EDUC 816 Week 4 Quiz

EDUC 816 Week 4 Quiz

EDUC 816 Quiz Focus Groups


  1. Which of the following is a popular approach for gathering information for educational research and reports?
  2. Which of the following are two popular approaches for gathering information for educational research and reports?
  3. Between focus groups and interviews, which approach allows for more personal interaction?
  4. Between focus groups and interviews, which approach tends to be more cost- effective and ecient?
  5. When developing focus group questions, the researcher should skillfully compose the interview questions with the goal of answering the central question of the study.
  6. Focus group questions must be _____________________, which means that the researcher/interviewer thoroughly investigated what is presented in published works that relates to the research problem.
  7. When writing focus group questions, it is best to write _________________ questions.
  8. A(n) _____________________ is a question where the interviewer asks a question in a way that subtlety influences an answer.
  9. is a systematic process of identifying key passages and text then making relationships between the words, phrases, and concepts.
  10. are prominent ideas that are identified from the codes within transcriptions and should be specified and related directly to the research question(s).
  11. is similar to the dialog between characters in a movie script or screen play.
  12. The process of _______________ is putting human speech into written form.
  13. Steps for conducting a focus group include all of the following:
  14. When writing focus group questions, avoid which of the following?
  15. When writing focus group questions, avoid which of the following?
  16. For the Applied Research Report, approximately ___________ questions are recommended for a single focus group.
  17. For the Applied Research Report, approximately ___________ questions are recommended for a mini focus group.
  18. A focus group is a form of person-to-group communication, and it is also a way of collecting rich and detailed information; however, focus groups tend to be less personal.
  19. Focus groups and interviews are both qualitative data collection techniques that can provide rich and deep information regarding the problem of practice.
  20. require the participant to consider the question, and then provide a thoughtful and detailed response.


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  1. EDUC 816 Quiz Week 4
  • Liberty University