HSMF 601 Quiz 4

HSMF 601 Quiz 4

  1. In order to discern a family’s structure two things are necessary: a theoretical system that explains structure and:
  2. Johnson and Greenberg have found that emotionally-focused couples therapy is more successful when the therapist first _____________________ and that intimate self-disclosure leads to more productive sessions.
  3. A non-verbal experiential technique, in which family members position themselves in a tableau that reveals significant aspects of their perceptions and feelings, is known as:
  4. Minuchin, Rosman, and Baker (1978) reported a 90% improvement rate in the results of their treatment study of structural family therapy in treating
  5. An interaction stimulated in structural family therapy in order to observe and then change transactions which make up family structure is called:
  6. When two people marry, they must learn to negotiate the nature of the boundary between them, as well as the boundary separating them from the outside. This structural requirement is known as
  7. Experientialists emphasize the feeling side of human nature and, in therapy, the value of _______for its own sake.
  8. A family therapist who begins a session by greeting individual family members by name and asking for each person’s view of the problem is demonstrating which strategy?
  9. According to Richard Schwartz, underneath people’s reactive parts lies _________.
  10. Experiential family therapy is designed to:
  11. The primary treatment goal of structural family therapy is to:
  12. Disengaged families are surrounded by _________ boundaries while _________ families are characterized by _________ boundaries.
  13. Experiential family therapy promotes honest_________
  14. When parents are unable to resolve the conflicts between them, a common pattern is to continue to argue through the children. When father says mother is too permissive, she says he’s too strict. He may in turn withdraw, and she responds to the child with excessive concern and devotion. The structural term which best describes the resulting family structure is:
  15. Structural family therapists use _________ to observe and then modify interactions that make up family structure.
  16. The primary goals of experiential family therapy include all except which of the following?
  17. Experiential therapy differs from most systems approaches with respect to its emphasis on ____________ versus techniques that specifically facilitate interaction.
  18. Among experientialists, families are typically conceived of and treated as ___________.
  19. An essential role of an internal family systems therapist is to:
  20. “Unbalancing” involves
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  1. HSMF 601 Quiz 4