HIEU 425 Quiz 7 France and Europe

HIEU 425 Quiz 7 France and Europe under the Consulate and the Empire

  1. In “Napoleon’s Reasons for Making Himself Emperor” (December 1804), what is his rationale for taking this step?
  2. All of the following is true of Napoleon as a head-of-state EXCEPT:
  3. In the selection, “The French Civil Code” (1804), the husband is given authority over his wife, due to his control of the property, power to decide where they will live, etc.
  4. Napoleon’s policies regarding labor included:
  5. Napoleon’s centralization of French secondary and higher education produced a generation of loyal servants of the state who kept faith with him until the end.
  6. As during the Revolution, significant segments of the French population resisted military service under the Empire.
  7. Napoleon’s secret police kept the French populace under control employing the same methods as the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror.
  8. What event in 1810-11 caused the French middle class to lose their enthusiasm for Napoleon’s regime.
  9. Effects of the Continental System included:
  10. What was important about the prefects?
  11. Which of the following is true regarding the Peninsular War?
  12. The new empress, Marie-Louise of Austria, raised hopes for Napoleon’s dynasty by giving birth to a son.
  13. According to the reading, “The Revolution Abroad”
  14. In 1814, at the moment of his defeat, how did the fact that Napoleon never completely abolished the French legislature come into play?
  15. The Napoleonic Code remains the basic legal system of France to the present day.
  16. Napoleon’s new civilian elite consisted of:
  17. Under Napoleon’s rule, the power of the legislative branch of his government declined, with the body acting mostly as a facade.
  18. In “The Prussian Reform Edict (9 October 1807),” all of the reforms listed below are to be enacted except:
  19. For Napoleon, the Catholic Church was a tool for political indoctrination.
  20. As a part of Napoleon’s economic strategy, he sought to make France economically self-sufficient to a significant degree.
  21. The running dispute between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII ultimately led to the Emperor’s failed attempt to imprison the Pope in France after the Pope excommunicated the Emperor.
  22. When Napoleon established the Consulate, most French were resentful of the expansion of government power, but grew to appreciate its efficiency under the Empire.
  23. Regarding civil liberties, the Napoleonic regime:
  24. Under Napoleon, the French education system was:
  25. Which of the following is true regarding German nationalism?
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  1. HIEU 425 Quiz 7 France and Europe