JURI 615 Quiz 1,2,3,4

JURI 615 Quiz 1,2,3,4

JURI 615 Quiz 1

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JURI 615 Quiz 1 Liberty University

JURI 615 Quiz Governance & Compliance

  1. Who ultimately owns a corporation?
  2. Shareholders typically make day-to-day decisions
  3. Which of these is not a requirement to be eligible to submit a shareholder proposal under current SEC rules?
  4. Which of these is required under the Dodd-Frank Act?
  5. Based on empirical studies, a larger board is necessarily more effective
  6. A board of directors in which members serve for multiple years, and only a portion changes each year, is known as a:
  7. A director’s fiduciary duties are owed directly to
  8. Which of the following is not a commonly described component of a director’s fiduciary duty?
  9. The business judgement rule:
  10. The business judgment rule offers protection for violations of the duty of loyalty
  11. Audit committees are not an uncommon overseer of the compliance function
  12. Item 407(h) of SEC Regulation S-K requires generally:
  13. In NYSE-listed companies, the nominating/corporate governance committee must be composed completely of independent directors
  14. In NYSE-listed companies, the compensation committee must be composed completely of independent directors
  15. Based on our reading, in publicly traded firms, the management’s most important compliance requirement is found within
  16. Which of the following is not required under SOX § 404(a)
  17. Which of the following does not accurately describe SOX-based internal controls
  18. Which of the following is not a commonly accepted part of the internal control framework
  19. Which of the below is a judicial doctrine that regards court deference to agency interpretations
  20. Which of the below is not a “step” in the Chevron approach
  21. Which of the following is not a viable basis for a Caremark claim
  22. In the internal audit content, the audit universe refers to the scope of functions and entities that will be internally audited
  23. Which of the following is not a common element of an internal audit report
  24. Outsourcing the internal audit function to an outside vendor is necessarily problematic
  25. The human resource department has little compliance risk or issues that arise

Set 2

  1. Who ultimately owns a corporation?
  2. Shareholders typically make day-to-day decisions
  3. Which of these is not a requirement to be eligible to submit a shareholder proposal under current SEC rules?
  4. Which of these is required under the Dodd-Frank Act?
  5. Based on empirical studies, a larger board is necessarily more effective
  6. A board of directors in which members serve for multiple years, and only a portion changes each year, is known as a:
  7. A director’s fiduciary duties are owed directly to
  8. Which of the following is not a commonly described component of a director’s fiduciary duty?
  9. The business judgement rule:
  10. The business judgment rule offers protection for violations of the duty of loyalty
  11. Audit committees are not an uncommon overseer of the compliance function
  12. Item 407(h) of SEC Regulation S-K requires generally:
  13. In NYSE-listed companies, the nominating/corporate governance committee must be composed completely of independent directors
  14. In NYSE-listed companies, the compensation committee must be composed completely of independent directors
  15. Based on our reading, in publicly traded firms, the management’s most important compliance requirement is found within
  16. Which of the following is not required under SOX § 404(a)
  17. Which of the following does not accurately describe SOX-based internal controls
  18. Which of the following is not a commonly accepted part of the internal control framework
  19. Which of the below is a judicial doctrine that regards court deference to agency interpretations
  20. Which of the below is not a “step” in the Chevron approach
  21. Which of the following is not a viable basis for a Caremark claim
  22. In the internal audit content, the audit universe refers to the scope of functions and entities that will be internally audited
  23. Which of the following is not a common element of an internal audit report
  24. Outsourcing the internal audit function to an outside vendor is necessarily problematic
  25. The human resource department has little compliance risk or issues that arise

JURI 615 Quiz 2 Enforcement, Regulators, Prosecutors, and Whistleblowers

Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3 — Module 4: Week 4.

  1. Compliance policies are normally phrased obligatory, mandatory, and legalese terms
  2. Based on DOJ guidance, which is not a valid criterion for evaluating corporate compliance programs?
  3. An effective compliance programs requires reliable and ethical people to manage it
  4. An employer may face legal liability for the negligent hiring of an unqualified person
  5. Which of the following is a legal doctrine that imposes legal liability on an employer for the acts of its employees?
  6. In background checks and hiring, it is generally acceptable to ask for and require information concerning a protected category?
  7. Because in the background check phase of hiring, the applicant is not an employee yet, the employer does not need to worry about claims of illegal employment discrimination.
  8. Federal law currently precludes an employer from asking about arrest and conviction records in employment applications
  9. In a compliance program, the same level of compliance training should be given to all employees
  10. Generally, small-scale, internal investigations are disclosed to the public because they deal with only minor misconduct.
  11. If, during an internal investigation, a company uncovers criminal activity, it is always legally obligated to notify the proper authorities
  12. Which of the following is not a downside to a required or encourage compliance policies by government regulators?
  13. Which of the following is not a requirement under statutory Bank Secrecy Act compliance elements
  14. Under SEC rule, a registered investment adviser may provide investment advice without written compliance policies.
  15. Which of the following is not a common part of a “risk-based” approach to compliance
  16. If an enforcement proceeding goes to judgment, which legal doctrine bars the defendant from denying the facts and conclusions in a later case or proceeding?
  17. In regulatory settlements, companies generally insist on the inclusion of non-admission clauses
  18. Based on the reading, the most effective penalty against a corporation is normally a fine
  19. Based on DOJ policy, prosecution of a corporation can be a substitute for prosecuting culpable individuals
  20. Which of the following is not normally a factor to be considered in prosecuting a corporate target?
  21. Under DOJ policy, if a corporation disciplines against employees who engaged in wrongdoing, the entity may receive a cooperation credit
  22. Generally, a company can take retaliatory actions against a whistleblower with no jeopardy
  23. Which of the following is not a reason why corporate defendants disfavor plea agreements?
  24. If the collateral cost of corporation conviction for innocent third parties would be high, a deferred- or non-prosecution agreement may be appropriate
  25. Generally, there is little incentive for a whistleblower or other party to bring a qui tam action against a corporation

JURI Quiz 3 Key Persons and Information Security

Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5 — Module 6: Week 6.

  1. There are generally two conceptual models for the gatekeeper’s role
  2. The rules that govern lawyers generally adhere and follow the public servant model
  3. Under rules of professional conduct, lawyers may only represent natural persons, not legal entities.
  4. If a lawyer that represents an organization undercovers wrongdoing, confidentiality prevents the lawyer from telling that to others in the organization
  5. The “up-the-ladder” provision, always requires a lawyer to report wrongdoing to a higher level of corporate management.
  6. Based on the rules of professional conduct, if a lawyer is discharged for exercising an up-the- ladder reporting, what should the lawyer do?
  7. As a default rule, because an employee works for a company, the company’s lawyer can always talk to an employee, regardless if that employee has their own lawyer.
  8. The lawyer’s duty of confidentiality applies only to client communications
  9. Which of the following is not an exception to the lawyer’s duty of confidentiality?
  10. Like the duty of confidentiality, the attorney-client privilege covers both facts and communications
  11. By its very nature, the attorney-client privilege covers all communications between a person and his or her lawyer
  12. The attorney-client privilege is inviolable and impenetrable.
  13. Ordinarily, documents prepared for litigation by a lawyer or agent of the lawyer can be discovered.
  14. Which of the following groups exercises regulatory authority over the auditors of public companies?
  15. Which of the following is not a matter that must be communicated about a critical audit matter in an auditor’s report:
  16. Which of the following is not an additional matter required of auditors in the European Union?
  17. Which of the following is not a service that independent auditor may not offer to its publicly traded audit clients:
  18. Under Gramm-Leach-Bliley issued Security Guidelines, which is not a required step of a risk assessment:
  19. HIPAA protects healthcare information in the hands of any company
  20. Which of the following is likely not protected health information?
  21. Which of the following is not a HHS principal rule that implements HIPAA?
  22. Under the HHS Security Rule, which is not a proper factor when analyzing security measures
  23. There is an individual private right of action for a HIPAA violation
  24. Poor cyber-security protocols may constitute an unfair consumer trade practice
  25. Due to their unique roles, lawyers do not need to worry about cyber risks

JURI 615 Quiz 4 Foreign Corrupt Practices ACT, Financial, Human Resources, and Ethics

Covers the Learn material from Module: Week 7 — Module 8: Week 8.

  1. Which of the following is not an essential part of the FCPA
  2. Which of the following is not an element of the FCPA’s anti-bribery provisions?
  3. Which of the following acts would not create US nexus under the FCPA?
  4. If a US employee offered a bribe to a foreign official, but before the bribe was actually paid the official was removed from office. Nevertheless, a FCPA violation occurred.
  5. Which of the following would not constitute “anything of value” under the FCPA?
  6. There is a de minimis exception to the FCPA
  7. Periodic testing and review are not an elements of a good FCPA compliance policy.
  8. Which of the following is not an element to receive a declination or credit under DOJ FCPA guidance?
  9. A suspicious activity report must be filed for each cash transaction over $2,500.
  10. Federal law does not regulate sexual harassment in the workplace.
  11. Employers may be subject to vicarious liability to a victimized employee for a hostile work environment
  12. Which of the following is not an element an employer-based affirmative defense for sexual harassment?
  13. Generally, a one-off or sporadic use of offensive language will create a hostile work environment.
  14. Sexual harassment policies need only cover full-time employees.
  15. Distributing and administering a sexual harassment policy and complaint procedure is a fully effective strategy to minimize the risk of harassment.
  16. Given their duty to maximize shareholder wealth, directors should never authorize corporate charitable giving.
  17. A public benefit company is a strictly charitable entity.
  18. Ethics codes typically have a hortatory element.
  19. There is a presumption of extraterritorial application applied to the Alien Tort Claims Act
  20. The triple-bottom-line approach also incorporates the entity’s impact on the broader economy, environment, and society.
  21. Bank suspicious activity reports are filed with the
  22. Which of the following is not a common pattern of suspicious banking activity?
  23. Software may help a bank to identify and report on suspicious transactions.
  24. Which of the following is generally not an element of an effective anti-harassment policy
  25. Confidentiality can be guaranteed in harassment investigations
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  1. JURI 615 Quiz 1 2024
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