EDUC 205 Final

EDUC 205 Final Liberty University

  1. Were a central feature of purposive behaviorism.
  2. Edwin Guthrie’s learning principles were based on the key behaviors of:
  3. F. Skinner’s influence is commonly applied to:
  4. Key motivational processes include all of the following EXCEPT:
  5. Learning from the consequences of one’s actions is known as:
  6. According to Skinner’s theory, _____ is responsible for response strengthening.
  7. When an adult tells a child what to do while the adult performs a task, it is referred to as:
  8. Which of the following is NOT one of Thorndike’s principles?
  9. Which of the following is NOT one of Thorndike’s contributions to Education?
  10. Self‐regulation consists of all of the following processes EXCEPT:
  11. The Law of Effect emphasizes:
  12. Which of the following is NOT a theory of imitation:
  13. Social cognitive learning theory contends that people learn from their
  14. Vicarious consequences serve to:
  15. Social cognitive theory was developed by:
  16. Which of the following is NOT one of Skinner’s instructional applications?
  17. The use of _____ is highly recommended in instruction.
  18. Student _____ is directed by physically accentuating relevant task features, subdividing complex activities into parts, using component models, and demonstrating usefulness of modeled behaviors.
  19. Who is considered to be the founder of modern behaviorism?
  20. Thorndike’s theory of learning was called:
  21. Thorndike’s Law of Exercise has two parts:
  22. According to Guthrie, habits are:
  23. Which of the following is NOT a suggestion for facilitating generalization, according to O’Leary & Drabman?
  24. All of the following are elements of the triadic reciprocality model of causality, EXCEPT:
  25. Children imitate actions that fit with existing cognitive structures is an assumption of:
  26. Abstracting behavior and cognitions from the learning context to one or more potential transfer contexts is known as which type of transfer?
  27. When prior learning facilitates subsequent learning this is called:
  28. A blockage of the spread of activation across memory networks is referred to as:
  29. All of the following are a phase of Gagne’s acquisition and performance category EXCEPT:
  30. Giving a short quiz on new material would be an example of:
  31. What improves retrieval?
  32. Limited capacity and short duration are characteristics of:
  33. When taking tests or quizzes enhances learning and retention such that scores on the final test are higher, this is known as:
  34. Which of the following is NOT an influence on encoding:
  35. Information activates associated information in memory networks through:
  36. Using different materials and teaching aids is known as:
  37. Which of the following is NOT a suggestion for maintaining student attention:
  38. Mental representations of visual/spatial knowledge is referred to as:
  39. Which of the following is NOT used to enhance information through elaboration?
  40. Large capacity and long duration are characteristics of:
  41. Decay is normally found in time‐bound networks such as sensory memory and:
  42. refers to attaching meaning to environmental inputs perceived through the senses.
  43. Learning material for the second or subsequent time after it previously had been learned is referred to as:
  44. Tulving postulated that forgetting represents inaccessibility of information due to:
  45. The _____ theory is an early cognitive view that challenged many assumptions of behaviorism.
  46. regulate the flow of information throughout the information processing system.
  47. Which of the following is NOT a learning outcome in Gagne’s theory:
  48. Little overlap between situations is characteristic of which type of transfer?
  49. Learning occurs when information is stored in:
  50. Which of the following is NOT a major component of information processing theory?
  51. is a form of socially meditated learning
  52. IDEAL stands for:
  53. A psychological and philosophical perspective contending that individuals form or construct much of what they learn or understand is known as:
  54. Knowledge that is derived from previously acquired knowledge and not directly from environmental interactions is what perspective of Constructivism?
  55. Which one of the following men’s research influences Constructivism greatly?
  56. Which of the following is NOT a problem‐solving strategy?
  57. In Bruner’s theory of Cognitive Growth, which of the following is NOT a mode?
  58. Moving from specific examples to formulating general rules is known as:
  59. The changing of internal structures to provide consistency with the external reality is known as:
  60. The key concept in Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory is:
  61. Which of the following is not an step in the insight model?
  62. Which of the following is NOT a perspective of Constructivism?
  63. Determining the source of support for conclusions about a problem is:
  64. Which of the following is NOT a suggested way to train students in problem‐solving skills?
  65. Which of the following would be an example of declarative knowledge?
  66. Math algorisms, goals, and reading strategies are all examples of which type of knowledge?
  67. Representations of real or imaginary situations that cannot be brought into the learning setting are known as:
  68. Which of the following terms refers to the deliberate conscious control of cognitive activity?
  69. Teaching that is based on thoughtful decision making that takes into account knowledge about the students, the context, learning and motivation and knowledge about oneself is known as:
  70. According to Piaget, cognitive development depends on four factors: biological maturation, experience with the physical environment, and experience with the social environment and:
  71. Using criteria to judge adequacy of a problem is:
  72. Learning through electronically delivered means is known as:
  73. A relationship between features that must be present is referred to as:
  74. Which of the following is NOT a step in the novice‐to‐expert methodology?
  75. The following are all principles of constructivist learning environments EXCEPT:
  76. The changes over time that follow an orderly pattern and enhance survival is known as:
  77. The desire to engage in an activity for no obvious reward except task engagement is known as:
  78. Establishing discriminative stimuli that set the occasion for self‐regulatory responses leading to reinforcement is known as:
  79. Self‐regulation instruction is most effective when it is linked to:
  80. Cognitive manifestations of enduring goals, aspirations, motives, fears, and threats is known as:
  81. Processes that learners use to systematically focus their thoughts, feelings, and actions on the attainment of their goals is known as:
  82. Which of the following is NOT a monitoring process?
  83. Motivation is intimately linked with:
  84. Which of the following is NOT a type of learning used in the organization method?
  85. Who was known for his client‐centered therapy approach to counseling?
  86. What kind of methods create a favorable psychological environment for learning?
  87. The process by which individuals reinforce themselves contingent on their performing a desired response is known as:
  88. All models of motivated learning assume that motivation operates at all of the following times EXCEPT:
  89. The process of instigating and sustaining goal‐directed behavior is known as:
  90. All of the following are effects of learning goals on motivation EXCEPT:
  91. A relatively new conception of human motivation is:
  92. Offering rewards for task engagement decreases which type of motivation:
  93. SQ3R stands for:
  94. attempt to enhance motivation by altering students’ attributions for successes and failures.
  95. The deliberate attention to some aspect of one’s behavior is known as:
  96. All of the following are steps in constructing and implementing a learning strategy EXCEPT:
  97. All of the following are elements of self‐judgment EXCEPT:
  98. The highest level of need, according to Maslow, is:
  99. The generalized expectancy concerning whether responses influence the attainment of outcomes such as successes and rewards is known as:
  100. The psychological state involving a disturbance in motivation, cognitive processes, and emotions due to previously experienced uncontrollability is known as:
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