OTCL 520 Exam 1, 2, 3

Exam 1

  1. Horse
  2. וְ ַהכֹּהֲנִים וְהָעָם :Translate
  3. נ ָ ִב י א
  4. ָצ ָב א
  5. The most common feminine singular ending is
  6. Israel
  7. House
  8. The five final forms of Hebrew consonants פ נ מ כ and צ appear at the end of a word and are pronounced differently than when they appear at the beginning or in the middle of a word.
  9. ע ֲ ָב ִד י ם P a r s e
  10. שָׁנָה
  11. A Daghesh in a begadkephat is a Lene if preceded by a vowel and a Forte if preceded by a consonant.
  12. אב
  13. Two-Syllable nouns accented on the first syllable are Segholate.
  14. .בגדקפת The begadkephat letters are
  15. ֫ע ֶ ֶב ד
  16. Silver
  17. The Qamets Hatuf occurs only in a closed and unaccented
  18. The Furtive Pathach is pronounced after the guttural under which it appears.
  19. Which of the following examples of the Conjunction Waw represent the “bump” rule?
  20. Select the correct representation of the Hebrew alphabet.
  21. What does a Daghesh Forte do?
  22. A guttural cannot take a Vocal Shewa, but it can take a Silent Shewa.
  23. ִמשְׁ ּפָט
  24. The form of the final כ (Kaf) in Hebrew is
  25. ע ָ נ ָן
  26. The form of the final פ (Peh) in Hebrew is
  27. ָבּנוֹת Parse
  28. Gold
  29. ִאשָּׁה
  30. All Masculine Singular nouns are endingless, but not all endingless nouns are Masculine Singular.
  31. The Hebrew alphabet is written from left to right, not right to left as in English.
  32. Child, boy
  33. With regard to number, a noun can either be singular, masculine, or dual.
  34. יוֹם Parse
  35. Fire
  36. The form of the final מ (Mem) in Hebrew is
  37. ָאב :Pluralize the following noun
  38. ֵבּן
  39. ָמקוֹם
  40. וְ
  41. A Shewa is silent if the previous vowel is long.
  42. Syllables that contain the diphthong (ִַי + accent) are said to be closed.
  43. Water
  44. How does the Definite Article appear before nouns that begin with an

?חָ or עָ הָ unacccented

  1. . ֶבּ Name and classify the vowel
  2. קוֹל
  3. When the Definite Article is prefixed before an initial guttural א ע ר, the
  4. Daghesh Lene is rejected and results in compensatory lengthening.
  5. ֶא ֫ ֶר ץ
  6. . ֱא ֶמת Prefix the Conjunction waw to Man, mankind

Exam 2

  1. The preposition ִמן can only occur as a Maqqef preposition.
  2. The gender of an adjective does not change the meaning of an adjective.
  3. ִמ צ ְ ו ָ ה
  4. The Cardinal number ֶא ָחד functions like an adjective.
  5. ִע ּמוֹParse
  6. Usually, Type 1 suffixes occur with singular nouns and Type 2 suffixes occur with plural nouns.
  7. Before a reduced or Hateph vowel, an inseparable preposition takes the corresponding short vowel of the Hateph vowel.
  8. ֫ב֫וּנוּוּ Parse
  9. Correctly identify the three most basic categories of Hebrew verbal action.
  10. If an attributive or demonstrative adjective is added to a construct chain, where must it be written?
  11. לַלַי ְלָהלַַַַַַַַַַַַַ
  12. There is not
  13. How would you write “my horses” in Hebrew?
  14. What does any given ending on a Hebrew verb indicate?
  15. What is indicated by a Hebrew stem?
  16. What way(s) can the demonstratives be used?
  17. שְׁ ֵמךְ Parse
  18. ָחכָ ָמה Parse
  19. ֵהן
  20. ְרשׁשׁ֫עִים Parse
  21. ָקשָׁה Parse
  22. ֲארוֹן
  23. כֵּן
  24. Parse
  25. ר ֶר ֶג ֶלר ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶ
  26. Certain singular monosyllabic nouns will add י to their stem before taking a pronominal suffix.
  27. ו ְ ַה ּתוֹרָה ו ְ ַה ִּמצְו ָה :Translate
  28. בּוֹ Parse
  29. Thousand
  30. שֶָׂדה
  31. When the object marker ֵאת/ ֶאת־ takes a Pronominal Suffix, it is translated as a pronoun and the subject of the sentence.
  32. זִבְ ֲחךParseָ
  33. ל ָכ ֵן
  34. Identify the correct use of the Hebrew independent personal pronoun.
  35. רַע Parse
  36. Monosyllabic nouns in the construct state will experience
  37. Flock
  38. What is the name of the dot in the Type 1 Suffix (ּה), and what is its person, gender, and number?
  39. Before, in front of
  40. What do you add to turn ten (ֶעשֶׂר ) to twenty, three (ׁשְׁלֹש) to thirty, etc.?
  41. ָטהוֹר
  42. Nose
  43. בִּי Parse
  44. Before consonants with a Vocal Shewa, the inseparable prepositions are spelled with Pathach (
  45. The three types of Hebrew prepositions are Independent, Maqqef, and Inseparable.
  46. To eat
  47. זְ ֵקנִים Parse
  48. If two nouns are “in construct,” other words or particles may separate them.
  49. ַצ ִדוּי ִקים Parse
  50. .correctly displays fixing an inseparable preposition to a definite noun בְּ ַהשּׁא ֶדה

Exam 3

  1. Correctly identify, in the order presented in BBH, the Qal Perfect Paradigm of the Strong Verb.
  2. כ ָ ּ ֵב ד
  3. ירְ ֹדּףParse
  4. עָנ ָה
  5. Stative verbs are classified by their stem vowel.
  6. How is the Imperfect Conjugation negated?
  7. What Weak Verb class does the Hebrew verb ְהָ ֫לך inflect in?
  8. In the Qal Perfect of Geminate verbs, the assimilation of the First Geminate consonant into the second, resulting in a Daghesh Forte, can be expected in all forms.
  9. (Select the best answer.) What is another name for the Imperfect conjugation?
  10. . ְמ ֫רג ְּלִים Prefix the Definite Article to
  11. Biconsonantal verbs are sometimes designated as II-י/ו
  12. III-ה verbs were originally III-ו
  13. ָאז
  14. With some frequency, the 3mp and 2mp forms will be written with a final ן. What is this nun called?
  15. י ָל ַד
  16. Weak Biconsonantal verbs have which vowel under the first root consonant?
  17. How would the Hebrew verb לָ ַקח be written in the Qal Imperfect 2mp form?
  18. יוThethreeBiconsonantalstemvowelsareֹ
  19. יְשׁשׁ֫ ְב ֶּתן Parse
  20. To be numerous
  21. Correctly identify, in the order presented in BBH, the Qal Imperfect Paradigm of the Strong Verb
  22. נ ֶ ֫נ ג ד
  23. .)can mean “You remember” (2fp ִּתזְ ֫כֹּ ְרנָה
  24. כָּתַב
  25. (Select the best answer.) What is the Imperfect conjugation used to express?
  26. To work
  27. Sacrifice
  28. Stative Verbs describe a state of being.
  29. שׁשָׁ ֫֫מ ְרנוּ Parse
  30. עָלָה
  31. Qal Imperfect diagnostic vowels include a Hireq preformative vowel and a Holem Waw stem vowel.
  32. What motivates the loss of the Daghesh Lene in the ת of the Perfect sufformatives of III-א verbs?
  33. ב ּוֹא
  34. Choose the best representative of Type 1 I-Guttural Imperfect verbs.
  35. שׁו ּב
  36. נָשָׁׂ֫א ִתי Parse
  37. ֵּתשׁשְׁ ִבי Par
  38. Correctly identify the correct vowel pattern for the Qal Perfect 3ms Strong Verb.
  39. שׁשָׁ ָתה
  40. Lest
  41. יָ ָ֫צאנוּ Parse
  42. Final forms of the Hebrew consonants appear
  43. To build up
  44. ָק ֫֫ב ְצ ִּתי Parse
  45. יְהוָה ֱא ֹלהֵינוּ ָכּ ֫רתעִ ָּמנוּ ְבּ ִרית :Translate
  46. In the II-Guttural and III-ח/ע Imperfect weak verb category, what does the stem vowel shift to and why?
  47. To pass over
  48. How are Stative Verbs classified?
  49. A Holem Waw (ֹו) connecting vowel will help with the identification of a Qal Perfect Geminate Verb.
  50. To be(come) king
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  5. OTCL 520 Exam 3 Set 2
  6. OTCL 520 Exam 3
  • OTCL 520 Exam 1 Liberty University