HIWD 370 Quiz Early Humans

HIWD 370 Quiz: Early Humans and Ancient India

Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. What did Mesopotamians believe about the forces that controlled the world?
  2. Without ____, the emergence of Mesopotamian civilization might not have been possible.
  3. Among the early Indo-European peoples were the
  4. What happened during the reign of Akhenaten?
  5. What was one of the most significant contributions to history made by the ancient Phoenicians?
  6. Who did the Israelites believe were the true religious teachers, sent by God?
  7. Unlike Mesopotamia’s rivers, the flooding of Egypt’s Nile was gradual and usually predictable, and the river was seen as life-enhancing rather than life-threatening.
  8. The Epic of Gilgamesh was
  9. Which people created the first Mesopotamian civilization?
  10. King Solomon is associated with all of the following EXCEPT
  11. What did the Phoenicians do once they gained their political independence from the Hittites and Egyptians?
  12. Egyptian hieroglyphs
  13. Which statement about the pyramids is FALSE?
  14. Hammurabi took all of the following actions EXCEPT
  15. In addition to Mesopotamia and Egypt, other nearby areas in which significant human advances were made included
  16. In comparison to Hinduism, Buddhism was much less egalitarian.
  17. Why did the jati class system survive for so many centuries?
  18. According to the Arthasastra,
  19. What did Mahavira, founder of Jainism, preach to his followers?
  20. Which of the following was a set of commentaries on the Vedas that emphasized spiritual meditation?
  21. The Ramayana
  22. “The Rule of the Fishes” refers to the
  23. Which of these items was NOT exported by India?
  24. The two major cities of the Harappan civilization were
  25. People in India belonged to a class not as individuals but as members of a kinship group known as the
  26. Which statement about the relationship between the Indus River and Aryan cultures is correct?
  27. The transition the Aryans made from pastoral to primarily agricultural pursuits was aided by the introduction of which of the following?
  28. What was true of marriage in ancient India?
  29. How many social classes existed in India?
  30. The Indian priestly caste was known as the
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