HLTH 505 Quiz Ripples

HLTH 505 Quiz Ripples

Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7.

  1. What is the most common biological pollutant in indoor air, provoking severe allergic reactions among some individuals?
  2. The 3-way catalytic converters used to reduce emissions in most new model cars remove which pollutants?
  3. Why is radon gas in homes considered a problem?
  4. Which of the following is NOT an auto-associated pollutant?
  5. How many picocuries of radon per liter of air does the EPA regard as the “action level” at or above which abatement action should be initiated?
  6. Which of the following pollutants is most damaging to human health?
  7. If you notice a yellowish-brown haze in the air over your city, what criteria air pollutant is present?
  8. What is generally considered to be the pH value of natural, unpolluted precipitation?
  9. What pollutant is significantly reduced through the use of “scrubbers”?
  10. Which of the following is the most frequent cause of “sick building syndrome”?
  11. What is the most abundant pollutant found in urban air?
  12. What is “photochemical smog”?
  13. Which of the following explains why the Midwest is not suffering as severe damage from acid rain as are the northeastern states?
  14. Which of the following statements about hazardous air pollutants (i.e. “air toxics”) is false?
  15. Which of the following statements in reference to air pollution and health is false?
  16. If a person living in a mobile home complains of eye irritation, headache, nausea, dizziness, respiratory problems, extreme tiredness, or a rash, it is quite possible that the cause is exposure to what common indoor air pollutant?
  17. Which of the following could be a source of formaldehyde exposure inside homes?
  18. “Emissions trading” represents a novel market-based approach to controlling air pollution, originally conceived as a way of reducing what environmental problem
  19. In what way might acid rain pose a human health threat?
  20. When is “ozone season”—the period when this gas is most likely to reach health- threatening levels?
  21. Which regulated air pollutant has been the most difficult to control and is most often the cause of a community’s inability to meet national ambient air quality standards?
  22. Which criteria air pollutant is associated primarily with coal-burning?
  23. Which of the following presents the greatest airborne health threat to passengers or crew on commercial airliners?
  24. What pollution control strategy has actually worsened the acid rain problem?
  25. What pollutant enters homes from the soil under houses and can accumulate to concentrations which EPA estimates may be responsible for 10% of all U.S. lung cancer deaths?
  26. Which of the following is a hazardous air pollutant as opposed to a criteria pollutant?
  27. Which of the following statements about radon contamination in homes is false?
  28. The average pH of rainfall in the eastern U.S. is currently in the range of:
  29. Which of the following activities is the single most significant cause of recreational noise-induced hearing loss?
  30. What minimum level of noise exposure, if experienced on a regular basis, could lead to permanent impairment of hearing ability?
  31. Which of the following could trigger the onset of the condition known as “temporary threshold shift”?
  32. What is the unit for measuring intensity of sound (i.e. loudness of a noise)?
  33. Anatomically, what impact does noise have on the ear, resulting in hearing loss?
  34. Which of the following statements about noise is false?
  35. What symptom is experienced by sufferers of tinnitus?
  36. Which of the following constitutes the single largest use of water in the typical American home?
  37. Approximately what proportion of all the water on earth is found in the form of freshwater available for human consumption and use
  38. What activity constitutes the single largest use of water in the United States?
  39. Why is the Ogallala Aquifer the focus of much concern?
  40. Why is desalination of seawater not more widely practiced as a means of augmenting water supplies?
  41. What is the #1 contributor to groundwater contamination in the United States today?
  42. What is the name given to the type of geological formation in which groundwater occurs?
  43. Which of the following statements about groundwater is false?
  44. Of all available freshwater, which of the following constitutes the greatest amount?
  45. Which of the following statements about water conservation is false?
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