HIEU 322 Textbook Quizzes 1,2,3,4

HIEU 322 Quiz The Rise of the Roman Republic

Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. Existing Roman law was codified in the mid-5th century by the Decemviral Commission, and set up on bronze tablets in the Forum. What was the name of the code?
  2. These religious officials in early Rome were the sole keepers of the temple archives and prescribed the various rituals, prayers, chants, and litanies for use in public worship and sacrifice. They also supervised the burial of the dead, and organized the calendar that fixed the dates of festivals.
  3. Which of the following is true about women in early Rome?
  4. These religious officials of early Rome were responsible for taking auspices and conducting auguries. They had the right to block public business by announcing unfavorable omens.
  5. Rome was founded in Italy in the 8th century B.C. along this river.
  6. Which of the following is true about early Romans and outsiders?
  7. These magistrates examined the public and private conduct of senators, and registered citizens and their property.
  8. A powerful man who protected the weak and vulnerable.
  9. An emergency office which allowed for the appointment of a single man to command the Republic for a maximum of six months.
  10. This class of Roman kin was those related by blood or adoption in general but often were those specifically in the female line.
  11. This assembly had oversight of adoptions, wills, and disputes of inheritance.
  12. Which of the following is true about Roman religion?
  13. The Struggle of the Orders ended in 300s B.C. with the patricians retaining most of their political and social control.
  14. . Early Roman society was divided in two large genealogical groups (or gentes) by a class distinction based on birth. The upper class was composed of this group of wealthy men who held a monopoly of power and influence. What was the name of this group?
  15. What was Numen?
  16. A board of priests in early Rome that dealt with issues of peace and war.
  17. Which of the following is true about slavery in early Rome?
  18. During the republican period of Roman history, the Romans created this office, held by two patricians and empowered with imperium.
  19. These magistrates administered criminal law, and served as quartermasters in charge of supplies and the payment of troops.
  20. This prominent Roman lawyer (52-120 A.D.) reflected upon the decay of Old Rome, a state marked by individual excellence and social harmony. When the power of Rome brought the curse of wealth, he argued, it destroyed the civic virtues, and then rampant luxury, greed, and ambition corrupted leaders and transformed citizens into subjects who could bear neither full servitude nor freedom. His two most significant works were Annales (18 books, covering the years 14-68 A.D.) and Historiae (12 books dealing with the events of the years 69-96 A.D.) Together, they constitute the most trustworthy source for the history of the early Principate. They are both factual and critical.
  21. Which of the following is true about the Twelve Tables?
  22. This class of Roman kin was those related by blood or adoption through a father and his male relatives up and down the line, including a father’s brother or sister, a paternal grandfather, a nephews and nieces, children, and grandchildren.
  23. His History of Rome to 9 B. C., in 142 books, supplanted all previous chronicles, and has been hailed as a “colossal masterpiece.” Essentially a literary artist and court historian, this source of Roman history brought to bear upon the historical traditions of Rome an unexcelled narrative skill, a superb prose style, and all the techniques of rhetoric and drama, to create what was virtually a prose epic of the glories of Rome’s past. His basic aim was not critical inquiry, but moral reform through lessons to be drawn from an idealized past, through emphasis on ancient virtues, heroism, patriotic sacrifice and religious piety.
  24. NOT true about the Roman family:
  25. This arms-bearing body was organized in seven property classes which were subdivided into “centuries” of 100 men apiece. The assembly elected consuls, praetors, and censors, declared war, and served as the last court of appeals in capital cases.
  26. This chief god of the Romans was originally a spirit of the vine, but over time became the symbol of the Roman State, the giver of victory, and the spirit of law and justice.
  27. NOT true about Polybius:
  28. This Roman god was originally the spirit of the forest, and protector of the farmer’s crops and herds, but later became the god of war, and defender of the Roman State against its enemies.
  29. A man not protected by a powerful paterfamilias, and who made up for this deficiency by attaching himself to a more powerful man who could protect him as a father would.
  30. These plebeian magistrates assisted the tribunes, and were superintendents of public works, food and water supplies, markets, and public games.
  31. Which of the following statements is NOT true about early Roman society?
  32. Which of the following is true concerning the Romans’ writing of their past?
  33. This class of Roman kin included those who were related by marriage, such as a mother-in-law or father-in-law, and the parents of in-laws.
  34. The lower class or genealogical group (gens) of early Roman society was composed of this group—the poor and dependent men who were small farmers, laborers, and
  35. What was the Struggle of the Orders?
  36. This 2nd century A.D. Roman biographer was an aide to Emperor Hadrian (117-138), and had access to the imperial depositories. In his Twelve Caesars, he linked individual lives and collective destinies closely together when in the first party of every biography he described an emperor’s administrative activities and outstanding deeds, while he dealt in the second part with an emperor’s personal life and character. His principal contribution was in his relatively high degree of objectivity. With him, there is a move away from the traditional eulogistic treatment, and movement toward a more astringent (or harsh or biting) atmosphere, in which the men whom he described were examined with a cooler and more disenchanted eye.
  37. This prestigious republican institution was an advisory council of prominent and experienced men. It could not pass laws, but simply offered advice to magistrates. Despite its lack of official powers, its decrees were highly respected, and rarely did the various lawmaking bodies ignore or override its advice.
  38. These plebeian officials had two main powers: the right to give aid—protecting the life, person, and interests of those who called upon them for help against a magistrate’s arbitrary use of power —and the right of veto of any official act. They were considered sacrosanct (or revered or untouchable). If anyone violently attacked them or interfered with their performance of duties, that person would be considered accursed and could be killed with impunity.
  39. The Romans practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice in their religious observances.
  40. The early Romans were a conservative people who valued law and order, honor and loyalty, & faithfulness to community.
  41. According to lectures, what were some things that the early Romans valued?

HIEU 322 Quiz 2 Liberty University

HIEU 322 Quiz: The Punic Wars

Covers the Textbook material from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. One of the most famous Roman women of the Late Republic. She was the daughter of Scipio Africanus, and the mother of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.
  2. NOT a factor in the coming of the Third Punic War (149-146 B.C.):
  3. The son of Hamilcar Barca and the chief and brilliant commander of Carthaginian forces during the Second Punic War. In 218 B.C., he marched a force of 90,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry into Italy. He won every major battle in Italy against the Romans.
  4. This Roman warship during the First Punic War was modeled after Carthaginian ships. Built by the Romans in the late 260s B.C., it carried a crew of 420, including 300 rowers. It was heavy and strong, with a bronze beak used for ramming and sinking other ships.
  5. Beginning in the 3rdcentury B.C., the Romans were heavily influenced by this group of people, whose poetry, drama, history, rhetoric, philosophy, and art provided a model for the Romans, and helped produce a distinctive Mediterranean culture.
  6. The Roman strategy to win the Second Punic War.
  7. A major problem facing the Romans in the post Punic Wars period was slave revolts.
  8. The site of most of the ground fighting during the First Punic War.
  9. This hinged and raised gangplank was added to Roman warships during the First Punic War. After an enemy ship was rammed, the gangplank (including a grappling spike) was dropped on the deck of an enemy’s disabled vessel.
  10. After defeating Carthage decisively in the Second Punic War, Rome got bogged down in the Third Punic War– and against lesser foes. While there was no clear “winner” in this third war, a good case could be made that Carthage actually defeated Rome.
  11. This successful Roman commander (and consul) in the Second Macedonian War was charismatic, cultured, and fluent in Greek. He electrified the Greek world with his slogan of “Freedom and self- determination of the Greeks.” In 196 B.C., he even made a grand appearance at the Isthmian Games at Corinth, where he proclaimed that the Greeks were to be subject to their own laws, without garrisons and without tribute.
  12. At the December 218 B.C. battle at Trebia River, the hasty Roman commander, Titus Sempronius Longus marched across the river and attacked Hannibal’s main force. Meanwhile, an ambush party led by Hannibal’s brother, Mago, emerged at the rear of Sempronious’s line, sowing utter confusion and causing the Roman auxiliaries to break and ee. Sempronius was soundly defeated.
  13. During the Rome-Syrian War (192-188 B.C.), this powerful Seleucid king— who had done much to revive Seleucid might in the Near East– moved a force into Greece to “liberate” it from Roman “oppression.” In response, Rome sent 30,000 troops to Greece, defeated him at Thermopylae in 191, and forced a peace in 188 that seceded all Seleucid land to Rome.
  14. Who or what was Sophonisba?
  15. Which of the following is true about Masinissa?
  16. Sobered by their early defeats in the Second Punic War, the Romans elected this dictator to restore order. Contrary to that which was popular in Rome, the aged general wanted to avoid open battle with Hannibal. He believed that the best strategy against Hannibal was to harass his lines, and slash and burn the countryside so as to deprive the Puni of food stores. He was very unpopular, and soon removed from command.
  17. This Macedonian king proved to be a problem for the Romans in the immediate post-Second Punic War period. In the lead up to the Second Macedonian War (200-196 B.C.), he attacked his free Greek neighbors, threatened Rhoades, and seized control of the Black Sea trade lanes.
  18. Which of the following is true about the peace terms ending the Second Punic War?
  19. Prior to the First Punic War, Rome had little, if any, experience with a navy. During the war, however, they developed this drawbridge that would crash into the deck of an enemy ship, and enable the Roman legions to board.
  20. NOT true about Pyrrhus of Epirus:
  21. NOT one of the consequences of war and empire in the years following the Punic Wars:
  22. NOT a contributing factor in the coming of the First Punic War (264-241 B.C.).
  23. The Sicilian Wars (480-307 B.C.) were a series of coniflicts between Carthage and the Greek city-states of Magna Graecia (headed by Syracuse) over control of Sicily.
  24. As a result of this Roman victory in battle in 197 B.C., Macedonia was forced to recognize the freedom and independence of the Greeks, and the Second Macedonia War came to an end.
  25. Which of the following is true about the battle of Zama in 202 B.C.?
  26. NOT true about the ending of the First Punic War in 241 B.C.
  27. NOT true about Carthage.
  28. This social class was made up of all people involved in the business of public contracts.
  29. What was the Ebro Treaty of 226 B.C.?
  30. At this battle between Rome and Carthage (24 June 217 B.C.), the vain and overconfident Roman consul Gaius Flaminius pursued Hannibal into the mountains near Aretzo (and along this body of water), where the Carthaginian commander fell on his lines in the front, the rear, and the center. Many Romans drowned trying to swim from the Punic onslaught. The overall Roman losses at this battle were 30,000, including Flaminius.
  31. This social class was made up of those wealthy patrician and plebeian landowning families whose current heads had obtained membership in the senate by appointment or by holding certain elective oces or whose direct male lines included men who had been members of the Senate.
  32. This Greek city (and ally of Rome) located in Gaul between northern Italy and northern Spain was a factor in the coming of the Second Punic War. The growing power of Carthage in Spain threatened the city’s trade, which had expanded at Carthage’s expense during the First Punic War. The city was also afraid that Carthage– once if fully controlled Spain– might ally with neighboring tribes to eliminate them as a rival altogether. In 226 B.C., the Romans concluded the Ebro Treaty with Carthage to pacify the city.
  33. This social class was made up of non-senatorial families who met the minimum property requirement to be senators.
  34. NOT one of the causes of the Second Punic War.
  35. The Roman consul Gaius Nero defeated Hannibal’s brother, Hasdrubal, at this battle in northern Italy in 207 B.C. Following his loss, Hasdrubal committed suicide.
  36. This 216 B.C. battle was the worst military defeat in Roman history. Rome’s prestige was shattered, and the Carthaginians now claimed most of southern Italy. Only 15,000 out of an army over 80,000 survived.
  37. In 175 B.C., this Seleucid king moved militarily against Rome’s Ptolemy ally in Egypt, and besieged Alexandria. The Roman envoy, C. Popillius Laenas, confronted Seleucid ruler, conveying the Senate’s “request” that he withdraw from Egypt. When he asked for time to consider, Popillius drew a circle around him in the sand and demanded a reply before he stepped out of it. This Seleucid prudently swallowed his pride, and retreated from Egypt.
  38. This king ruled Macedon during the First and Second Macedonian Wars, and was a staunch supporter of Carthage. During his second war with Rome (200-196 B.C.), he was decisively defeated at the battle of Cynoscephalae. The subsequent Treaty of Tempea (196) forbade him to move or interfere beyond his borders.
  39. NOT true about Scipio Africanus:
  40. Which of the following would be a good ancient source for Rome during the Punic Wars?
  41. Briey discuss the Roman way of war.

Other sets

  1. This social class was made up of all people involved in the business of public contracts.
  2. The son of Hamilcar Barca and the chief and brilliant commander of Carthaginian forces during the Second Punic War.  In 218 B.C., he marched a force of 90,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry into Italy.  He won every major battle in Italy against the Romans.
  3. This social class was made up of those wealthy patrician and plebeian landowning families whose current heads had obtained membership in the senate by appointment or by holding certain elective offices or whose direct male lines included men who had been members of the Senate.
  4. Prior to the First Punic War, Rome had little, if any, experience with a navy.  During the war, however, they developed this drawbridge that would crash into the deck of an enemy ship, and enable the Roman legions to board.
  5. This successful Roman commander (and consul) in the Second Macedonian War was charismatic, cultured, and fluent in Greek.  He electrified the Greek world with his slogan of “Freedom and self-determination of the Greeks.”  In 196 B.C., he even made a grand appearance at the Isthmian Games at Corinth, where he proclaimed that the Greeks were to be subject to their own laws, without garrisons and without tribute.
  6. As a result of this Roman victory in battle in 197 B.C., Macedonia was forced to recognize the freedom and independence of the Greeks, and the Second Macedonia War came to an end.
  7. Who or what was Sophonisba?
  8. Which of the following is true about the battle of Zama in 202 B.C.?
  9. NOT a contributing factor in the coming of the First Punic War (264-241 B.C.).
  10. Sobered by their early defeats in the Second Punic War, the Romans elected this dictator to restore order.  Contrary to that which was popular in Rome, the aged general wanted to avoid open battle with Hannibal.  He believed that the best strategy against Hannibal was to harass his lines, and slash and burn the countryside so as to deprive the Puni of food stores.  He was very unpopular, and soon removed from command.
  11. At the December 218 B.C. battle at Trebia River, the hasty Roman commander, Titus Sempronius Longus marched across the river and attacked Hannibal’s main force.  Meanwhile, an ambush party led by Hannibal’s brother, Mago, emerged at the rear of Sempronious’s line, sowing utter confusion and causing the Roman auxiliaries to break and flee.  Sempronius was soundly
  12. The Roman strategy to win the Second Punic War.
  13. During the Rome-Syrian War (192-188 B.C.), this powerful Seleucid king—who had done much to revive Seleucid might in the Near East– moved a force into Greece to “liberate” it from Roman “oppression.”  In response, Rome sent 30,000 troops to Greece, defeated him at Thermopylae in 191, and forced a peace in 188 that seceded all Seleucid land to Rome.
  14. Which of the following is true about the peace terms ending the Second Punic War?
  15. In 175 B.C., this Seleucid king moved militarily against Rome’s Ptolemy ally in Egypt, and besieged Alexandria.  The Roman envoy, C. Popillius Laenas, confronted Seleucid ruler, conveying the Senate’s “request” that he withdraw from Egypt.  When he asked for time to consider, Popillius drew a circle around him in the sand and demanded a reply before he stepped out of it.  This Seleucid prudently swallowed his pride, and retreated from Egypt.
  16. The Roman consul Gaius Nero defeated Hannibal’s brother, Hasdrubal, at this battle in northern Italy in 207 B.C. Following his loss, Hasdrubal committed suicide.
  17. This Macedonian king proved to be a problem for the Romans in the immediate post-Second Punic War period.  In the lead up to the Second Macedonian War (200-196 B.C.), he attacked his free Greek neighbors, threatened Rhoades, and seized control of the Black Sea trade lanes.
  18. NOT a factor in the coming of the Third Punic War (149-146 B.C.):
  19. The Sicilian Wars (480-307 B.C.) were a series of conflicts between Carthage and the Greek city-states of Magna Graecia (headed by Syracuse) over control of Sicily.
  20. This Roman warship during the First Punic War was modeled after Carthaginian ships.  Built by the Romans in the late 260s B.C., it carried a crew of 420, including 300 rowers.  It was heavy and strong, with a bronze beak used for ramming and sinking other ships.
  21. NOT one of the causes of the Second Punic War.
  22. This Greek city (and ally of Rome) located in Gaul between northern Italy and northern Spain was a factor in the coming of the Second Punic War.  The growing power of Carthage in Spain threatened the city’s trade, which had expanded at Carthage’s expense during the First Punic War.  The city was also afraid that Carthage– once if fully controlled Spain– might ally with neighboring tribes to eliminate them as a rival altogether.  In 226 B.C., the Romans concluded the Ebro Treaty with Carthage to pacify the city.
  23. A major problem facing the Romans in the post Punic Wars period was slave revolts.
  24. NOT true about the ending of the First Punic War in 241 B.C.
  25. This 216 B.C. battle was the worst military defeat in Roman history.  Rome’s prestige was shattered, and the Carthaginians now claimed most of southern Italy.  Only 15,000 out of an army over 80,000 survived.
  26. At this battle between Rome and Carthage (24 June 217 B.C.), the vain and overconfident Roman consul Gaius Flaminius pursued Hannibal into the mountains near Aretzo (and along this body of water), where the Carthaginian commander fell on his lines in the front, the rear, and the center.  Many Romans drowned trying to swim from the Punic onslaught.  The overall Roman losses at this battle were 30,000, including Flaminius.
  27. After defeating Carthage decisively in the Second Punic War, Rome got bogged down in the Third Punic War– and against lesser foes.  While there was no clear “winner” in this third war, a good case could be made that Carthage actually defeated Rome.
  28. Beginning in the 3 rd
    century B.C., the Romans were heavily influenced by this group of people, whose poetry, drama, history, rhetoric, philosophy, and art provided a model for the Romans, and helped produce a distinctive Mediterranean culture.
  29. NOT one of the consequences of war and empire in the years following the Punic Wars:
  30. One of the most famous Roman women of the Late Republic.  She was the daughter of Scipio Africanus, and the mother of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.
  31. This king ruled Macedon during the First and Second Macedonian Wars, and was a staunch supporter of Carthage.  During his second war with Rome (200-196 B.C.), he was decisively defeated at the battle of Cynoscephalae.  The subsequent Treaty of Tempea (196) forbade him to move or interfere beyond his borders.
  32. Which of the following would be a good ancient source for Rome during the Punic Wars?
  33. What was the Ebro Treaty of 226 B.C.?
  34. This hinged and raised gangplank was added to Roman warships during the First Punic War.  After an enemy ship was rammed, the gangplank (including a grappling spike) was dropped on the deck of an enemy’s disabled vessel.
  35. This social class was made up of non-senatorial families who met the minimum property requirement to be senators.
  36. NOT true about Carthage.
  37. NOT true about Scipio Africanus:
  38. NOT true about Pyrrhus of Epirus:
  39. Which of the following is true about Masinissa?
  40. The site of most of the ground fighting during the First Punic War.
  41. Briefly discuss the Roman way of war.
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  1. HIEU 322 Quiz 1 2024
  2. HIEU 322 Quiz 2 2024
  3. HIEU 322 Quiz 3 2024
  4. HIEU 322 Quiz 4 2024