HLTH 640 Quiz 4 Nutrition Life-cycle

HLTH 640 Quiz 4: Nutrition Through the Life-cycle

Module 7: Week 7 Module 8: Week 8.

  1. During the third trimester of her pregnancy, Annette began to experience constipation. In which of the following options would she find relief?
  2. During pregnancy, the caffeine a mother consumes from coffee, soft drinks, and energy
    drinks is
  3. Maternal blood vessels exchange nutrients and oxygen with the fetal vessels, and the fetal vessels deliver waste products for the maternal blood for
  4. Cow’s milk should not be given before age 1, as it is too high in protein and some minerals and too low in fat.
  5. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle ________ pregnancy help prevent birth defects and may reduce future health risks in both mother and child.
  6. In infants, hot dog rounds, salt, sugar, and butter should be
  7. Proper nutrition positively influences the metabolic programming during pregnancy and may help limit future chronic disease in the child and adult.
  8. The timing of the types of foods which an infant receives should be determined by
  9. The organ through which oxygen, nutrients, and waste products are exchanged is the
  10. Who among the following pregnant women is likely to have an infant who has a low-birthweight baby? Maria who is
  11. Morning sickness and cravings are common during the third trimester.
  12. Which of the following types of seafood need to be avoided by pregnant women?
  13. Children
  14. Babies who are born earlier than 37 weeks are likely to have
  15. Most food allergies are caused by eggs, cow’s milk, peanuts, soy, wheat, tree nuts, and
  16. Which of the following teas should not be consumed by pregnant women?
  17. Pregnant women need to avoid cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke, alcohol, illicit drugs, and botanicals.
  18. A balanced diet supplies all nutrients for pregnant women except for
  19. Folic acid is an important nutrient for pregnant women, and if this nutrient is underconsumed, it can result in permanent side effects in the infant.
  20. Pregnant women should ________ raw or undercooked animal foods and unpasteurized milk.
  21. During the third trimester, a woman who began her pregnancy at a healthy weight needs an additional 450 kilocalories daily.
  22. The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children is a government funded program that provides food assistance for nutritionally at-risk mothers during pregnancy and for at-risk children through the first ________ years of life.
  23. Women who begin their pregnancy at a healthy weight should gain from ________ pounds during pregnancy.
  24. Pregnant women who conceive at a healthy weight should consume an additional ________ kilocalories daily during the second trimester.
  25. Toxins and insufficient nutrient intake during critical periods may cause reversible damage to the embryo or fetus.
  26. Maternal and fetal blood supplies do not mix during a healthy pregnancy.
  27. During the third trimester, a woman who began her pregnancy at a healthy weight needs an additional ________ kilocalories daily.
  28. Conception is easier for women at a ________ weight.
  29. Caffeine has been shown to be harmful to the fetus, and should be avoided by all pregnant women.
  30. Marijuana, cocaine, and other illegal drugs can
  31. During the first year of life, infants need to be given foods depending on their
  32. Pregnant women who have preexisting medical conditions such as diabetes need to
  33. Babies who fall asleep with a bottle are at risk for developing
  34. Maternal nutrition, exposure to environmental toxins, drugs, stress during specific times of development can lead to functional tissue changes, and ultimately predispose an individual to disease later in life.
  35. A child’s home environment exerts ________ influence over health behaviors.
  36. More children are obese than ever before.
  37. Participation in federal school meal programs may curb hunger and improve diet quality among poor children.
  38. Ashley refuses anything but macaroni and cheese. This is called
  39. Lean meats, enriched grains, and legumes on a regular basis may improve ________ stores in teens.
  40. Increasing enriched grains, lean meats, and legumes may result in adequate iron intake.
  41. The later the intervention with eating disordered teens, the better.
  42. Overconsumption of kilocalories, inadequate physical activity, genetics, the home and community environment, and media and advertising contribute to this increasing problem of obesity.
  43. Children who participate in the National School Lunch Program have ________ diet quality lunch meals as compared to those who bring lunch from home.
  44. Calcium, vitamin D, and iron are key nutrients during
  45. Among toddlers, milk, water, and diluted 100-percent juice are better beverage choices than sugary drinks.
  46. Children who have school breakfast
  47. Early assessment and intervention, including changes in diet and exercise, can prevent or reverse obesity, and may prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.
  48. Eating breakfast improves childrens’ energy levels, nutrient intake, and mental performance throughout the day.
  49. Who needs to modify social, cultural, economic, and environmental influences to support healthy eating and adequate physical activity?
  50. Skipping meals, choosing unhealthy foods, and excessive dieting are common among teens.
  51. Hot dogs, nuts and seeds, chunks of meat, whole grapes, hard candy, popcorn, chunks of peanut butter, raw vegetables, raisins, and chewing gum
  52. Children living in poverty consume lower-quality diets and are more likely to be
  53. Adolescents require a balanced diet to meet their ________ nutrient needs, compared to young children.
  54. Children with weak family bonds are more likely to skip meals, and choose unhealthy foods, compared to children whose families have strong bonds.
  55. On a daily basis, toddlers should avoid soda and other sugary beverages and they should consume
  56. When a childis asked to “clean” his plate, even if she is full,
  57. During adolescence, rapid bone growth calls for adequate calcium and vitamin ________ intake.
  58. Compared to overweight individuals, obese individuals have a higher risk for hypertension and high cholesterol, but there are no psychosocial disadvantages of obesity.
  59. Prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, hypertension are increasing among children and teenagers.
  60. Social, cultural, economic, and environmental influences can also be modified by parents to support healthy eating and adequate physical activity.
  61. Obesity in children is increasing.
  62. A growth spurt and the onset of puberty are characteristics of
  63. Obese children are likely to ________ during adulthood.
  64. During ________, calcium, vitamin D, and iron are particularly important nutrients during this period to ensure adequate bone and muscle growth and support increased blood volume.
  65. The best fluid for toddlers to drink is
  66. Among teens, overconsumption of soda may interfere with calcium intake if it displaces dairy products in the diet.
  67. If a child’s parents and caregivers do not eat fruits and vegetables, the child is not likely to learn to enjoy them.
  68. A diet high in saturated fat and low in antioxidants and fiber can ________ the aging process.
  69. Nearly half of Americans age 65 and older report having been diagnosed with
  70. It is better for older adults to walk alone so that they can control the pace.
  71. Among older adults, stomach emptying may slow, and this may reduce hunger and thus food and nutrient intake.
  72. The plant-based diet that helps reduce hypertension is the
  73. Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are ________ older Americans’ risk for chronic disease and premature death.
  74. Metabolism slows with age, so older adults need ________kilocalories than their younger counterparts.
  75. Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, and cancer are linked to
  76. Poor older Americans are less likely than middle-class Americans to
  77. The number one physical activity among older Americans is
  78. Who among the following has the lowest muscle mass? Mary who is
  79. The Food and Drug Administration monitors supplements and botanicals so rigorously that there is no need for persons to consult a health care provider before self-prescribing them.
  80. Green, leafy vegetables; blueberries, cherries, and raspberries may decrease the risk of cataracts.
  81. Grandma Moses lives alone in rural Florida, has arthritis, is often depressed and lives alone since her husband died ten years ago. She never learned to drive. Which program would you recommend for her?
  82. For older adults, a protein-rich diet should include lean meats, seafood, poultry, eggs, legumes, seeds, nuts, and soy products.
  83. There is no cure for osteoporosis, but medications and a balanced diet, dietary supplements as necessary, and regular weight- bearing exercise can slow bone loss.
  84. Who among the following have the lowest bone density? Mary who is
  85. The best dietary strategy for aging adults to prevent chronic diseases is to consume a varied, nutrient- and phytochemical- dense, heart-healthy diet.
  86. Older adults are at increased risk of
  87. Physiological effects of aging include reduced muscle mass, increased body fat; a decrease in immune function; declining sensory abilities; and________ digestion.
  88. Alicia’s mother and grandmother have both been diagnosed with osteoporosis, so Alicia needs to eat more sodium-rich foods, begin a swimming program.
  89. Depression, social isolation and grief may lead to ________ appetites among older adults.
  90. Among older adults, butter or olive oil, cheese, nuts, fresh herbs, mustard, hot pepper, spices, or lemon or lime juice can be added to improve the diminished sense of
  91. The 85-and-older population is
  92. Older adults should ensure that they get an adequate intake of high-quality lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and unsaturated fat; and that they consume enough fluid, vitamins D and B12, iron, calcium, zinc; and they also need to decrease ________ intake
  93. Slowed peristalsis can lead to constipation, gas, and bloating.
  94. Lifespan is the maximum age to which members of a species can live, and longevity is the duration of an individual’s life.
  95. Brain function may slow because of an age-related decline in the levels of neurotransmitters and in blood
  96. Disabilities such as trouble with mobility, vision, or hearing are
  97. Older adults do not need to read the labels of over-the-counter medications because only prescribed medications interact with food.
  98. Among older adults, social isolation, solitary eating, and depression are linked to
  99. Most older do not meet national physical activity guidelines.
  100. Sarcopenia is age-related progressive loss of muscle mass, muscle strength, and function.
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