EMGT 320 Quiz Production Team
EMGT 320 Quiz: The production team
- How conflicts are resolved by the event producer will largely be predicated upon that individual’s priorities.
- According to the textbook, the beginning of the event coordination phase begins with the hiring of the event producer.
- According to Matthews, most of an event’s production team will be subcontractors.
- Matthews notes that the special events industry has a disproportionate number of people who are difficult to work with.
- Often, the event producer is a subcontractor to the event manager and is responsible for recruiting volunteers, hiring staff, and evaluating personnel performance.
- Recent studies of event volunteers found that they value being recognized at events such as award banquets rather than being informed about the impact of their service.
- The interest-based approach to conflict resolution is generally regarded as the win/win approach.
- When conducting meetings, the text recommends Robert’s Rules of Order to make meetings more efficient.
- The positional approach to conflict resolution is generally regarded as the win/win approach.
- An event producer’s job day-of-show is wholly dedicated to directing the production team in the load-in/setup, execution, and load-out (i.e., “striking”) of the event.