DBPC 610 Exam 3

  1. What does Dobson believe is the ultimate goal of Christian parents? [Bringing Up Boys]
  2. When does testosterone show in embryos? [Bringing Up Boys]
  3. Which part of the brain is responsible for regulating aggression? [Bringing Up Boys]
  4. At what age can babies distinguish between their mother’s and father’s voice? [Bringing Up Boys]
  5. What are the two primary ways fathers influence their boys? [Bringing Up Boys]
  6. Large amounts of which stress hormone can potentially damage the brain? [Bringing Up Boys]
  7. Since 1960, how much has cohabitation increased? [Bringing Up Boys]
  8. The between people set(s) the tone for everything that is to [Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift]
  9. Which of the following is NOT true concerning harsh words? [Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift]
  10. “Rules without relationship leads to .” [Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift]
  11. In light of Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it,” children of wise and dedicated Christian parents
  12. Boys are likely to cry and                      likely to be picked up and attended to by their mothers. [The Unique Challenges of Raising Boys (video)]
  13. Which of the following is NOT true in comparing males and females? [The Unique Challenges of Raising Boys (video)]
  14. The male brain is more emotionally than the female brain. [The Unique Challenges of Raising Boys (video)]
  15.                             are a significant part of what it means to be made in the image of God. [The Unique Challenges of Raising Boys (video)]
  16. Sin God’s image in [The Unique Challenges of Raising Boys (video)]
  17. Healthy emotions contribute to . [The Unique Challenges of Raising Boys (video)]
  18. Sometimes, when boys show the same emotions as girls do, they are viewed as
  19. When someone gets emotional about something, it allows others to see what is
  20. Anger is usually . [The Unique Challenges of Raising Boys (video)]
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  1. DBPC 610 Exam 3
  • DBPC 610 Exam 3 Liberty University