HIEU 425 Quiz 2 The Final Crisis

HIEU 425 Quiz 2 The Final Crisis of the French Monarchy and the Outbreak of Revolution

  1. The primary reason the Paris mob stormed the Bastille was to free the political prisoners confined there.
  2. The cahiers revealed that the nobility and clergy refused to accept any modifications of their privileges.
  3. The elections for the Estates-General took place against the background of a serious economic crisis, punctuated by a severe hailstorm in July 1788 which severely damaged the grain harvest, followed by a harsh winter.
  4. The decision of the Third Estate delegates, along with sympathizers from other two orders, to form a “National Assembly” was a direct challenge to royal authority and France’s traditional political structures.
  5. One of the main effects of ever more drastic reform proposals by Calonne and other royal ministers was to raise questions about France’s traditional institutions, which galvanized ever-wider circles of the population into organized political action.
  6. When Brienne and the royal ministers attempted to abolish the parlements, they raised the question of who in France had the sovereign authority to make the laws.
  7. The “Tennis Court Oath” was significant because it marked the king’s willingness to submit to the will of the new “National Assembly”
  8. What was radical about the abbé Sieyès’s What Is the Third Estate? and Saint- Etienne’s Considerations on the Interests of the Third Estate was the assertion that the Third constituted the true French nation and thus should wield real political power.
  9. As the decade of the 1780s was ending, anyone could see a revolution was about to happen.
  10. The storming of the Bastille was accompanied by the killing of several officials of the Old Regime, showing how quickly popular action could turn to violence.
  11. Which of the following was true about the cahiers de doléance?
  12. Two of Calonne’s reform proposals were for a land tax to be paid by all property owners and to establish provincial assemblies. Why were these problematic?
  13. Which of the following statements most accurately describes Louis XVI?
  14. What did Louis XVI do in response to the fall of the Bastille?
  15. When the Estates-General convened, there was a small group of delegates, “Patriots,” who demanded:
  16. The major problem with the Estates-General meeting “according to the forms of 1614” was that:
  17. What were the cahiers de doléance?
  18. Which of the following was not true of the Estates-General?
  19. During the deliberations of the Estates-General, what was the situation in Paris?
  20. Which of the following occurred throughout France in the wake of the fall of the Bastille?
  21. In What is the Third Estate?, Sieyes argues that the all three estates are mutually dependent upon each other.
  22. In his “Memorandum against Necker,” Count Vergennes denounces the finance minister, but calls for limits on monarchical power.
  23. In What is the Third Estate?, Sieyes claims that noble claims to special rights and privileges make it an indolent caste, not contributing anything of worth to the nation as a whole.
  24. In What is the Third Estate?, Sieyes lays out four social groupings, including:
  25. In “Calonne, ‘Programs of Reform,’ Address to the Assembly of Notables” (1787), what controversial measure did the finance minister propose?
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