EDUC 817 Module 2 Quiz

EDUC 817 Module 2 Quiz

  1. Which are considerations in qualitative studies for purposeful sampling? (Choose all that apply.)
  2. What type of sampling strategy is recommended when all participants have experienced the problem being studied?
  3. What type of sampling strategy is normally used when the researcher in a grounded theory study wants to sample participants who can contribute to the axial coding of the theory?
  4. Theoretical sampling begins with selecting and studying what type(s) of participants?
  5. In a narrative study, the research should use what type of sampling procedure?
  6. To achieve diverse cases and describe multiple perspectives in a case study, a researcher could use this type of sampling strategy:
  7. In order to maximize the differences in sites or participants in a study, a researcher could use what type of sampling?
  8. What is the minimum sample size for participants in a qualitative study at the Liberty University School of Education? (See the Qualitative Template)
  9. Convenience sampling:
  10. Snowball sampling:
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  1. EDUC 817 Quiz Qualitative Sampling 2023
  • Liberty University