HIUS 390 Quiz 2

HIUS 390 Quiz 2 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. About how long was the tobacco production cycle from planting the seeds to shipping hogsheads full of mature, cured tobacco leaves?
  2. What led to the Cherokee War in 1759?
  3. What was a major lesson George Washington learned from the French and Indian War?
  4. What was the hierarchy order within the family units in Virginia and England?
  5. What was the ultimate result of the French and Indian War?
  6. What was NOT a concern for British and American relations following the French and Indian War?
  7. What did Virginia’s military efforts during the French and Indian War demonstrate?
  8. What aspect of the 1774 Quebec Act most enraged Virginians?
  9. Which Virginian leader was instrumental in riling up dissension against the Stamp Act and passing the Virginia Resolves?
  10. What threatened the patriarchal control the planters held over society through the mid eighteenth century (1700s)?
  11. What was central to supporting the system of patriarchy in eighteenth century (1700s) Virginia?
  12. What was NOT an accomplishment Alexander Spotswood had as lieutenant governor?
  13. Why did Virginia planters and farmers continue to rely on growing tobacco rather than diversifying their crops in the 1700s?
  14. What were some of the aspects of society that made colonial Virginia appear to be the perfect planter’s patriarchy?
  15. What did Patrick Henry say gentlemen may cry for in his Liberty or Death speech, when the reality was there was none?
  16. What caused tensions to rise between Anglicans and religious dissenters in colonial Virginia?
  17. What did Patrick Henry say had already begun in his Liberty or Death speech?
  18. What was NOT a social or political impact Samuel Davies and other Great Awakening ministers had on America?
  19. What is Samuel Davies referred to for his role in Virginia’s First Great Awakening?
  20. At what time of day did the 18th-century tradition of firing guns on Christmas take place?

Set 2

  1. What was NOT a concern for British and American relations following the French and Indian War?
  2. What did Virginia’s military efforts during the French and Indian War demonstrate?
  3. What were some of the aspects of society that made colonial Virginia appear to be the perfect planter’s patriarchy?
  4. In what way did evangelical dissenters upset colonial Virginian society following the Great Awakening?
  5. What led to the Cherokee War in 1759?
  6. What was central to supporting the system of patriarchy in eighteenth century (1700s) Virginia?
  7. What was NOT an accomplishment Alexander Spotswood had as lieutenant governor?
  8. What was the ultimate result of the French and Indian War?
  9. As Virginian society grew more dependent on slave labor, what caused unease among the planter patriarchs?
  10. Which Virginian leader was instrumental in riling up dissension against the Stamp Act and passing the Virginia Resolves?
  11. What was NOT a factor in determining whether a person could vote in colonial Virginia?
  12. Why did Virginia planters and farmers continue to rely on growing tobacco rather than diversifying their crops in the 1700s?
  13. About how long was the tobacco production cycle from planting the seeds to shipping hogsheads full of mature, cured tobacco leaves?
  14. What was the underlying reason the House of Burgesses attempted to pass a resolution against the Townshend Acts that asked Virginians not to import goods from England?
  15. What did the Act of Toleration of 1689 do to religion in colonial Virginia?
  16. What is Samuel Davies referred to for his role in Virginia’s First Great Awakening?
  17. What did Patrick Henry say gentlemen may cry for in his Liberty or Death speech, when the reality was there was none?
  18. What caused slavery to become the “South’s peculiar institution”?
  19. In what areas of Virginia did religious dissenters primarily settle at first, once the colony was opened to them?
  20. What was Samuel Davies’ primary relationship with slaves?
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  1. HIUS 390 Quiz 2 Set 2
  2. HIUS 390 Quiz 2
  3. HIUS 390 Quiz 2 2022