CSTU 220 Quiz Migration

CSTU 220 Quiz: Migration

  1. Approximately how many African Americans fled the South for the North and the West between 1915 and 1930?
  2. Approximately how many African Americans received commissions in the U.S. Army during the First World War?
  3. During World War I, who served as a special assistant to the secretary of war, advising on matters related to African Americans?
  4. A crucial difference between Marcus Garvey’s UNIA and both the NAACP and the socialist movement was that the UNIA
  5. Describe the economic and cultural impacts of the Great Migration and the First World War on African-American communities. What new opportunities opened to black Americans during this time, and which ones remained closed to them?
  6. Which black leader called for a Pan-African Congress to meet in Paris in 1919 and draw attention to the plight of African peoples?
  7. The ubiquity of race riots led the summer of which year to be known as the “Red Summer”?
  8. The failure of which crop contributed greatly to Afro-Caribbean migration into the United States in the early twentieth century?
  9. Approximately how many African Americans fled the South for the North and the West between 1915 and 1930?
  10. Briefly describe (in 2-3 sentences) the ways in which African American churches in the North shaped the Great Migration.
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