HIEU 425 Quiz 5 The Thermidorian

HIEU 425 Quiz 5 The Thermidorian Reaction and the Rise of Bonaparte

  1. Napoleon’s mastery of public relations included:
  2. The French attempt to crush the Haitian revolution was a success.
  3. Some of Napoleon’s key traits as a leader included an ability to grasp complex issues quickly and exert a magnetic charm in conversations.
  4. As First Consul, Napoleon was able to successfully end the war and reach a settlement on religious issues with the Catholic Church.
  5. After “Fructidor” coup in September 1797, the “Second Directory” took an almost royalist position on the issues of the day, hence its overthrow by Bonaparte.
  6. Which of the following is NOT true regarding Napoleon’s coup of Brumaire?
  7. Napoleon’s address to his troops in Italy is aimed at motivating them by praising them for their courage in spite of shortages of food and other supplies and exhorting them to greater efforts because the enemy is not yet beaten.
  8. According to the PBS video, “Napoleon,” how did the future emperor view his father?
  9. All of the following characterized the Constitution of 1795 EXCEPT:
  10. Brigadier General Bonaparte’s suppression of the Paris uprising of 13 Vendémiaire, Year IV (5 October 1795) made him a major military gure, eventually gaining command of the Army of Italy.
  11. In what circumstances did Captain Bonaparte rst attract signicant notice in the wars of the French Revolution?
  12. While considered a failure by many, the Directory did have significant accomplishments, including facilitating the establishment of institutions that created a new intellectual elite.
  13. One of the key factors in General Bonaparte’s first victorious campaign in Italy was that he divided his army on the march, maneuvered quickly, then concentrated his forces for battle, thus offsetting the divided Austrians’ numerical superiority.
  14. What was especially significant about the Peace of Leoben (18 April 1797) regarding Bonaparte’s rise?
  15. Within a month of Robespierre’s execution, the dictatorial apparatus of the Terror was dismantled.
  16. In the five years after Robespierre’s downfall, the dominant concern of the Revolution was:
  17. All of the following were factors in the French invasion of Egypt EXCEPT:
  18. Factors that contributed of Napoleon’s rise to power included all of the following EXCEPT:
  19. According to the PBS video, “Napoleon,” and the other study materials, what was the significance of Napoleon’s Corsican origins?
  20. Napoleon’s seizure of power in the coup of Brumaire was his work alone.
  21. Which of the following characterized Napoleon’s Consulate as a system of government?
  22. Napoleon’s rejection by Paoli and the Corsican independence movement hardened the young artillery officer and forced him to cast his lot with France.
  23. Which of the following is true of the Directory?
  24. One of Napoleon’s primary attributes as eld commander was his physical courage, as he often exposed himself to enemy re in order to inspire his troops.
  25. Napoleon’s victory over the Austrians at the battle of Marengo:
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  1. HIEU 425 Quiz 5 The Thermidorian