HIEU 425 Quiz 4 War

HIEU 425 Quiz 4 War and the Reign of Terror

  1. The federalist movement, together with Charlotte Corday’s assassination of the journalist-deputy Marat, persuaded the Montagnards to compromise with their opponents.
  2. In “Robespierre on the Terror, 1793,” he argues that war and attacks on the Revolution demand that government take on extraordinary powers
  3. The delegation of day-to-day responsibility for running the government by the Convention to the Committee of Public Safety helped curb revolutionary violence.
  4. As France approached a serious crisis point in 1793, the Montagnard and Girondin factions put aside their differences to find bipartisan solutions for the good of the country.
  5. The Vendée war was the bloodiest episode of the Revolution, claiming perhaps as many as 200,000 lives.
  6. The Convention’s passing a law setting maximum prices for wheat and flour and giving the government the right to requisition supplies demonstrated the legislators’ willingness to meet crises by restricting the individual freedoms guaranteed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and strengthening the powers of the national government.
  7. After the overthrow of the monarchy in August 1792, the Girondins were ever more determined to send Louis XVI to the guillotine.
  8. The most radical phase of the Revolution in 1793-1794 also witnessed the height of women’s influence on its course.
  9. As in the Vendée, the uprisings throughout France against the Convention were suppressed with savage ruthlessness.
  10. The Montagnard Convention was the first European government to abolish slavery and grant full political rights to blacks, doing so in the French colonies in the West Indies.
  11. The “Declaration of Pillnitz” calls for the European monarchies to recognize the Revolution and negotiate a settlement with France’s leadership.
  12. In the selection, “Religion: The Cult of the Supreme Being,” Robespierre exhorts the French people to stay virtuous and strong so that the “Supreme Being” will grant them victory over the Revolution’s enemies.
  13. In the selection, “Terror is the Order of the Day,” the delegation led by Chaumette beseeches the Committee of Public Safety to relent on the arrests and executions, as they violate the principles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
  14. The Montagnards were:
  15. All of the following is true of the enragés except:
  16. What was the “federalist” movement?
  17. When the deeply Catholic Vendée region rose in insurrection, how did the Convention respond?
  18. Measures implemented by the Convention and the Committee of Public Safety that increased the power of the central government (and could be said to foreshadow later totalitarian regimes) included:
  19. All of the following led to the “Great Terror” except:
  20. The year of the Terror was a year of victories for the French armies. How did they do it?
  21. The program of “dechristianization” included:
  22. All of the following were factors in Louis XVI’s trial except:
  23. Why was the leveé en masse decree of 23 August 1793 a major turning point in the history of the Revolution and of warfare?
  24. The Law of Suspects deemed who of the following as liable for arrest?
  25. All of the following is true of the levée en masse decree of 23 August 1793 except:
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  1. HIEU 425 Quiz 4 2024