NSEC 501 Post-Spanish-American War Research
Congress and the Executive Branch Post-Spanish-American War Research Paper In this assignment, the student will examine how the balance between the president and Congress shifted from the era before the…
Congress and the Executive Branch Post-Spanish-American War Research Paper In this assignment, the student will examine how the balance between the president and Congress shifted from the era before the…
Congress and the Executive Branch Pre-Spanish-American War Research Paper In this assignment, the student will understand the growth and development of executive leadership by looking at the dynamics between the…
NSEC 501 US and NGOs Research Paper In this 2,000–2,500- word (8–10-page) paper, the student will examine how the USA interacts with Non-Government Organizations. The student may examine responses to…
NSEC 501 NSC Structure Comparison Paper In this 2,000–2,500- word (8–10-page) paper, the student will examine how different presidents have structured the National Security Council. Specifically, the student will discuss:…
TRMA 800 Trauma PowerPoint Project For this assignment, the student will complete a PowerPoint presentation and a written summary covering a trauma related topic. The written portion should include an outline of the project with appropriate…
TRMA 800 Movie Reviews Liberty *2 movie reviews are included Students are expected to complete two (2) movie reviews focused on the topic of Childhood/Adolescent trauma. Watch a movie of…
TRMA 800 4MAT Papers Liberty *2 4MAT papers are included Students are expected to complete two (2) 4Mat papers during the course of their study. You may choose any two…
TRMA 830 Trauma Case Study Liberty *(3 Parts) Case study 1, 2, 3 are included The student will review three trauma case studies and develop a conceptualization paper, diagnosis, and…
HSCO 508 Practical Book Review Liberty The student will complete a 5–6-page practical book review of the Petersen text that includes a response, a critique, and an application. Relevant ideas…
HSCO 508 Reflection Papers Liberty *4 reflection papers are included in this purchase (reflection papers 1, 2, 3, and 4) The student will write a total of 4 reflection papers…
EDUC 500 APA Quiz 2 Liberty University From your one-inch left margin, how many spaces should you indent at the beginning of each new paragraph in formal APA writing? When…
EDUC 500 APA Quiz 1 Liberty University For all direct quotes you must include the page number where the quote was found in your citation. What do you do if…
EDUC 500 Quiz 7 Liberty University Research has indicated that the length of a school year is not as important as: Research indicates that the greatest time variable affecting student…
OTCL 505 Quiz Liberty Which archaeological age spans the years 1200-586 BCE and roughly corresponds with the rise of biblical Israel? What was the first place writing appeared in the…
OTCL 505 Word Study Verb Liberty Step 1: Select Only the Most Important Words for Your Study Step 2: Determine the Hebrew Word from Which the English Word Was Derived…
OTCL 505 Word Study Noun Liberty Step 1: Select Only the Most Important Words for Your Study Step 2: Determine the Hebrew Word from Which the English Word Was Derived…
CHHI 525 Test 1 and Test 2 Test 1 By some estimates, Europe’s population fell by two-thirds between 1300 and 1450. The Conciliar Movement sought to end conflicts between European…
CHHI 525 Research Paper Liberty The student will write a 10–12-page research-based paper in current Turabian format that focuses on his/her chosen topic in the field of church history. The…
CHHI 525 Book Analysis Liberty *Book analysis 1 and 2 are included The student will complete 2 Book Analyses. The first will cover Katharina and Martin Luther, and the second will…
CHHI 525 Discussion Board Forums *3 discussion boards included (discussion 1, 2, and 3) Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to submit a thread in…
CJUS 640 Chapter Application Papers Liberty The student will write two (2) chapter application papers. Each paper is to be between 3-5 pages. Students should pay particular attention to the…
CJUS 640 Discussion Boards Liberty *All 4 discussion boards are included (discussion 1, 2, 3, and 4) There will be 4 Discussion Board Forums throughout this course. Discussion boards are…
CJUS 640 Topic Research Papers Liberty *2 research papers are included The student will write two (2) topic research papers The student will be given some flexibility to write a…
PADM 600 Limited Government and Balanced Budget Amendment Research Paper The student will write 5–7 pages for a research-based paper in current APA format exploring ideas underlying public budget discussions…
PADM 600 Tax Cuts Research Paper Liberty The student will write 5–7 pages for a research-based paper in current APA format that analyzes the ideas underlying political and policy discussions…
PADM 600 Federalism Research Paper Liberty The student will create a paper or presentation examining the role, limits and balance of taxing and spending by federal, state and local governments…
PADM 600 Quiz 1 Liberty University Irene Rubin uses the term “revenue politics.” Please fully explain the political nature of governmental actions that raise taxes. Please include an explanation of…
HIUS 420 Quiz 2 Liberty University Rosecrans’s late-summer 1863 advance across the Cumberland Plateau and Tennessee River and into Georgia The Union army officer who was victorious at Cedar Creek…
HIUS 420 Quiz 1 Liberty University When Union troops advanced from Washington toward Richmond in July 1861, the result was As their president, the Confederate States selected David Wilmot was…
HIUS 420 Exam 1 Liberty University John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry resulted in After his troops repulsed Lee’s attack at Mechanicsville, McClellan decided to According to Confederate Vice-President Alexander…