EDUC 350 Quiz 7,8

EDUC 350 Quiz 7,8 Liberty University

EDUC 350 Quiz 7 Learning Styles vs. Profiles

  1. How many aspects of learning profile do the authors list?
  2. Which of the following aspects of learning profiles has received the most criticism from experts?
  3. The following traits are more likely to be typical of which gender? Read non- fiction; learn better in somewhat stressful contexts; engage in physically risky action; attracted to competition; adept at spatial and some number-based tasks.
  4. An alternative to Howard Gardner’s 9 multiple intelligences is Sternberg’s 3 intelligences. Match each of Sternberg’s intelligence with its description.
  5. Based on critical research of learning styles, if a teacher assigns specific learning styles to individual students, the result can be harmful stereotyping of those students.
  6. In a paragraph of 4 to 5 sentences, in your own words summarize key points of the research critics use in their arguments against the concept of learning styles. What are your thoughts about these criticisms?

EDUC 350 Quiz 8

  1. Which of the following describes a teacher who develops a shared vision with the class by building an environment of teamwork and encouraging success?
  2. Match the description with its corresponding kind of classroom environment.
  3. According to the authors, you should use sarcasm with upper elementary students to cultivate humor in your classroom.
  4. Which of the following items represents the name for activities students automatically move to when they complete an initial assignment.
  5. Which of the following is NOT a principle of leading students:
  6. In a paragraph of 4 to 5 sentences, select a behavior management theory from the textbook as the theory that resonates with you most as a framework for your own approach. Describe the theory, why it resonates with you, and how you would practically implement it.
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  1. EDUC 350 Quiz 7
  2. EDUC 350 Quiz 8