NBST 610 Quiz 2 Context

NBST 610 Quiz: Context, the Bible, and Meaning

  1. The earliest English Bible which translated directly from the Greek and Hebrew was the King James Bible.
  2. One of the factors that complicates the translation process is that no two languages are exactly alike.
  3. The same Greek word can be translated into English by a number of different English words.
  4. What event has happened since Holmes last saw Watson?
  5. What is Watson’s profession?
  6. You cannot do proper word studies without an intermediate knowledge of Greek and Hebrew.
  7. The best translation would be one, which translates literally word for word straight from the original language into English.
  8. There are no differences in any of the ancient manuscripts of the Bible.
  9. The circumstances in which communication occurs substantially affect, if not determine, the meaning of a text.
  10. According to Klein et al., unless we can demonstrate that the author intended multiple meanings for a text, we should not assume multiple meanings.
  11. Following Klein et al., which of the following comes first in performing a word study?
  12. An adverb adjusts the sense of a verb in some significant way.
  13. According to Klein et al., textual criticism has shown that only 90% of the original NT can be reconstructed from existing manuscripts.
  14. According to Klein et al., the interpreter is free to read a biblical text in any way he or she would like without any regard to the author’s or original recipient’s culture and experience.
  15. An adjective adjusts the sense of a noun in some significant way.
  16. According to Klein et al., the term “aspect” refers to:
  17. Klein et al. claim that it is reasonable to conclude that the Jews agreed on the boundaries of the Hebrew canon during NT times.
  18. Put the following domains of literary context in their proper order according to Klein et al.: A. Bible Context; B. The Text Itself; C. Rest of the Book Context; D. Immediate Context.
  19. According to Klein et al., which of the three elements of Speech Act Theory describes primarily the communicative intent of the speech act:
  20. According to Klein et al., textual criticism is able to reconstruct at least 90% of the OT from the existing manuscripts.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. NBST 610 Quiz 2
  2. NBST 610 Exam 2 Summer 2020
  3. NBST 610 Exam 2 2019
  • Liberty University