JURI 615 Quiz 3

JURI Quiz 3 Key Persons and Information Security

Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5 — Module 6: Week 6.

  1. There are generally two conceptual models for the gatekeeper’s role
  2. The rules that govern lawyers generally adhere and follow the public servant model
  3. Under rules of professional conduct, lawyers may only represent natural persons, not legal entities.
  4. If a lawyer that represents an organization undercovers wrongdoing, confidentiality prevents the lawyer from telling that to others in the organization
  5. The “up-the-ladder” provision, always requires a lawyer to report wrongdoing to a higher level of corporate management.
  6. Based on the rules of professional conduct, if a lawyer is discharged for exercising an up-the- ladder reporting, what should the lawyer do?
  7. As a default rule, because an employee works for a company, the company’s lawyer can always talk to an employee, regardless if that employee has their own lawyer.
  8. The lawyer’s duty of confidentiality applies only to client communications
  9. Which of the following is not an exception to the lawyer’s duty of confidentiality?
  10. Like the duty of confidentiality, the attorney-client privilege covers both facts and communications
  11. By its very nature, the attorney-client privilege covers all communications between a person and his or her lawyer
  12. The attorney-client privilege is inviolable and impenetrable.
  13. Ordinarily, documents prepared for litigation by a lawyer or agent of the lawyer can be discovered.
  14. Which of the following groups exercises regulatory authority over the auditors of public companies?
  15. Which of the following is not a matter that must be communicated about a critical audit matter in an auditor’s report:
  16. Which of the following is not an additional matter required of auditors in the European Union?
  17. Which of the following is not a service that independent auditor may not offer to its publicly traded audit clients:
  18. Under Gramm-Leach-Bliley issued Security Guidelines, which is not a required step of a risk assessment:
  19. HIPAA protects healthcare information in the hands of any company
  20. Which of the following is likely not protected health information?
  21. Which of the following is not a HHS principal rule that implements HIPAA?
  22. Under the HHS Security Rule, which is not a proper factor when analyzing security measures
  23. There is an individual private right of action for a HIPAA violation
  24. Poor cyber-security protocols may constitute an unfair consumer trade practice
  25. Due to their unique roles, lawyers do not need to worry about cyber risks
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