GOVT 220 Quiz Civil Liberties

GOVT 220 Quiz: Civil Liberties

Module 3: Week 3

  1. Over time, the Supreme Court has used which of the following provisions of the Constitution to apply the specifics of the Bill of Rights to the states?
  2. The right of free expression, although not absolute, enjoys a higher status than the other rights granted by the U.S. Constitution. This refers to the freedom from what doctrine?
  3. Which of the following is an exception to the exclusionary rule established by the Supreme Court?
  4. Which legal concept would yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater violate?
  5. What is the notification that police must give a person being arrested that she or he has a right to remain silent and a right to legal counsel commonly known as?
  6. What is the requirement that persons under arrest be informed of their legal rights, including right to counsel, known as?
  7. The term “selective incorporation” refers to what process?
  8. The Supreme Court’s current definition of obscenity denies free- speech protection to which kinds of materials or activities?
  9. Cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited by which of the following?
  10. In which Supreme Court case did the Court exempt certain companies from providing contraceptive coverage in health insurance if it violates their religious beliefs?
  11. The “clear and present danger” test emerged in the Supreme Court’s decision in which case?
  12. Inciting a crowd to violence is not protected speech because it can lead to which of the following?
  13. Which of the following terms is used for certain types of nonverbal activities, such as ag burning that the Supreme Court has ruled is protected under the First Amendment?
  14. In 1833, the Supreme Court decided the Bill of Rights applied to which level of government?
  15. Since 1992, what is the constitutionality of having a member of the clergy offer a prayer or an invocation at a public school graduation ceremony?
  16. Beginning in 1897, the Supreme Court slowly began to use the protection of “life, liberty, or property” in what clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to incorporate some of the provisions of the Bill of Rights as binding on the states?
  17. Making false spoken statements about another person is an example of what?
  18. Which of the following terms refers to either knowledge of a defamatory statement’s falsity or a reckless disregard for the truth?
  19. How has the Supreme Court usually reacted to wartime curtailments of civil liberties?
  20. The Patriot Act allowed what constitutionally questionable law enforcement technique to combat terrorists?
  21. What does the incorporation doctrine do?
  22. What is true for a person treating the U.S. ag contemptuously?
  23. When adopted, the Bill of Rights imposed limits on which of the following?
  24. What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution collectively known as?
  25. A judge’s order authorizing a search is known as what?
  26. What must be proved for a public figure to obtain a damage award under libel laws?
  27. Which clause of the Constitution is the basis for the separation of church and state?
  28. Which constitutional clause prevents the government from interfering with religious practice?
  29. A judge’s order authorizing a search is known as what?
  30. What must be proved for a public figure to obtain a damage award under libel laws?
  31. Which clause of the Constitution is the basis for the separation of church and state?
  32. Which constitutional clause prevents the government from interfering with religious practice?
  33. To what does prior restraint refer?
  34. What did Thomas Jefferson call the purpose of the establishment clause?
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