FNLT 101 Quiz Who Owns It

FNLT 101 Quiz Who Owns It?

Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. Which of the following is not one of the key lessons of the parable of the talents?
  2. What does the Bible say is enough for us to have in order to be content?
  3. When someone’s faith journey and money decisions become intertwined, they often find that:
  4. God uses money in our lives in each of the following ways except:
  5. Blue teaches that changing the trajectory of a person’s “number story” begins with:
  6. The issues that money creates are not just issues of the wealthy; they are issues of
  7. Applying the belief that God owns it all takes Christians on a journey of ___________ in their financial lives:
  8. One of the most powerful things about wisdom is:
  9. True or False: God’s word on the topic of money is true, timeless, and transferrable.
  10. The Iceberg teaches the following about our finances:
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