HIST 491 Quiz Comprehensive

HIST 491 Quiz: Comprehensive

  1. In April 1789, this Virginia landowner was inaugurated as the first President of the United States. While thin-skinned when it came to criticism, he did not view himself as a democratically elected monarch, and, most importantly, by voluntarily relinquishing the office at the end of two terms, he forced the world to revise its definition of greatness.
  2. What 20th century American would have said the following: “I am in Birmingham because injustice is here… Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial ‘outside agitator’ idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds…”
  3. In 490 B.C. Darius I. of Persia– in an attempt to punish Greek support of the Ionian Rebellion (499-496 B.C.), and gain control of the Aegean Sea– launched an attack against Athens. The Athenians, of course, resisted, and at this battle decisively defeated the Persians. The battle was of enormous importance to the future of Greek civilization– a Persian victory would have destroyed Athenian freedom, and the conquest of all the mainland Greeks would have soon followed.
  4. Which of the following is true about Woodrow Wilson and the Great War?
  5. How did the United States and Western Europe respond to Japanese aggression in the 1930s before the start of the war in Europe?
  6. The most common medium for writing in the ancient Mediterranean was this “paper of antiquity.” It had been used in Egypt since 3000 B.C. Overall, these sheets were made by bonding together layered strips sliced from a reed. They were glued together to form a long roll, 20 or more ft long. Words were usually written horizontally to form columns, which the reader isolated by scrolling back and forth along the roll. The average roll could contain a play of about 1,500 lines.
  7. What colonial region would be best characterized as a “patchwork of cultures”?
  8. The purpose of the Enlightenment was:
  9. Which of the following is NOT a commonality of New England and Chesapeake settlements?
  10. Which of the following statements about Reconstruction is NOT correct?
  11. What discovery allowed scholars to de-cipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?
  12. Which of the following statements is NOT true about early Roman society?
  13. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
  14. Which of the following was true of Louis XVI?
  15. This Cold War strategy was developed in 1946 administration by George Kennan, a State Department official, who recommended a foreign policy based on the “long-term, patient, but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies.” It was the polestar of American foreign policy for most of the Cold War.
  16. In what circumstances did Captain Napoleon Bonaparte first attract significant notice in the wars of the French Revolution?
  17. What did Stalin want from the British and the Americans more than anything else during 1942 and 1943
  18. NOT one of the perceptions Romans held toward early Christians.
  19. Much of our knowledge concerning the Mycenaean Era comes from this 8th century B.C. poet (author of the Iliad and the Odyssey).
  20. What were challenges that American settlers traveling west might encounter in the mid-19th century?
  21. Which of the following is NOT true regarding social values the Romans admired?
  22. Who composed his City of God in response to the Goths’ sacking of the city of Rome in the year 410, thereby answering pagan critics who had pointed out that Rome had fallen during Christian times?
  23. What was important about the battle of Trafalgar?
  24. Which of the following would definitely be a secondary source?
  25. Which Antebellum American politician would have most likely made the following argument: “The Supreme Court is not competent to judge whether acts of Congress are constitutional, since the Court, like Congress, is only a branch of an agency created by the states. The states themselves must decide whether their instructions have been violated, declaring, if necessary, that an act of Congress is null and void in their state, and that states have a right to defend their decision through secession.”
  26. This Greek conqueror’s hallmark of war was the total destruction of the enemy. From 336 to 323 B.C., he defeated foe after foe—including the mighty Persian Empire of Darius III, and established an empire that stretched from Greece to India.
  27. What ancient leader established the first kingdom in Mesopotamia (around 2350 BC)?
  28. Of the options, which ancient society (during the 500s BC) was among the very first to promote a gold and silver coined “money economy”?
  29. In 31 B.C. this grandnephew of Julius Caesar became absolute master of the Roman Empire (31 B.C.-14 A.D.). Remembering that Julius Caesar had been murdered because of his recourse to naked power, he concealed his ascendancy behind acceptable republican facades and traditions. Thus his method of consolidating power: retain the form while changing the substance. He is also remembered as Octavian.
  30. Which one of the following statements about the Pilgrims is false?
  31. This revivalist is known best for his sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.
  32. As France’s situation became increasingly dire in 1793, the Convention and the Committee of Public Safety took measures such as:
  33. Why was Bacon’s Rebellion significant?
  34. Which of the following was NOT associated with the Progressive movement of the early 20th century?
  35. Which of the following would definitely be a primary source?
  36. Marbury v. Madison (1803)
  37. During the French Revolution, the program of “dechristianization” included:
  38. How had medieval French society (the clergy, aristocracy, and the peasants) changed by the seventeenth- and eighteenth centuries?
  39. The United States did not have political parties prior to the 1790s. Prior to that time, Americans preferred to get political business done through personal leadership, factions, cliques, and other
  40. NOT one of the Allied Powers of World War I:
  41. A Puritan sermon that decried “declension” was called a
  42. Which Antebellum American politician would have most like said the following: “I go for the Constitution as it is, and for the Union as it is… It is, Sir, the people’s Constitution, the people’s government, made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people… Liberty & Union, now & forever, one & inseparable.”
  43. Which of the following best describes the regional development of the Protestant Reformation?
  44. Transportation improved enormously due to the invention of the wheel between 5000-6000 BC… in what ancient society?
  45. NOT one of the provisions of the Compromise of 1850.
  46. Which of the following is true regarding the Indians of the American West?
  47. Why was Brown Board of Education so important to the black civil rights movement?
  48. In the Antinomian controversy, Anne Hutchinson challenged
  49. What was the key provision of the Edict of Nantes subsequently revoked by Louis XIV in 1685?
  50. Which of the following contributed to continued movement West by the second half of the 19th century?
  51. Which of the following is NOT true about President Richard Nixon?
  52. Which of the following best describes the importance of the defeat of the Spanish Armada?
  53. Regarding civil liberties, the Napoleonic regime:
  54. How did Jerry Falwell influence American politics in the 1980s?
  55. Which of the following is not one of the Five Pillars of Islam?
  56. NOT one of the reasons for the War of 1812.
  57. Why should you read secondary sources?
  58. In 1950s America, this replaced the town square as the community’s focal point. In 1945, there were only eight in the United States. By 1960, there were 4,000.
  59. On 9 April 1865, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant at this place, marking (for all practical purposes) the end of the American Civil War.
  60. Which monarch went by the title ‘Mansa’ which means “King of kings” in ancient Africa?
  61. The name given to the policy of the Western democracies in the 1930s that gave in to Hitler’s expansionist demands in the hopes for peace.
  62. NOT a structural flaw of the American economy during the 1920s that led to the Great Depression by 1930:
  63. Which of the following is true about Andrew Jackson as President (1829-1833)?
  64. Which of the following was NOT a revivalist during the era of First Great Awakening (18th century)?
  65. This Prussian leader was a key military figure in the formation of Germany as a nation-state in the early 1870s.
  66. Which of the following is the best comparative analysis: Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase is to his Embargo of 1807 like…
  67. This eastern theater battle, fought in Pennsylvania in July 1863, marked a turning point in the American Civil War. Here, Confederate General Robert E. Lee was decisively defeated on Northern soil.
  68. In pre-Revolutionary France, the reason reform under the Old Regime was so difficult was:
  69. NOT one of the innovations to precede the coming of urbanization and the development of writing in the ancient world.
  70. What Byzantine emperor’ Code greatly influenced European legal traditions?
  71. Which ancient Chinese Dynasty came first?
  72. NOT one of the ways in which television transformed American life:
  73. Which of the following is true about Herodotus?
  74. Important aspects of the French Revolutionary legacy include all of the following EXCEPT:
  75. Which of the following is true about the New Deal?
  76. In the The Social Contract, what does Jean-Jacques Rousseau argue about the “general will?”
  77. Of the options, in which ancient society did women experience the most freedom and opportunities?
  78. Which of the following best defines the Half-Way Covenant of 1662?
  79. Which of the following is true of the Royal Proclamation of 1763?
  80. What empire was Hammurabi the leader of?
  81. Which statement best describes the relationship between Virginia and England after 1625?
  82. The son of Hamilcar Barca and the chief and brilliant commander of Carthaginian forces during the Second Punic War. In 218 B.C., he marched a force of 90,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry into Italy. He won every major battle in Italy against the Romans.
  83. Which of the following best describes the influence of the Glorious Revolution (1688) on the American colonies?
  84. What event inaugurated the struggle between empire and papacy in A.D. 800, creating the definitive theme of the Medieval period?
  85. Buddha taught in his ‘Four Noble Truths’ that?
  86. Where in the Bible can the following passage be found, “Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word have handed them down to us, it seems fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order…; so that you might know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.”?
  87. What event is usually seen as marking the end of the Cold War (and settling the end of World War II)?
  88. Which of the following is TRUE about the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854.
  89. Why is Prince Edward County, Virginia significant to the desegregation fight?
  90. In order for Virginia to re-enter the Union during Reconstruction, what did it have to do?
  91. NOT a requirement the Roman republican government insisted upon for its subjects:
  92. Which of the following is true about Reagan’s foreign policy beliefs?
  93. Which of the following is true about the post-World War II. American economy?
  94. The first numerous city-states in history started to form in river basis in what ancient society?
  95. This Republican from Illinois was elected President of the United States in 1860. His election caused the South, fearful that he would prevent slavery from expanding west, to secede from the Union that December. His presidency (1861-1865) coincided with the American Civil War.
  96. In October 732, Muslim forces from Spain clashed with the Frank Charles Martel at this battle. Here the Franks won– halting the Muslims and marking the most northerly advance of the Muslims.
  97. Why were the questions concerning reparations and war debts so important to Europe and the United States in the 1920s?
  98. Which of the following statements is true of the French bourgeoisie in the eighteenth century?
  99. NOT a reason for the Northern retreat from Reconstruction in 1877.
  100. Which of the following beliefs did George Mason and Patrick Henry maintain during the debates over ratifying the Constitution?
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  2. HIST 491 Quiz Comprehensive 2
  • Liberty University