EDUC 200 Quiz 4

EDUC 200 Quiz 4 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. DuPree, a teacher at Belleville High School, volunteers as the drama coach. The school musical selected this year, Little Shop of Horrors, has generated widespread student involvement; however, because of the tight school budget, Ms.DuPreehas not been able to get the necessary costumes or props for the show. Which of the following would be the most likely and able candidate to provide her with what she needs for the school play?
  2. Any successful reform of education will require
  3. Which governing body deals mainly with personnel performance?
  4. Ryan and Cooper contend that the “Tools for Learning,” a set of academic learning skills, ought to be a major component of school reform because these skills
  5. Susan Breiner has just completed interviewing two prospective faculty members, has sent in a large teaching supply order, has proofread the new school discipline policy written by a team of teachers, and has reviewed the school budget for the next academic year. Based upon those activities, what is Susan?
  6. Pfluger is interviewing for a teaching position in the Florham Park school system. According to school management and organization, which of the following is the formal hiring authority?
  7. Authentic assessment grew out of a concern that
  8. Portfolio assessment allows the teacher to determine a student’s progress toward certain learning goals or standards. Still, concerns about authentic assessment remain, in particular
  9. The agency that administers and distributes state and federal funds, certifies or licenses teachers, and accredits professional training programs is the
  10. Mildred teaches a fifth-grade class in which she applies a constructivist approach to learning. What would Ms. Mildred’s classroom probably look like?
  11. In a constructivist approach to learning, learners
  12. If a school’s budget falls short to repair the after-school orchestra’s instruments, who should the principal approach to help raise the needed funds?
  13. Who influences American Public Education?
  14. Many believe that the movement for statewide standards testing has resulted in all of the following except
  15. The “call to excellence” movement places high expectations on both students and teachers. The focus of this movement is to
  16. What is the foundational reason for which school choice is advocated considering the phrase “parents as educational consumers?”
  17. Which of the following most aptly characterizes the historical stance that business has had toward public education?
  18. The typical holder of this position is white, male, and college-educated, and has a managerial or professional job unrelated to the position. The position is
  19. Bill Hickey is an employee of the Middleburg school district, and John Morgan is associated with that district as well. At meetings, Bill frequently has to push to get new school programs approved or to hire particular personnel, whereas John frequently derails Bill’s proposals, looking to cut costs or to recommend his own candidate for employment. Which of the following most likely describes their positions?
  20. Although much debate revolves around whether schools should teach values—and if so, which values—character educators maintain that students
  21. Sylvan Learning Center is an example of which of the following?
  22. The state of Illinois wants to establish a policy regarding its public education in the twenty-first century. Illinois wants to create a broad-based policy outlining its priorities and establishing its goals for the state’s students. Which agency would issue this policy?
  23. Smaller schools are often a recommended component of school reform because they
  24. Overseeing the administration of teacher licensure requirements, organizing programs of study, supervising elementary and secondary education program assessment, and applying school finance laws are all tasks of
  25. Joining the discussion for educational reform with former President Obama was Steve Jobs of Apple, Inc. His suggestion for reform included which idea?

Set 2

  1. Which of the following people is most representative of the typical school board member?
  2. A benefit of home education cited by parents that make this choice is
  3. Pfluger is interviewing for a teaching position in the Florham Park school system. According to school management and organization, which of the following is the formal hiring authority?
  4. Which of these bodies makes law and is considered the most influential in setting up educational policy?
  5. Which governing body deals mainly with personnel performance?
  6. Susan Breiner has just completed interviewing two prospective faculty members, has sent in a large teaching supply order, has proofread the new school discipline policy written by a team of teachers, and has reviewed the school budget for the next academic year. Based upon those activities, what is Susan?
  7. Joshua is a high school history teacher who believes that his role as teacher extends to teaching his ninth-grade students certain core values, such as honesty, justice, kindness, and respect. Which of the following would most likely be found in Joshua’s classroom?
  8. During recent presidential elections, hundreds of thousands of educators have been mobilized to support a particular party platform and the candidate endorsed by that party. Which organization has been instrumental in influencing the educators to support a particular candidate?
  9. Reformers criticize large schools and fault them with being partly responsible for the decline in academic achievement because they
  10. The state of Illinois wants to establish a policy regarding its public education in the twenty-first century. Illinois wants to create a broad-based policy outlining its priorities and establishing its goals for the state’s students. Which agency would issue this policy?
  11. The “call to excellence” movement places high expectations on both students and teachers. The focus of this movement is to
  12. Who influences American Public Education?
  13. What effect did the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution have upon public education?
  14. Joining the discussion for educational reform with former President Obama was Steve Jobs of Apple, Inc. His suggestion for reform included which idea?
  15. Brian Bomberger spends part of his work time interviewing and promoting personnel. He ensures that there are adequate funds to run school facilities through his planning and administration of the budget, and he also is responsible for administering curriculum and instruction. What is Brian’s occupation?
  16. Although much debate revolves around whether schools should teach values—and if so, which values—character educators maintain that students
  17. Parents that want to influence their child’s education should:
  18. Which of the following is not listed as a key element of true school reform as defined by Ryan and Cooper?
  19. Any successful reform of education will require
  20. Which of the following most aptly characterizes the historical stance that business has had toward public education?
  21. If a school’s budget falls short to repair the after-school orchestra’s instruments, who should the principal approach to help raise the needed funds?
  22. Jones is finding her morals challenged by the newly implemented curriculum. She wants to recommend the curriculum be reviewed. Who should she approach?
  23. The agency that administers and distributes state and federal funds, certifies or licenses teachers, and accredits professional training programs is the
  24. Sylvan Learning Center is an example of which of the following?
  25. Many believe that the movement for statewide standards testing has resulted in all of the following except
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  1. EDUC 200 Quiz 4 2020
  2. EDUC 200 Quiz 4 Set 2