HIEU 425 Quiz 1 The Ancien Régime

HIEU 425 Quiz 1 The Ancien Régime and the Enlightenment

  1. One of the major problems with implementing reform in ancien régime France was that so many different groups held jealously guarded privileges, any systematic reform proposal inevitably infringed on the status of these groups.
  2. Although slavery existed in France’s Caribbean colonies, the conditions under which they lived and labored were relatively benign.
  3. Of all of the monarchy’s expenses, maintaining the court at Versailles was the biggest drain on the treasury.
  4. By the late eighteenth-century, the French nobility (the Second Estate) still remained a closed caste descended from medieval knights.
  5. As a young prince, the future Louis XVI was taught that he was to use his God- given power to protect his realm and subjects, but in order to accomplish that, his government needed to wield unquestioned authority.
  6. In the French Catholic Church, bishops and the abbots and abbesses of wealthy monasteries and convents lived in high style, but many parish clergy were much poorer.
  7. There was little variation among the French peasantry regarding work and income levels.
  8. When the French kingdom acquired new provinces, those territories had to submit to all royal laws and taxes.
  9. While France’s centralized administration exercised unquestioned authority in the king’s name in theory, in practice, various localities had their own special laws and institutions which could not simply be ignored.
  10. To justify various reform proposals, royal ministers themselves criticized long- established customs and institutions, ironically raising questions concerning the legitimacy of the existing order.
  11. Characteristics of the bourgeoisie included:
  12. Which of the following was not true concerning the Third Estate?
  13. Which of the following was not true concerning the clergy (the First Estate)?
  14. Which of the following was true concerning urban working population?
  15. What were the parlements?
  16. As finance minister, Jacques Necker:
  17. The ministers appointed by Louis XV in 1770, Maupeou (justice) and Terray (finance) implemented reforms in an attempt to correct France’s worsening situation. What was the result?
  18. Who were the intendants?
  19. Some of the complications involved in the collection of taxes in ancien régime France included:
  20. Conditions of the French peasantry in the twenty years leading up to the Revolution included all of the following except:
  21. Per modern historians, the role of the Enlightenment in the coming of the French Revolution was not so much about specific writers, ideas, and books, but more the importance of new habits of mind and behavior.
  22. In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu argued that the best government was the one that best accorded with the nature of the citizenry in question.
  23. In championing the idea of human rights, Voltaire advocated that ordinary people make good political decisions.
  24. In the selection, “Rousseau, The Social Contract,” what does he argue about the “general will?”
  25. Characteristics of the growth of public opinion included all of the following except:
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  1. HIEU 425 Quiz 1 2024