PAD 599 Competency Assessment

PAD 599 Competency Assessment Strayer University

Set 1

  1. A process-oriented definition of “democracy” emphasizes
  2. The development of a complex intergovernmental system in the United States is rooted primarily in
  3. The “New Public Administration” argues that
  4. The idea that a bureaucracy of professionals, who follow the mandates of a legislature, can meet the administrative requirements of a democracy is called the doctrine of
  5. Benchmarking performance improvement programs means
  6. In a democratic society, which is NOT a characteristic of pluralistic decision making?
  7. A grant from the national government that could be used only for a specific, limited purpose, is called a
  8. The practice by chief executives of state and federal governments of withholding the expenditure of authorized and appropriated funds is called
  9. The most important aspect of the budget, from the point of view of your text, is its
  10. The two fundamental legislative actions in the budget process are
  11. An example of a regressive tax is
  12. State and local governments typically utilize
  13. Distributive policy
  14. Court involvement in the specifics of administrative policy making and implementation does NOT include
  15. People belong to economic interest groups by virtue of
  16. The writing of vague policy and law by the Congress implies what for government agencies?
  17. An important source of bureaucratic power in the national government
  18. Public agencies
  19. Inputs into the systems model of politics and policy include
  20. The idea that a bureaucracy of professionals, who follow the mandates of a legislature, can meet the administrative requirements of a democracy is called the doctrine of
  21. Which of the following is NOT part of establishing a climate supportive of ethical behavior in an organization?
  22. A way of insuring administrative responsiveness that focuses on strict legislative supervision and tightly drawn statutes is
  23. The tension between efficiency and responsiveness is rooted in
  24. An attempt to see to it that a public-sector office has employees whose gender, ethnicity, age and other demographic characteristics reflect the characteristics of the population the office serves, would be an example of
  25. When a manager delegates; rules to be followed include
  26. Which of the following is NOT a problem faced by researchers involved in the conduct of a true experiment in a social program?
  27. Federal mandates
  28. Someone studying the number of lives saved as a result of the national government’s automobile safety regulations would conduct
  29. Quality of the work performed
  30. Which of the following is not a true statement regarding program evaluation?
  31. A city charter
  32. Regulations are primarily issued by:
  33. What does the federal Privacy Act restrict?
  34. A negligent act is considered to be the legal cause of an injury if
  35. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that local zoning regulations are constitutional if:
  36. The approach embodied in the U.S. Constitution to relationships among branches of government can best be described as:
  37. Limited liability companies are a popular form of business entity because:
  38. Local government ordinances are published:
  39. Arbitration in labor-management negotiations
  40. “Quid pro quo” sexual harassment is:
  41. Mediation in labor management negotiations
  42. Providing frontline employees with an opportunity to get involved in decision involving their work is an example of
  43. The effort to see to it that women, minorities, and others will be employed in fair numbers or proportions in an organization is called
  44. An important implication of a merit-based pay system is
  45. A primary objective for both insurgency and guerilla warfare is to
  46. The International Court of Justice lists all of the following as sources of international law except
  47. A major objective of the United Nations is to
  48. The International Law Commission of the United Nations is charged with
  49. International politics is an area in which vital decisions are made based on
  50. Sovereignty means that

Set 2

  1. The idea that a bureaucracy of professionals, who follow the mandates of a legislature, can meet the administrative requirements of a democracy is called the doctrine of
  2. The unusual visibility of the public administrator
  3. Benchmarking performance improvement programs means
  4. The development of a complex intergovernmental system in the United States is rooted primarily in
  5. Woodrow Wilson, and other early writers, thought of public administration as
  6. The “New Public Administration” argues that
  7. The Office of Management and Budget is
  8. A program that provides an established set of benefits to persons who meet eligibility requirements is called
  9. The line-item budget
  10. A grant from the national government that could be used only for a specific, limited purpose, is called a
  11. Fiscal policy is concerned principally with
  12. An example of the application of Keynesian economic theory is when the national government
  13. Court involvement in the specifics of administrative policy making and implementation does NOT include
  14. An important source of bureaucratic power in the national government
  15. The strong mayor system of city government
  16. The policy most likely to generate intense conflicts is
  17. Public policies are
  18. The policy network that has the most influence in setting a particular policy is known as a
  19. Which of the following is not a part of the policy environment in the systems model?
  20. An attempt to see to it that a public-sector office has employees whose gender, ethnicity, age and other demographic characteristics reflect the characteristics of the population the office serves, would be an example of
  21. A way of insuring administrative responsiveness that focuses on strict legislative supervision and tightly drawn statutes is
  22. The tension between efficiency and responsiveness is rooted in
  23. “Qualified immunity” refers to the situation in which
  24. The Pendleton Act of 1883 prohibited
  25. When the administrator attempts to make a judgment concerning the desires of the public with respect to his/her tasks, this is an example of
  26. Studying public problems in order to provide policymakers with information about the options for action available to them is part of
  27. Quality of the work performed
  28. The statement that local governments are “creatures of the state” and have only those powers granted by the state is known as
  29. A study of the degree to which pothole repairs last through the winter season would be an example of an evaluation concerned with
  30. The cost-effectiveness approach involves
  31. Which of the following is not a true statement regarding program evaluation?
  32. Injunctive relief is:
  33. The approach embodied in the U.S. Constitution to relationships among branches of government can best be described as:
  34. Local government ordinances are published:
  35. Section 1983 of the U.S. Code:
  36. What must a document contain for it to satisfy the Statute of Frauds with respect to a transfer of an interest in real property?
  37. Corpus Juris Secundum is:
  38. Financial disclosure laws typically apply:
  39. In recent years state and local merit systems in the personnel function
  40. “Quid pro quo” sexual harassment is:
  41. Merit selection, tenure, and responsiveness to political leaders are
  42. Mediation in labor management negotiations
  43. The traditional role of the personnel department of a public sector agency has been to
  44. Arbitration in labor-management negotiations
  45. One of the main criticisms of globalization is that it
  46. The European Union was established in order to
  47. The International Court of Justice lists all of the following as sources of international law except
  48. A zero-sum game refers to the situation in which
  49. A major objective of the United Nations is to
  50. Sovereignty means that

Set 3

  1. The development of a complex intergovernmental system in the United States is rooted primarily in .
  2. Woodrow Wilson, and other early writers, thought of public administration as
  3. The “New Public Administration” argues that
  4. The strong mayor system of city government
  5. Which of the following is NOT a principle of New Public Management?
  6. Which of the following is NOT an ethical challenge facing the public service?
  7. A program that provides an established set of benefits to persons who meet eligibility requirements is called
  8. An example of a regressive tax is
  9. A grant from the national government that could be used only for a specific, limited purpose, is called a
  10. An example of “clientele support” is
  11. A grant by the federal government to a state or locality may be in the form of a block grant, which is
  12. The line-item budget
  13. The executive order has become
  14. People belong to economic interest groups by virtue of
  15. An important source of bureaucratic power in the national government
  16. Policy makers often use as a way of floating “trial balloons” to assess the reaction of the public to certain policy issues.
  17. Internal sources of bureaucratic power include
  18. Distributive policy
  19. “Agenda setting” in the policy process refers to
  20. A city manager who disagrees with a council decision to prohibit widening of a city street because the widening would promote economic development, illustrates which of the following ethical deliberation approach?
  21. An example of a deontological ethical rule is when a policymaker makes a decision and
  22. When a manager delegates; rules to be followed include
  23. Negotiation is most likely to reach a successful conclusion if
  24. “Qualified immunity” refers to the situation in which
  25. The purpose of the Hatch Act is primarily to
  26. The policy analyst’s work involves primarily
  27. A decision tree
  28. A common limitation of quantitative techniques for selecting a policy alternative is
  29. A time series analysis
  30. In an experiment the control group is
  31. The purpose for identifying the longest possible time it will take to complete a project in a PERT analysis is to
  32. A negligent act is considered to be the legal cause of an injury if
  33. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that local zoning regulations are constitutional if:
  34. Limited liability companies are a popular form of business entity because:
  35. An agency rule that explains an agency’s understanding of the law or its regulations is known as:
  36. Which of the following is the most correct description of state public records laws?
  37. The approach embodied in the U.S. Constitution to relationships among branches of government can best be described as:
  38. Corpus Juris Secundum is:
  39. An important implication of a merit-based pay system is
  40. In recent years state and local merit systems in the personnel function
  41. The Pendleton Act provided for
  42. Mediation in labor management negotiations
  43. Merit selection, tenure, and responsiveness to political leaders are
  44. “Quid pro quo” sexual harassment is:
  45. A zero-sum game refers to the situation in which
  46. The U.S. government wants China to allow its currency to increase in value in order to
  47. One of the main criticisms of globalization is that it
  48. The European Union was established in order to
  49. Democratic peace theory asserts that
  50. For realists, the central force in international politics is the
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  1. PAD 599 Competency Assessment
  2. PAD 599 Set 2
  3. PAD 599 Competency Exam 2020