique Liberty Students will review and critique Reviving Evangelical Ethics. The student should discuss the author’s goal and intended audience for the book, then briefly summarize the contents of…
EDUC 500 Quiz 6 Liberty University Set 1 To help a student with a mild speech disorder, a teacher should: Many students with disabilities are assigned to special classes taught…
EDUC 500 Quiz 5 Liberty University Constructivist theories of learning are based on the idea that learners: In the general problem-solving strategy IDEAL, what does the A stand for? Overby…
EDUC 500 Quiz 4 Liberty University A teacher tries to help a student recall an event that took place during a field trip to the natural history museum by saying,…
EDUC 500 Quiz 3 Liberty University _______________ is a critical component of social cognitive theory and refers to behavioral, cognitive, and affective changes deriving from observing one or more models….
EDUC 500 Quiz 2 Liberty University James Marcia’s identity stage in which an identity crisis has never been experienced is: One student sees another cheat on a test. The first…
EDUC 500 Quiz 1 Liberty University Set 1 According to Piaget, knowledge comes from which of the following: Which is not considered a criterion for learning? Symbols that cultures create…
JURI 580 Quiz 3 Liberty Because Lawyers function in an adversarial system, there are no rules that limit zealous advocacy on behalf of a client. Rule 11 sanctions are governed…