ENGL 102 Pre-Test 3

ENGL 102 Pre-Test 3 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Matching
    • The god of wine
    • Mysterious beast whose mystery is solved by Oedipus
    • Connected with the chorus
    • Speech by a character alone onstage
    • Type of comedy
  2. Authored Othello
  3. Aristotle, the Greek critic, said that a tragic hero could either be a nobleman or a common man.
  4. Greek drama combined drama with music and dancing.
  5. God: Go thou to Everyman,
    And show him in my name
    A pilgrimage he must on him take,
    Which he in no wise may escape;
    And that he bring with him a sure reckoning
    Without delay or any tarrying.
    (From the play Everyman)
    The pilgrimage Everyman must undertake can be interpreted as _________________.
  6. The chorus admonishes Oedipus to leave his wife.
  7. A fatal weakness or moral flaw in the protagonist that brings about his or her downfall.
  8. The name of the blind prophet in Sophocles’ Oedipusis?
  9. Greek for error:
  10. A play on a biblical subject is called
  11. Classical Greek theatre did not utilize a drop curtain.
  12. Sophocles was the student of
  13. English drama is secular in its origins.
  14. In Sophocles’ Oedipus,the name of Jocasta’s brother is?
  15. This playwright developed the unities of place, time, and action:
  16. The best-known extant morality play is

Set 2

  1. Matching
    • The god of wine
    • Mysterious beast whose mystery is solved by Oedipus
    • Connected with the chorus
    • Speech by a character alone onstage
    • Type of comedy
  2. Authored Othello
  3. A play on a biblical subject is called
  4. This playwright developed the unities of place, time, and action:
  5. English drama is secular in its origins.
  6. Greek drama combined drama with music and dancing.
  7. A fatal weakness or moral flaw in the protagonist that brings about his or her downfall.
  8. The chorus admonishes Oedipus to leave his wife.
  9. The best-known extant morality play is
  10. Greek for error:
  11. Classical Greek theatre did not utilize a drop curtain.
  12. The name of the blind prophet in Sophocles’ Oedipusis?
  13. God: Go thou to Everyman,
    And show him in my name
    A pilgrimage he must on him take,
    Which he in no wise may escape;
    And that he bring with him a sure reckoning
    Without delay or any tarrying.
    (From the play Everyman)
    The pilgrimage Everyman must undertake can be interpreted as _________________.
  14. Sophocles was the student of
  15. Aristotle, the Greek critic, said that a tragic hero could either be a nobleman or a common man.
  16. In Sophocles’ Oedipus,the name of Jocasta’s brother is?
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. ENGL 102 Pre-Test 3 2019
  2. ENGL 102 Pretest 3 2020